[L4D2] Insanity Coop Server xJulietx
[L4D2] Insanity Coop Server xJulietx
5 October, 2021
United Kingdom (Great Britain) 
ABOUT [L4D2] Insanity Coop Server

Server Stuff

Server is usually online if one of the Admins are playing L4D2

Server may appear full at 8 players, but it is a 12 player server. You can ask an admin for help, considering they are the ones usually hosting these servers.

1.) Players may or may not find it enjoyable (This is a bs server. We know).
2.) Special Infected and tanks are very difficult.
3.) Hordes are huge in numbers.
4.) The server has no consistency on being opened until an admin plays L4D2.
5.) I do not know if this server will appear in the Steam Group Server either if players want to join.
6.) Please message an admin if you have anything you would like to ask.
7.) Friendly fire damage is returned back to the attacker. :x No team killing.
8.) Admins have no friendly fire damage to protecc you.

You can comment on the group to notify an admin if you wish to play on the server. Unfortunately, admins may not be online at the time. The server is usually opened whenever an admin is playing.

Some other stuff you need to know about this server >:c

1.) Team killing is prohibited.

2.) Friendly fire damage is significantly reduced on some weapons.

3.) Avoid getting hit by tank rocks.

4.) Grenade launchers do a lot of damage to the tank.

5.) Blunt weapons can stun a tank (Except shovel), it is recommended to stay far away from the tank as some tanks can INSTANTLY KILL YOU. D: Even admins with God Mode who had tested this were also slain by the one shotting tanks. Please refer to the discussion to check which tanks can instantly slaughter you if you get too close. :x

6.) You can self help with crouch button or CTRL when pinned down by Special Infected or incapped. However, this will cost you a pill slot first before a medkit.

6.1) Self-helping yourself twice with pill slot will turn you into BW status or Black and White. Remember to heal or use a medkit on the 2nd incap to reset the incap back to 0.

7.) Adrenaline has a huge speed boost. Please do not mistake it for speed hacking. >:c The special infected are more faster than you even if you use an Adrenaline so there is no point in running.

8.) You can have two primary, two grenades, two medkits and two pills in this server. Press 1 twice when you have a primary weapon to have an empty primary weapon slot so that you can pick up another primary. To switch between primaries, press 1 twice again. It is the same for the item slots.

9.) Type !csm in chat to change your character, leave and reconnect to the server to join the game or type !join if you are in spectator mode. However, should there be no admins, you can buy defib or wait.

10.) Type !buy in chat to access the shop menu and buy stuff.
Modified Weapons and Shop Cost
This is outdated, but the weapons almost have similar value and most likely won't change its damage. Every weapons are useful on this server, including Tier 1s excluding the pistols.

Server's Weapons
- Magazine Capacity: 15
- Damage: 100
- Cost: 5

- Magazine Capacity: 8
- Damage: 250
- Cost: 20

Tier 1 Weapons
Pump Shotgun
- Magazine Capacity: 8
- Ammo Capacity: 160
- Damage 120
- Cost: 10

Chrome Shotgun
- Magazine Capacity: 8
- Ammo Capacity: 160
- Damage: 125
- Cost: 10

Silenced SMG
- Magazine Capacity: 50
- Ammo Capacity: 850
- Damage: 80
- Cost: 10

- Magazine Capacity: 50
- Ammo Capacity: 850
- Damage: 70
- Cost: 10

Tier 2 Weapons
Auto Shotgun
- Magazine Capacity: 8
- Ammo Capacity: 160
- Damage: 105
- Cost: 30

Combat Shotgun (Spas)
- Magazine Capacity: 8
- Ammo Capacity: 160
- Damage: 115
- Cost: 30

M16 Assault Rifle
- Magazine Capacity: 30
- Ammo Capacity: 600
- Damage: 145
- Cost: 30

Desert Rifle (Scar)
- Magazine Capacity: 30
- Ammo Capacity: 600
- Damage: 180
- Cost: 30

