Hazard-Clan Hzrd-Clan
Hazard-Clan Hzrd-Clan
18 April, 2013
ABOUT Hazard-Clan

Only Best Of The Best (Invite Only)

Discord[] | Current Servers[]

Hazard Clan Formerly known as ACSD. On Dec 28, 2011, Proto and Red started a discussion to start their own sniper community. A community where people could come to have fun, forget about life worries and make great friends from all around the world. On june 11, 2012 we registered our first domain name, setup our website, and ordered our first Black Ops server. Since our humble beginnings we've grown from only 2 members to over 40. With the help of our amazing admin team and staff, we now run multiple servers and have a great reputation throughout the PC gaming community. Our website is a place where anyone can start discussions about anything, share news & videos, make friends and post their gaming rigs.

ProtoRedjoeyunlimitZilyThe Legit One
Chompa (competition captain) ● Corruption (Server Captain)
Be a Captain[]
● Chris ● canody1 ● the shard ● Zami1 ● Tito ● Reaper ● Alastair ● BronX ● Canni
Ask HeadAdmins!
● Necroplasa ● NiCK ● STEEL ● Kenobi ● Nade ● Special ● TOMMYLEE ● Aqua ● Xingxa ● Playboy ● POLska ● McCc:> ● Apocalypse ● ChaKa_Chaka ● Sinix ● LS | DeStRoJeR ● plata o plomo ● NoVa ● Rocks ● ii3mr ● Addicted ● Woody ● Solico Zin ● TWRRAH

Hazard-Clan Official Website[]
Hazard YouTube Channel
Twitter Page
Hazard Winter Tournament
Hazard Team Tournament (Winter 2019)
Greetings all Hazard members! :affliction:

We're going with the date i suggested since no one seemed to have any problems with it.

This is a 1v1 tournament with elimination rounds. You have to win your rounds in order to stay alive in the tournament. In other words... you lose, you're out!
There will however be a loser brackets where the loseres will get a shot at redemption. The winner of this tournament will recive 60USD.
We'll be using an online bracket at "" to keep track of the tournament.
We’ll use our discord servers for chatting and talking with each other.

Date: Friday, nov 8th
Time: 8pm (CET)
Server: HZRD Tournament Server (unranked)
-Password: hzrd656

If you havn't allready signed up for the tournament, send me a dm A$AP and drop by the server at the given time!
I hope ya'll ready!

So far...

-The Legit One

...Will be competing in this tournament.


Announcement, update 1.oct

As newly selected Competition Captain, I am happy to announce that we'll be hosting a new team tournament this upcoming autumn/winter! This tournament will be exclusive for Hazard members only!

The whole purpose of this event, is for us members to be able to play with and against each other, and simply hang out and have a good time! :steamhappy:
It will be a 1v1 Tournament with elimination rounds. There will be an online bracket on “challonge”, with random picks and to end it all a losers bracket as well. And thanks to Joey, we also got a price pool of 60$ which will be given to the 1st place winner of the eliminations bracket.

I've by now sendt out a pm on steam to all our members, asking if you'd be interested in competing in our upcoming tournament. Please reply to this message if you'd be interessted or not.

To find the perfect date and time of this event, I've also added a smal survey which I would like each and every one of you to quickly answer. I've included all weekend dates from 11. October, to 15. December. Please select as many options as you're able to, so that we can more easily find the most ideal date for everybody.
This survey will be closed in 2 weeks from this being posted.

Once we have all the answers, we'll pick out the most popular weekend date, and further decide which exact day and time the tournament will take place. We would at the very least need 10 players for this tournement to be succesfull, and we hope that all of you would like to participate!

Please fill out this survey: Survey Link []

All those who did not receive a pm on steam, please accept my friend request and message me.
If you have any furthur questions, message me or post them down below!


**Update** oct. 3

Greetings! Thanks to every one who answerd the survey (which was a huge succes)! Looking at the results, **november 8-10** was by far the most popular option.

What remains now is picking the exact date and time of the event. Considering that we all might be spending our weekends differently, I feel like a final voting poll would be a good idea to reinsure that every one will be able to play at that given time.

More updates on this will come, so make sure you’ve turned on notifications for this post! :affliction:

**Update** oct. 30

Hi everyone!
I've been caught up at work, so I apologize for this taking so long. We've had a survey, where the majority of us voted for the tournament to take place next weekend. I was originaly going to make a voting poll to decide the exact time and place. Considering that the tournament is comming up close now, I've decided to pick the date and time myself. The date I had in mind was FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 8 pm (Central European Standard Time).

I hope this is suitable for all of you! I'll reach out to all of you on steam for further confirmation. If you can't make it, please reach out to me in the groupe chat or on steam/discord as soon as possible.

Enjoy the rest of your evening!

BestRareR 6 Jun @ 6:33am 
its nice that blackops 1 is still as active as ever even after 14 years :naturalupohlebalu::g_heart:
Slither 10 May, 2021 @ 1:05pm 
Finaly im here xd !!! hello all
Mopo 17 Nov, 2020 @ 9:57am 
Sup gays I just wanna know if some1 playing Cold War so we can play together :steamhappy:
Chompa 21 Sep, 2020 @ 2:36pm 
The Legit One 20 Sep, 2020 @ 11:20am 
One month later
Chompa 20 Sep, 2020 @ 9:57am 
Enter chat room
18 April, 2013