Ohosh's Trade Post O's TP
Ohosh's Trade Post O's TP
3 January, 2015
Estecka 8 Jun, 2015 @ 5:17am 
There are some strange card slots that appeared under my badge tab for a set called "mysterious". It doesn't seem to belong to any game, the badge bears no name, and the cards are just called "mystery 1" to "mystery 10".
I assume this is some kind of steam event, does anyone have this slot too ?
<<SEN>> Ohosh 23 Feb, 2015 @ 12:57pm 
Sure, I will trade just about anything...
User1 21 Feb, 2015 @ 5:02pm 
hey are you interested in Lyne or Serious Sam HD?
<<SEN>> Ohosh 19 Feb, 2015 @ 8:12am 
Or check the Gun Monkey's forum occasionally. There are usually at least a couple of people giving away the free keys there, though they get snatched up pretty quickly.
<<SEN>> Ohosh 19 Feb, 2015 @ 6:26am 
The dev is giving out free keys if you can't find a server within several minutes. Several have passed through my hands. I will let you know the next one I have.
Wizard McMagic 19 Feb, 2015 @ 12:03am 
Do divulge on this Gun Monkeys subject. If it's easy to get for free, I'd love to add it to my collection.
<<SEN>> Ohosh 18 Feb, 2015 @ 8:30am 
I see your coupon is for Gun Monkeys. It is easy to get a free copy of this game, so that coupon is virtually worthless... I would donate it to a coupon site if you don't want to look at it anymore.
<<SEN>> Ohosh 18 Feb, 2015 @ 8:29am 
Coupons are not really worth much in trading unless they are 90% off for a very popular or expensive game. There are hundreds of places to pawn off the unwanted coupons in your inventory including Coupon Dumpster, Trashbot, Coupon Recycler, etc, etc, etc.
unclekrusty 16 Feb, 2015 @ 5:18pm 
Do you accept coupons at all?
Secret Foxfire 12 Feb, 2015 @ 11:31am 
Okay. Thanks for the info!
<<SEN>> Ohosh 12 Feb, 2015 @ 9:18am 
Aira, it is a Steam glitch... Maybe if enough people contact Steam Support regarding the issue they will fix the bug. My guess is do not hold your breath... It will remedy when you recieve another trade offer. It happens to me all the time.
<<SEN>> Ohosh 12 Feb, 2015 @ 9:17am 
Thank you Irongroin Butterfist
Secret Foxfire 12 Feb, 2015 @ 2:14am 
Hey traders, I just had to move to a new country and I was too busy to worry about Steam trading for a while. Now I'm back on and I have an alert that I have 3 "new trades", but when I go to my trades page, it says they're expired or the items are no longer available for trade. That's fine, but I can't get rid of that green 3 in the top right of my Steam browser. Is there any way to clear these things from my trades page, or at least get rid of the alert? It's driving me crazy. Thanks!!
Degen_AI 9 Feb, 2015 @ 1:54pm 
Thanks for the trade and the invite Ohosh
<<SEN>> Ohosh 2 Feb, 2015 @ 2:40pm 
I have noticed a few games like this... Free to play little casual games, no card drops available, but shows badges with cards and booster pack crafting...
Wizard McMagic 1 Feb, 2015 @ 11:06pm 
Something I found out that I thought I should share, just because it's an oddity. There's a free game on Steam called "Heroine's Quest: The Herald of Ragnarok". It's a point n' click puzzle adventure game styled gameplay-wise and graphically after old Sierra games such as King's Quest and Space Quest.

It happens to have trading cards and badges, but since it's a free game you can't get the drops just by playing/idling. There aren't any in-game transactions either, it's completely free, so you couldn't get card drops from purchasing in-game stuff. This made the entire set impossible to collect.

What I've recently learned, however, is that if you install the game you can craft gems into booster packs for it, so there's finally a way to get those badges.

Strange eh? The only game on Steam where the only way to get cards from it is to craft booster packs, and the badges were impossible to obtain for a while.
Wizard McMagic 25 Jan, 2015 @ 8:10pm 
Thanks dude, just happy to share my observations and cheap/free findings!
<<SEN>> Ohosh 25 Jan, 2015 @ 6:30pm 
Also, I am planning a card giveaway when I reach 1000 trades!
<<SEN>> Ohosh 25 Jan, 2015 @ 6:28pm 
Even though we don't play games here, Wizard McMagic gets Player of the Week for his contributions. Thanks Wizard!!!
<<SEN>> Ohosh 22 Jan, 2015 @ 8:48pm 
Ha Ha its not spam, just good info that should be grouped together in one spot.
Wizard McMagic 22 Jan, 2015 @ 3:33pm 
Yo, no problem man. Will do sometime soon so I stop with the spam. Keep us updated on the Raffle stuff!
<<SEN>> Ohosh 22 Jan, 2015 @ 11:52am 
Wizard if you do not mind, start a discussion on this... (Copy and paste your posts from general discussions into it, and then delete them from here after.) BTW, been looking at the links you sent on TF2 Raffle sites. Thanks, and thanks!
Wizard McMagic 22 Jan, 2015 @ 10:12am 
For those who prefer not to lose out on their McDonalds salary, IndieGala is currently giving away RADical ROACH for free.

The game has a 15 card set, each card of which seems to be currently valued at $0.05-$0.06.