AK-47 Assault Rifle
- Magazine Capacity: 30
- Ammo Capacity: 600
- Damage: 170
- Cost: 30

Hunting Rifle
- Magazine Capacity: 15
- Ammo Capacity: 300
- Damage: 300
- Rate of fire is very fast compared to the Military Sniper.
- Cost: 30

Military Sniper
- Magazine Capacity: 20
- Ammo Capacity: 300
- Damage: 350
- Cost: 30

Tier 3 Weapons
Grenade Launcher
- Magazine Capacity: 6
- Ammo Capacity: 60
- Damage: Only useful against Tanks and hordes.
- Cannot be refilled.
- Cost: 150

- Magazine Capacity: 150
- Ammo Capacity: 600
- Damage: 160
- No longer one shots the infected due to being refillable.
- Cost: 150

Counter Strike: Source Weapons
- Officially a Tier 3 Weapon in this Server due to being absolutely useless in regular servers.
- These weapons are now considered as "Special Forces" weapons, lulz. Jk.

- Magazine Capacity: 50
- Ammo Capacity: 850
- Damage: 90
- 175% reload speed
- Cost: 35

SG552 Assault Rifle
- Magazine Capacity: 30
- Ammo Capacity: 600
- Damage: 155
- 175% reload speed
- Cost: 65

- Magazine Capacity: 10
- Ammo Capacity: 300
- Damage: 500
- 150% reload speed
- 115% fire rate
- Cost: 100

- Magazine Capacity: 10
- Ammo Capacity: 300
- Damage: 1500
- 175% reload speed
- 135% fire rate
- Cost: 125

Plugins and Server Name
Insanity Server [8 Player Coop]

The average kill per campaign
:DSTskull:Common Infected: More than thousands.
:DSTskull:Special Infected: More than a hundred.
:DSTskull:Witch: More than 3.
:DSTskull:Tanks: More than 3.

Here's an example, heh:

This server is not for nibs (Newbies or noobs if you want to call them, which I do not like to call anyone that =w=) players. This server was formerly extremely hard without the Shop System plugin. However, it still remains as an extremely hard server regardless.

Veteran players of L4D2 will not find this server easy (Unless the Veteran player has experienced the same level of difficulty in other servers).

