For a Troll-Free Garry's Mod NoTrolls
For a Troll-Free Garry's Mod NoTrolls
10 June, 2010
ABOUT For a Troll-Free Garry's Mod

It's time for some changes. Better late than never.

We will not TOLERATE trolls. The Troll-Madness influences the whole community. A lot of people out there really have potential in making addons, BUT, they will never release something! Why? It's because a bunch of trolls told them they suck at making stuff. Anyway, we've never seen a troll that's ever made a file for Garry's Mod so far, so it's totally unfair when they judge others. They will ruin the community; we won't let that happen!

What are Trolls?

Trolls are internet users that send imflammitory comments to people, also they are the people who REPLY with such insults. Trolls are usually pedantic; they may criticize your language as well as your work. Don't be a victim of their labour; they only want to give people a bad reputation as well as themselves. Follow the rules above and you will remain unharmed.

If you have any problems with a troll you can send one of the officers a Steam Chat request, comment, etc.

Rules if you meet a troll:

1. Never answer/reply to a troll.
That's just what they want.

2. Keep it cool.
What he/she wrote is totally unintresting.
He probably has fun from cursing at others.
We ruin his fun if we follow Rule 1; don't answer him. He will get bored soon.

3. Don't be a troll yourself. Don't get on his nerves by cursing back. That will just make the troll gain more of an infamous profile (which is what he wants).

4. If you want answer/reply to him/her really badly you can answer him this:

Got another one!
Steam Group: For a Troll-Free Garry's Mod

5. Don't let him ruin you fun.
You addon is somthing you uploaded. Something you made yourself. That's all that counts.

6. If you want to upload something, do it!
Just because there are a lot of trolls out there that take every upload for granted, you should not stop working on your uploads. You get better with everything you do. So do something! Also, because they hate uploads, they'll stop annoying you, so the exactly right thing you have to do is upload something.

7. When you upload something:
If you are really proud of what you made, by all means upload it, but think about it first; maybe you should fix some minor problems before uploading it, or make a version 2 of it. Uploading a lot of fixes for it might look very stupid. Still, you have the right to upload something. Don't let any troll tell you something else.

If you want you can support us by using the [TFGM] tag in your name or servername.

Thanks for reading and have FUN!
Anyone want an event?
Otis is no longer causing problems
rolex wearin' 30 Jul, 2013 @ 12:14am 
This guy named Deer God trolled me so hard on GMod I had to seek out the help of a phycoligist. I hope this group can really bring it to Garry's attention that the trolling has gotton out of had and these guys need to be treated on the same level as hackers and get GAC banned.
Era Viera 3 Apr, 2013 @ 11:27am 
The tile says free garry's mod and i really want it so could whoever said that get it 4 me plz? =3 that would make me happier than freeman with a crowbar gun
RED 28 Dec, 2012 @ 1:36pm 
OMG this 1 time he joined the server i waz playin in and he writed in chat ""lynch ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ u ♥♥♥♥♥"" and then he hacked teh server and banned ever1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i tried to reason with the ""garrys mode terrorist"" as i hav dubbed him but he wud not listen!!!!! how to we get through the thick skulls of these awful game ruineders!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Dangus 28 Dec, 2012 @ 1:32pm 
Ya codemaster is notorious for being a homosexual changer if your straight, that's not funny messing with peoples sexuality.

Then he goes police and jails everyone for no reason and never replys in microphone wow he makes me so mad the other day he said that the new Lord of the Rings 4 movie was bad
RED 28 Dec, 2012 @ 1:29pm 
OMG thakn godness this groupp egsists or elts the garrys mode game would be ruin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just yersterday there was some1 in a gaem called ""codemaster"" and he caled me a ""homofaggot"" and tehn delete all miune props in the garrys mode serious roleplaying server!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WEE NEED TO STOP THESE TROLLLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dangus 28 Dec, 2012 @ 1:26pm 
Out with trolls in with elves hehe jk! Don't listen to the girl below me she thinks she is a great troll remember the instructions; Number two keep it cool don't be a fool learn the rules and you'l win the duel.
Enter chat room
10 June, 2010