STEAM グループ
Far Cry 2 Modders Forum FC2MF
STEAM グループ
Far Cry 2 Modders Forum FC2MF
Far Cry 2 Modders Forum について

FORUMS for MOD Discussion and Announcements

On behalf of Modders and Contributors

- Welcome to these forums -


Please Read And Sign ->One Very Important Rule:

Thank You !


Currently used to function as a place for mod discussion and

to support current mod projects.

Now a Closed group - Members must request to join.


It takes a few weeks of regularly posting links to the steam forum to
generate interest. I'll take care of that, but what brings it to life is the
awareness that modders and others are active in the group.

If the modders aren't using it regularly and posting reminders to the
steam forum it'll stall out like so many other empty unused groups. -

Continually posting to the mashed thread with no re-direct to this mod
forum could kill any chances for it to grow any readership.

Local Announcements are in the Discussions Forum

To Post Global Announcements (To your friends and FC2 Players)
in the Steam 'Activity' pages - With this groups Banner and link -
Post to the Announcements Tab

Steam FC2 Forum

I'm using this link temporarily for reference
Crew MOD Forum

10 件のコメント
thirdkeeper 3月20日 15時35分 

Please Read And Sign ->One Very Important Rule:

Thank You !
thirdkeeper 2022年10月2日 16時39分 
Hunter Boggalog and Glam

How to welcome the foundation this is built on.. You must know by now how important
your work has been for everyone.
thirdkeeper 2022年10月2日 16時16分 
UnKnOwN - (merging my own posts to consolidate)

This 'Group' -> *These Forums* are open to the public. No one has to join to post.
- Post a link directing them and they'll chime in here.
If the modders would play it up peeps would check in every time.

In other words, I can't be the only one posting here. I've even considered leaving
this group to the modders.

- I can UN-join and check in when I get notifications in the steam forum.

[EDIT] - and, Yes, I'll give it ample time before making any critical decisions, and
I'll consult with everyone before taking action.

For anyone reading - and on behalf of the modders -> T I A to those contributing! [E]
thirdkeeper 2022年10月2日 15時57分 
So cool to see your handle here, V ! - Bullet00th too !!!

Solid and reliable. Anyone visiting would be comfortable with this dream-team
of admins. !8 )
UnKn0wN 2022年10月2日 14時31分 
yeah give it some more time and it will probably work, when everybody realize you can´t have a proper conversation anymore about mods on the main forum they´ll eventually come here..
UnKn0wN 2022年10月2日 13時56分 
Yeah, I totally agree with you, for some reason it seems they want to merge every thread about mods into that random one, it´s annoying to say the least.

I continued posting there just because I think there are more chances of people chiming in, most other people aren’t even aware of this subforum I think or can´t even post if not member of the group but yeah maybe we (Hunter, Bog, etc) should get used to post here instead of the main forum especially when talking about mods because on the main forum every new post about mods will be probably merged again and again.
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