Server Plugins
[SM] Listing 82 plugins:
:bh2carrot: 01 "Admin File Reader" ( by AlliedModders LLC
:bh2carrot: 02 "Admin Help" ( by AlliedModders LLC
:bh2carrot: 03 "Admin Menu" ( by AlliedModders LLC
:bh2carrot: 04"Advertisements" (2.1.1) by Tsunami
:bh2carrot: 05 "Anti-Flood" ( by AlliedModders LLC
:bh2carrot: 06 "Basic Ban Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
:bh2carrot: 07 "Basic Chat" ( by AlliedModders LLC
:bh2carrot: 08 "Basic Comm Control" ( by AlliedModders LLC
:bh2carrot: 09 "Basic Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
:bh2carrot: 10 "Basic Info Triggers" ( by AlliedModders LLC
:bh2carrot: 11 "Basic Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC
:bh2carrot: 12 "[L4D2] Remove Dead Body Entity" (1.1) by Harry Potter
:bh2carrot: 13 "Client Preferences" ( by AlliedModders LLC
:bh2carrot: 14 "[L4D2]Defib_Fix" (2.0.1) by Lux
:bh2carrot: 15 "[L4D2] Finale Finish Godmode" (1.0.0) by Shadowysn
:bh2carrot: 16 "Fun Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
:bh2carrot: 17 "Fun Commands X" (2.5) by Spazman0 and Arg!
:bh2carrot: 18 "Fun Votes" ( by AlliedModders LLC
:bh2carrot: 19 "[Any] Deluxe Godmode" (3.2) by DarthNinja
:bh2carrot: 20 "Left 4 Dead Infected Spawner" (1.0) by Fexii
:bh2carrot: 21 "[L4D 1&2] NeedToHave" (1.4.1) by Danny
:bh2carrot: 22 "L4D2 Block Healing" (1.1.4) by Buster, Mr. Zero, Nielsen (modified version: dr_lex)
:bh2carrot: 23 "[L4D2] aura" (3.0.0) by King
:bh2carrot: 24 "[L4D2]Character_manager" (1.4.1) by Lux, $atanic $pirit
:bh2carrot: 25 "[L4D2] CreateSurvivorBot Test" ( by MicroLeo (port by Dragokas)
:bh2carrot: 26 "L4D2 Detonation Force" (1.6) by OIRV
:bh2carrot: 27 "[L4D2] Explosive Cars" (1.6) by honorcode23,Fixed: kochiurun119, HarryPotter
:bh2carrot: 28 "[L4D2] Fireworks Party" (1.10) by SilverShot
:bh2carrot: 29 "L4D2 Gun Control" (2.0) by MasterMind420, AtomicStryker
:bh2carrot: 30 "[L4D2] Improved Prevent M60 Drop" (1.7) by MasterMind420, Ludastar, DeathChaos25
:bh2carrot: 31 "[L4D2] Incapped Crawling with Animation" (2.8) by SilverShot, mod by Lux
:bh2carrot: 32 "Incapped Magnum" (1.4) by Oshroth
:bh2carrot: 33 "L4D2 Keep Lasers" (1.3) by dcx2 (assist: Mr. Zero) - 2020 by SilverShot
:bh2carrot: 34 "[L4D2] Laser Box Spawner" (1.4) by SilverShot
:bh2carrot: 35 "Movable Machine Gun" (1.0.3) by hihi1210
:bh2carrot: 36 "[L4D2] Nerf Damage To Commons" (1.0.8) by Mart
:bh2carrot: 37 "[L4D2] Points and Gift System" (v2.8) by v2.0+ Updated by pan0s. Original author: Drakcol - Fixed by AXIS_ASAKI
:bh2carrot: 38 "[L4D2] Special Infected Stumble - Grenade Launcher" (2.2) by SilverShot
:bh2carrot: 39 "[L4D2] Survivor Thirdperson" (1.2) by SilverShot
:bh2carrot: 40 "[L4D2] Weapon Unlock" (0.8.9) by Crimson_Fox & AtomicStryker
:bh2carrot: 41 "[L4D2] Zoey Unlock" (1.2) by SilverShot
:bh2carrot: 42 "[L4D(2)] MultiSlots Improved" (4.1) by SwiftReal, MI 5, ururu, KhMaIBQ, HarryPotter
:bh2carrot: 43 "L4D1/2 Remove Lobby Reservation" (1.2) by Downtown1
:bh2carrot: 44 "[L4D, L4D2] No Death Check Until Dead" (1.4.10) by chinagreenelvis (modified by dcx2 and Dragokas)
:bh2carrot: 45 "L4D Black and White Notifier" (1.31) by DarkNoghri, madcap
:bh2carrot: 46 "[L4D2]color and aura menu" (2.0.0) by King
:bh2carrot: 47 "[L4D & L4D2] Console Spam Patches" (1.2) by SilverShot
:bh2carrot: 48 "[L4D1 & L4D2] CreateSurvivorBot" (1.0) by MicroLeo (port by Dragokas)
