กลุ่ม STEAM
Furiousboy's Unturned Community Furi's UC
กลุ่ม STEAM
Furiousboy's Unturned Community Furi's UC
13 ตุลาคม 2016
เกี่ยวกับ Furiousboy's Unturned Community

Welcome to Furiousboy's Unturned Community!

Furiousboy's servers are currently being managed by me only. I do not take any other admins.

Simple Rules:

- You are NOT allowed to switch to this group to sabotage our group's base for the enemy to raid. If you are caught doing that, you will be instantly kicked from the group and a possible ban from my server.

- Please do NOT kill your own teammates by any means (explosives and such) on purpose / for fun. Doing this and having your team complain about you will result in a temporary ban (you will lose your inventory items) from my server. Keeping it up will lengthen the ban.
NOTE:If you wish to kill your own group members, you are required to change your group first (Survivors page). As long as you are not in the same team while in the server, you are free to kill anyone you want.

- As you know, I do not hand over carjacks for one main reason. To prevent people from flipping other player's cars upside down for fun. I will not stop you if you found a carjack on your own, though. However, if you obtain a carjack, and you go around flipping random cars upside down for whatever reason, I will kill you and take away your carjack.

Simple Rules for Ranked:
If you are a Ranked, there are some things to follow if you would like to stay a Ranked. One of the most important things, do not annoy me by asking me for items/vehicles. You may request from time to time, but when I say no, no means no.
Remember: I can make you a Ranked, and I can also remove you from Ranked.

Furiousboy's Servers:
- "Furiousboy's Unknown Battlegrounds!" --> PUBG Style
(IP: | Port: 27015)
- "Furiousboy's | PvP | 3x Loot | TPA/Home/Kits/Ammo" ---> PEI
(IP: | Port: 27018)

Current Server Commands Available (Up to date):

/tpa - Send a teleport request to another player by typing /tpa (player name).
/tpa accept - Accept another player's teleport request.
/tpa deny - Deny another player's tpa request.
/tpa abort - Cancel your current tpa request.

/kits - View the available kits.
/kit (name) - Spawn the selected kit. (Please note that kits have cooldowns).

/ammo - Spawn one ammo magazine for your currently equipped weapon.
/ammo (amount) - Spawns up to 5 ammo magazines at once.

/stats pve - View your player PvE stats.
/stats pvp - View your player PvP stats.
/stats tk - View your total kills.
/stats td - View your total deaths.
/stats kd - View your Kill/Death ratio.

/home - Teleports you to your placed bed (if you have claimed one).

~WARP~ (Rank Silver/Gold Only)
/warp (name) - Warps you to named location.
/warps - Views all warp location names.

Furiousboy's Unturned Community's Discord Channel[discord.gg]
Furiousboy's Unknown Battlegrounds!
Good News! Our Old PEI Server Is Back!
133 ความเห็น
Éclair 5 ต.ค. 2018 @ 4: 29am 
Not yet, but i will
FewReers 4 ต.ค. 2018 @ 5: 48am 
@Xeno'Jiiva Welcome back! Have you joined our discord yet?
Éclair 4 ต.ค. 2018 @ 5: 01am 
@Furiousboy Are you still on? I just got back from my vacation
Éclair 6 พ.ค. 2018 @ 11: 55pm 
ok, lemme join that
FewReers 4 พ.ค. 2018 @ 5: 01pm 
@Frost I think most people have quit, but you can still join my Discord if you want to.
Éclair 30 เม.ย. 2018 @ 9: 06am 
Furi, is the server still on? Sorry i just finished my exam
1 ในแช็ต
13 ตุลาคม 2016