The site currently seems glitched however, and the box to enter your email sits behind the sale-box for Marvelous Miss Take. I had to delete most of the website via the inspect element to actually type in the box. I'm sure it'll be fixed in time however.

On a side note, considering how often it would seem I'm announcing these free/cheap games, I think I'll be making a thread on it for those who are interested to follow, rather than spam up the comments down here.
Wizard McMagic 21 Jan, 2015 @ 10:41am 
On a similar note as before, at the time of this writing, IndieGala is selling Circuits for a mere $0.74 for another 9 days and 22 hours.

Circuits has a 5 card set, each card of which seems to be currently valued at $0.12-$0.14.

So as kind of a recap, for slightly less than a dollar and a half, there're these two games that'll lend themselves to cards and BPE. Sounds good to me.

Circuits also looks kinda relaxing and enjoyable to play, unlike other games being used as card-fodder, though not having played it extensively I couldn't give an informed opinion of it.
Wizard McMagic 20 Jan, 2015 @ 7:26pm 
As of the time of this writing, IndieGala is selling Spoiler Alert for a mere $0.74 for another 5 days, 13 and a half hours.

Spoiler Alert has a 6 card set, each card of which seems to be currently valued at $0.09-$0.11
Of course, this'll also mean Booster Pack Eligibility.

While you can't make (Immediate) profit off of this, (unless you get lucky and get, like, two foil drops initinally), I would still call it out as a good investment if anyone is interested.
Wizard McMagic 19 Jan, 2015 @ 2:27am 
And a game.

But who cares? Traaaaaddiinnngg cccaaaaarrrddsss!

Incidently, I have two extra SHK:R cards if you happen to be interested in them. Specifically BigDude and Killer.
Nugget 18 Jan, 2015 @ 5:27pm 
Thanks Wizard! Free cards for everyone, great job!
Wizard McMagic 16 Jan, 2015 @ 7:40pm

Here you can put in your email address, where it will send you a email with a link to a Steam key to activate the game.
<<SEN>> Ohosh 16 Jan, 2015 @ 6:12pm 
Tell us more, or post the links please...
Wizard McMagic 16 Jan, 2015 @ 12:54pm 
Thanks, I'll try re-evaluating the formula. Perhaps upping the number of gems (Multiply 3 or 4 times), seeing as cards aren't worth the gems you craft them into.

Side note, you can get Super Hornet Killer: Ressurection on Indiegala for free at the moment. It has its own trading cards (You'll get five), and it will make you eligible for booster packs from that game. Currently idling for the rest of my drops.

Oh, and the game's pretty decent as well. :P
<<SEN>> Ohosh 13 Jan, 2015 @ 11:05am 
If you like the trade you got, feel free to +rep my profile, thanks!
<<SEN>> Ohosh 11 Jan, 2015 @ 7:14am 
McMagic- I glad you are developing a formula for trading card value. You will see there are other things that go into it than what you are using, but where you started is a good idea of value.
<<SEN>> Ohosh 9 Jan, 2015 @ 8:58pm 
Good Trade, Thanks!
Wizard McMagic 9 Jan, 2015 @ 8:51pm 
Thanks for the trade, makin' my way towards the level five Orion badge. Might make a similar offer sometime soon.
<<SEN>> Ohosh 9 Jan, 2015 @ 11:58am 
hola, bienvenido! yo hablo un poquito del espanol puedo tentar hablar para usted
Manurro 9 Jan, 2015 @ 11:47am 
hello !! i am spanish but i'll try to get involved a little
<<SEN>> Ohosh 8 Jan, 2015 @ 8:15pm 
Hello new members! Please read the announcements to make life 10 times easier when it comes to steam trading. If you have any questions, post them to the relevant topic. If you question does not fall into one of the topics, post it here and I will create one. Not only am I here to give you great trade deals, but I can show you the ropes and explain the culture of steam trading.
<<SEN>> Ohosh 8 Jan, 2015 @ 9:55am 
Thank You kordereaktor!
kodereaktor 8 Jan, 2015 @ 9:09am 
Thanks, Ohosh. :)
<<SEN>> Ohosh 7 Jan, 2015 @ 6:32pm 
Nukleon , I would love to trade with you, but your settings were on private, I could not negotiate. Please read the announcement on Trading and Inventory Privacy Settings.
ScottyNoarf COP🎲PIRX 7 Jan, 2015 @ 3:00pm 
whos that cute doggy ? fine lookin animule! :coddog::coddog:
<<SEN>> Ohosh 7 Jan, 2015 @ 11:45am 
Tell your friends stop selling cards, then buying the ones they need, and losing money! Tell them stop searching the forums for hours through pages of 1:2 spam for one card, or waiting days and days for a response to their trade post! Send them here, and after trade I can invite them! (Tell them to mention your name!!!)
<<SEN>> Ohosh 7 Jan, 2015 @ 7:56am 
Thank you Wizard! I am too!
Wizard McMagic 6 Jan, 2015 @ 8:26pm 
Thanks for the trade dude, lookin' forward to future buisness!
ScottyNoarf COP🎲PIRX 6 Jan, 2015 @ 8:19pm 
i want a 750 mil of bacardi,,,,,,,:PixelFruit:
<<SEN>> Ohosh 6 Jan, 2015 @ 10:07am 
If I invited you here, you have traded with me recently. I would have sent invites as trades were made, but the site and my inventory were under construction. Thanks! Happy Gaming!