:bh2carrot: 49 "[L4D/L4D2] Extra Survivor Finale Positions" (1.0) by Psyk0tik (Crasher_3637)
:bh2carrot: 50 "[L4D & L4D2] Gear Transfer" (2.4) by SilverShot
:bh2carrot: 51 "[L4D & L4D2] Hats" (1.37) by SilverShot
:bh2carrot: 52 "Multiple Equipment" (3.6) by MasterMind420 & Ludastar & Pan Xiaohai & Marcus101RR
:bh2carrot: 53 "[L4D2]body color" (3.0.0) by King
:bh2carrot: 54 "[L4D & L4D2] Reverse Friendly-Fire" (2.8.1) by Mystic Spiral
:bh2carrot: 55 "Self Help " (1.0.1) by Pan Xiaohai
:bh2carrot: 56 "[L4D & L4D2] SM Respawn Improved" (2.4) by AtomicStryker & Ivailosp (Modified by Crasher, SilverShot), fork by Dragokas
:bh2carrot: 57 "superBoss" (1.0.1) by Pan Xiaohai
:bh2carrot: 58 "L4D Survivor AI Pounced Fix" (1.0.5) by AtomicStryker
:bh2carrot: 59 "Survivor Bot Select" (1.0) by Merudo
:bh2carrot: 60 "[L4D1/2] Survivor Identity Fix for 5+ Survivors" (1.7) by Merudo, Shadowysn
:bh2carrot: 61 "[L4D & L4D2] Use Priority Patch" (2.3) by SilverShot
:bh2carrot: 62 "[L4D & L4D2] ZSpawn: Zombie Spawn manager." (1.2.4) by Eärendil
:bh2carrot: 63 "[L4D & L4D2] Left 4 DHooks Direct" (1.55) by SilverShot
:bh2carrot: 64 "Upgrade Pack Fixes" (1.4) by bullet28, V10, Silvers, Harry
:bh2carrot: 65 "[MT] Abilities Set #1" (8.89) by Psyk0tik
:bh2carrot: 66 "[MT] Abilities Set #2" (8.89) by Psyk0tik
:bh2carrot: 67 "[L4D & L4D2] Mutant Tanks" (8.89) by Psyk0tik
:bh2carrot: 68 "Player Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
:bh2carrot: 69 "Realish_Tank_Phyx" (1.3) by Ludastar (Armonic)
:bh2carrot: 70 "Reserved Slots" ( by AlliedModders LLC
:bh2carrot: 71 "[L4D2][WIN] or,xmm,0.1 specific detour" (1.0) by Dragokas
:bh2carrot: 72 "Sniper Using Bots Fix" (1.1) by sereky
:bh2carrot: 73 "Sound Commands" ( by AlliedModders LLC
:bh2carrot: 74 "[L4D2]Survivor_AFK_Fix" (1.0.4) by Lux
:bh2carrot: 75 "Survivor Chat Select" (1.6.1) by DeatChaos25, Mi123456 & Merudo
:bh2carrot: 76 "ThirdPersonShoulder_Detect" (1.5.3) by MasterMind420 & Lux
:bh2carrot: 77 "Vote Blocker" (1.3.4) by Phil Bradley
:bh2carrot: 78 "WeaponHandling" (1.0.6) by Lux
:bh2carrot: 79 "[L4D2]Witch_Target_Patch" (1.4) by Lux
:bh2carrot: 80 "[L4D2] Defib using bots" (1.6) by DeathChaos25
:bh2carrot: 81 "[L4D2] CSM The Passing Fix" by DeathChaos25, Merudo
:bh2carrot: 82 "[L4D2]Survivor_Legs_Restore" (1.5.2) by Lux

Plugins that were requested by a friend
:altera: 23 "[L4D2] aura" (3.0.0) by King
:altera: 47 "[L4D2] color and aura menu" (2.0.0) by King
:altera: 54 "[L4D2] body color" (3.0.0) by King

If there are any questions, please make a discussion. :3
That's all, nyanyanyanya! :MysteriaHes:

Custom Plugins (Made by an Admin)
:spirallove: 79 "[L4D2] Weapon Speed" (1.0) by Shion
- Modifies the reload speed/fire rate of the weapons.

- This only modifies the reload speed and fire rate of the CSS weapons as it is extremely slow. It will be stronger than the normal weapons, but very costly to buy than its counterparts.

Kawaiikaze 16 Jan, 2024 @ 2:48pm 
This server is still a thing, but unfortunately the admins can't host this server currently since the new ISP has issues with hosting publicly.
SmokerOvWeed420 15 Jan, 2024 @ 11:40pm 
this still a thing?
Orichalcos 22 Oct, 2021 @ 3:48pm 
I Lowe U Shion
Group Player of the Week:
Enter chat room
5 October, 2021
United Kingdom (Great Britain)