Furiousboy's Unturned Community Furi's UC
Furiousboy's Unturned Community Furi's UC
13 October, 2016
Éclair 5 Oct, 2018 @ 4:29am 
Not yet, but i will
FewReers 4 Oct, 2018 @ 5:48am 
@Xeno'Jiiva Welcome back! Have you joined our discord yet?
Éclair 4 Oct, 2018 @ 5:01am 
@Furiousboy Are you still on? I just got back from my vacation
Éclair 6 May, 2018 @ 11:55pm 
ok, lemme join that
FewReers 4 May, 2018 @ 5:01pm 
@Frost I think most people have quit, but you can still join my Discord if you want to.
Éclair 30 Apr, 2018 @ 9:06am 
Furi, is the server still on? Sorry i just finished my exam
FewReers 22 Dec, 2017 @ 6:33pm 
The name is in the group description. I’ll open the server.
Éclair 22 Dec, 2017 @ 7:18am 
whats the name???
FewReers 3 Dec, 2017 @ 2:21am 
The old PEI server is back up! Come and join us!
FewReers 30 Nov, 2017 @ 6:24am 
My new server is ready to play on. Join us when you're able to! Please remember it's not a 24/7 server. I do turn off my laptop when I sleep.
Éclair 22 Nov, 2017 @ 2:44am 
we shall doo Voice call when we play though :D
FewReers 20 Nov, 2017 @ 5:07pm 
Those lf you who has discord, don’t forget to join my new discord channel. Details in Announcements.

The next map would be Russia, unless there are more votes for another map.
Éclair 17 Nov, 2017 @ 3:51am 
humm,yea lets try Russia then! cant wait though to play with you guys again and the new server
im gonna make a secret base *smirk*
fghzfghihhniu 13 Nov, 2017 @ 3:55am 
FewReers 13 Nov, 2017 @ 3:30am 
Alright, I'll create a new server for now then. But after I return from my holiday. Any votes on which map I should use?
fghzfghihhniu 12 Nov, 2017 @ 4:59am 
Make a new and better server hahaha
Éclair 11 Nov, 2017 @ 10:33pm 
Well,i mean u make the new server right
this new server is the same like the old one.
the progress or the base we could make it from the beginning again :D
well i dont know how about the others though:steamhappy:
FewReers 31 Oct, 2017 @ 9:09pm 
What about all the progress made on the old one?
Éclair 31 Oct, 2017 @ 8:42pm 
Furi,u still trying to fix the server?

How about making a new one but its the same
fghzfghihhniu 14 Oct, 2017 @ 12:20am 
I was the best!

FewReers 13 Oct, 2017 @ 7:49am 
@Mio ♡
The server has been down since early 2017 :(
The program that I use to host my server (Unturned Server Organiser) decided to screw up my server and itself at the same time. I have tried quite a number of things to get it back up, but over time, it feels like I'm not going anywhere...
Maybe there might be hope sometime? And I might be able to bring up not just my server, but have it back the way it was before it went down >.<
Kii 13 Oct, 2017 @ 6:19am 
Is The server dead?
I remembeber playing on this server waaaaay back
built a skybase with the help of furi and lived a happy life time went on and i stopped playing unturned... went back to come to my favourite server and now i cant connect to it :c

Will be remembered
Lust0NE 21 May, 2017 @ 7:27pm 
Éclair 17 May, 2017 @ 5:34am 
well thats a good news for us
FewReers 16 May, 2017 @ 4:34pm 
Sorry guys, because I have been unable to get my server back, I didn't really visit the group page either. I asked the Discord group of USO and even they could not help me. They keep asking me to do some settings that I have already done, yet did not work. But if by any chance I am able to somehow get my server back up, I will post it here asap. Hopefully, my server will be the same way we left it, all buildings intact, at least.
Lust0NE 10 May, 2017 @ 6:19pm 
Fur are u still active?
Éclair 20 Apr, 2017 @ 4:28am 
welp thats for furi atleast he did his best though for recovering his server back :) im sure u still can get the server back in one piece. Goodluck!
fghzfghihhniu 20 Apr, 2017 @ 3:25am 
Server is unable to recover, sorry guys. FuriosBoy tried his best
Lust0NE 20 Apr, 2017 @ 2:41am 
fur are u still playing unturned?
Éclair 8 Apr, 2017 @ 4:47am 
i havent heard you in a while furi
Éclair 8 Apr, 2017 @ 4:43am 
sorry wtf i didnt spam that its just like that
Éclair 8 Apr, 2017 @ 4:42am 
so this group went down eh? welp thats too bad since the last time i play this server
so can anyone tell me whats going on with this server
FewReers 20 Jan, 2017 @ 5:22am 
It's not that I'm taking so long to fix, it's that they are taking so long to reply/help me.
太阳 20 Jan, 2017 @ 2:07am 
Lol taking so long to fix
Éclair 20 Jan, 2017 @ 1:59am 
@furiousboy oh ok tell me when youre server is good
FewReers 19 Jan, 2017 @ 6:03pm 
I have been having problems with my server since 6th Jan 2017. I'm still trying to get help to fix it :(
Éclair 18 Jan, 2017 @ 2:38am 
furi why i cant join your server .-.
76561198305507394 14 Jan, 2017 @ 7:51am 
That's why people don't play our servers, because many people has games.
Éclair 14 Jan, 2017 @ 2:08am 
hi guys i miss unturned alot :v but i got new games haha
FewReers 13 Jan, 2017 @ 10:40pm 
Please note that the Futuristic Bike is back in /kit vehicle.
76561198305507394 3 Jan, 2017 @ 5:01am 
What a waste, everyone had a Cristmas vacaton and yet not many people on the servers
Éclair 1 Jan, 2017 @ 7:30am 
"I Thought This Game Was Cool"yea right if it was cool people will play in furi server :v hehehehe trust me door glitch and other
FewReers 1 Jan, 2017 @ 4:55am 
I'd have voted Unturned if they had a "I Thought This Game Was Cool" award.
Éclair 1 Jan, 2017 @ 4:12am 
"I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award" thats your opinion different from me i mean they need updates :steamhappy:
76561198305507394 1 Jan, 2017 @ 3:42am 
How dare you! (I mean, we did'nt win "I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award") but luckily i advertised the two servers on a server list
Éclair 31 Dec, 2016 @ 9:26pm 
unturned make me bored like legitly they need some updates for the crafting and the place to put the materials for houses and base .-. im just saying that unturned is boring
FewReers 31 Dec, 2016 @ 7:13pm 
Maybe people did other stuff for the holidays? :/ Hope more people will join this near year.
76561198305507394 30 Dec, 2016 @ 5:55am 
Why is nobody on the server? Maybe we should take a step further
ADVERTISE (I know how to do this)
WEBSITE (Is there anyone smart enough to do this, if so then can you make one?)
OUT-GAME PURCHASES (You know what I mean)
76561198305507394 28 Dec, 2016 @ 12:29am 
you should, should you not? shall you will? will you? Well, it depends if u want to make a new base and increase security
Éclair 27 Dec, 2016 @ 10:51pm 
wow its been long time since i play unturned should i play it or not/? hahhah