Matt Brote Training Day
Matt Brote Training Day
2 August, 2014
ABOUT Matt Brote

Goodbye Friend.

This page is to immortalize the memory of a 9 year HardCore Steam Gamer Matt Brote (aka' Training Day, Karma and Envy) who we tragically lost on August 1, 2014.

Matt was a member of the TeamSteveMcGill [TsM] Gaming Community since the summer of 2006 and spent endless hours in the 007 Goldeneye, ZombieMod and GunGame CS:S servers.

Many of us got to know him quite well over the last decade. He was a highly energetic fun gamer who remains one of the most memoriable players and popular admins on the 007 Goldeneye CS:S Server.

Matt loved to play Left 4 Dead, Marvel Heroes, RTS's and many other games. He was highly social and always had something to say or a story to tell.

To those who got to know Matt over the years this is a place to pay tribute to him via comments.


Matts Steam Profile
Matts Facebook[]
[TsM] Gaming (New Site Under Developement)[]
TsM|Beans 15 Feb, 2015 @ 9:19am 
i miss you matt... i miss the times we shared in vent i miss the laughs we shared on the phone the late night trading of recipies the one pot meals the raging (and bragging) over the women in our lives the great talks about our latest anime we found and the classics that we could discuss it was my birthday a few days ago and when i stood up to get my one year key tag representing my one year clean i wrote your name on it to always remind me that the next day is not a given its a gift

youll always be in my heart and thoughts my friend be at peace and until we meet again
Resilient [TsM] 5 Aug, 2014 @ 10:25pm 
Matt was the last guy you would ever hear somone accusing of camping. He was the epitome and the very definition of a run 'n gun fps player. I loved how aggressive and intense he played UT, CS:S, L4D and all shooters. He never took the game as seriously as some but he certainly kicked some ass at it and had fun playing. He wasn't the kind of guy you played passively with in a strategic/tactical scrim.... He was the kind of guy you ran with at a mob of 150 hungry brain eating zombies, he played games like he had a pair of balls.
JohnB 4 Aug, 2014 @ 7:01pm 
It was a really long time ago so I cant remember it clearly, but he pretty much made me apply to become a member of TsM. I had been playing the 007 server for a long time, a lot of members didnt like me because they thought that I was either hacking or playing too seriously. One night I had killed Matt 1 too many time, so he was kinda pissed and asked me why I was always on the server but not hanging out in ventrilo and joining the clan. I started considering it at that very moment.

He's pretty much the guy who made me want to hang out in ventrilo because he was always so vocal about everything, didn't matter if he was angry or happy, insulting people or telling funny stories, he just had a very strong presence and I found it really entertaining. Being french and too shy to talk in english on ventrilo, I started going in the ventrilo channel, staying quiet, and just enjoying all the random talks. Thx Matt, you took your place in life and in our memories where you'll stay forever!
Ghost Hardware 4 Aug, 2014 @ 5:59pm 
Heres a video matt would have loved
Dewby 3 Aug, 2014 @ 10:10am 
Rest in peace... :csgoct:
]λτ™[ Graf v. Schnapsberg 2 Aug, 2014 @ 11:23pm 
Matt was a damned good man who single-handedly got me through both Left 4 Deads. Even though we hadn't talked in a while, I was always hoping that if a third one ever got released we'd get back together and he'd rambo his way through while I followed behind - with appropriate banter on Vent. There was always banter on Vent when Matt was around. No matter the situation or his mood, he always made you laugh, cry, and want to have a beer with him. Of all the people I've met online in my days, he was one of the few I truly would have been delighted to meet IRL. Rest In Peace, Matt; you will be missed dearly.
Enter chat room
2 August, 2014