Faction Warfare - LiF FWLiF
Faction Warfare - LiF FWLiF
15 October, 2014
United States 
ABOUT Faction Warfare - LiF

Server name: Faction Warfare|Pre-made Claimable Villages|PVP Encouraged

To join via console, press Ctrl + ~ and copy paste:

joinToRemoteServer ("")


(If any of these are broken the punishment is up to the discretion of the admin.)

1. Absolutely NO exploiting, hacking, or cheating.

2. NO combat logging or running to water to escape death.

3. Log stacking IS allowed as long as it is done in a realistic manner. They must look like they could physically stay stacked in a real life scenario. (no floating or uneven logs)

4. PLAY SMART: If you leave bags out, they'll probably get robbed. If you wander around the world unarmed, you'll probably get killed. If you leave your structures unclaimed, you'll probably lose them. If you build walls without a gate, you'll probably get raided. If you build walls too low, people can probably jump in, and again you'll get raided.

5. Character names must be actual names, no special characters, nulls or no-name tricks.

6. This is a competitive game, so ♥♥♥♥ talk is expected, but please keep it to a civil manner and don't be an extreme douche bag.

7. NO GRIEFING: Don't wall people in. Don't deconstruct people's stuff. Don't camp a base just to be an ass. (Strategic raiding IS allowed. If you get raided and killed, respawning might result in more death till the raiders leave.)

Things you need to know when playing here:

If you need help from an admin We know that the game is in an early state, therefore sometimes placing structures can go wrong, or a base could get griefed. Just ask an admin for help, and we will do everything reasonably within our power to remove unwanted structures, etc.

Provided Rocks/Ore - It has been proven that the more underground tunnels and mines a server has, the less stable it is. We will reasonably provide ore and rocks for every group that needs it so as to deter from the massive amount of mines and tunnels that tend to appear on a server. You ARE ALLOWED to mine if you have the strong desire, but if you refrain from doing so, there will be better performance.

Regular Backups: We know that a lot of time and hard work goes into your character and homestead. We do regular backups to make sure that if there is ever an issue with a patch or corruption, we can restore what you worked on.

No Server Wipes: There is no plan to wipe the server for any reason. The only time a server wipe will occur is if there is an update that requires a completely fresh start.

Increased Progression Speed: Realism is cool, but we want people to have fun too. Skill multipliers are increased.

PVP: Power is earned. If you want what other people have, you should work hard to get on their level, or just take what they have... if you can.. PVP is 100% encouraged, just don't grief.

ZERO ADMIN ABUSE: Admin abuse is a serious concern among most players and it will never be tolerated on this server.
Enter chat room
15 October, 2014
United States