scrag made me MAD and now Im sad HOW MAD?
scrag made me MAD and now Im sad HOW MAD?
19 January, 2011
ABOUT scrag made me MAD and now Im sad

From 1-10 How mad brah?

U MAD CUZ U BAD ? Join this club then

Kalypso : scrag, one of the most immature kids to touch the game
Kalypso : no wonder
Kalypso : youre a lonely child who comes on the internet to make people miserable, because you own like is so miserable
Kalypso : kids like you arent hard to figure out

-BH-Starkiller : you get your head dunked in the pisser at school a bunch or something?
-BH-Starkiller : let us know how your moms lawsuit against trojan comes out kid!

[TLB]Obi-Bob Kenobi : i hope you bear retarded children and your family dies of dysentary

Ragin' Cajun : u mad, cause I used to beat u up in High School?

✄: hello nigger, dont forget to get me my laptop i paid good money to get my own slave
sk8erdude: i will fuck your assup
sk8erdude: you sutpid dumb bitch
✄: show some respect to ur owner faggot
✄: i give u food
sk8erdude: your a coward its obvious
✄: join my club bro
✄: "scrag made me mad and now im sad"
✄: ill invite u back
✄: dont worry ull b raging again tomorrow when we kick ur asss for the 10th time
sk8erdude: i dont join emo shit
sk8erdude: you cant seem to make anyone mad
sk8erdude: the most you can do is make me feel sorry for your ass
✄: we obviosly expect u to crash teh seRver again and again as u always do
sk8erdude: and how pathetic and shitty your life is outside of l4d
sk8erdude: remember that
sk8erdude: even if you dont want to admit it to me
sk8erdude: you know the reality of it
sk8erdude: and you have to live with that
✄: rofl
sk8erdude: your a worthless
sk8erdude: dumb
sk8erdude: retarded emo faggot
✄: trololol
✄: u sound mad bro
sk8erdude: and thats what you'll be up until you die and live out your worthless shit life
✄: lets try it again
✄: 1
✄: 2
✄: 3
✄: breath
sk8erdude: it sucks and it makes me sad to think that someone like you
sk8erdude: should have been aborted
sk8erdude: its not too late though
sk8erdude: you can sitll kill yourself
sk8erdude: and then
sk8erdude: the world will be a better place
sk8erdude: without your shitty existance
✄ : want chicken tho?
sk8erdude is now Offline

TOMAR WHITE : shrag, i hope for your sake that isn't your real picture
TIM MCMANUS : hey im gonna walk out into the open for a second and get an instant kill from a cheat shot and these sad little chinks will deny it again

All fun:

This shit and Shade's suicidal letter made me ROFL:
scяαɢ 16 Oct, 2020 @ 1:06am 
scяαɢ : ez
Mar$ : yeah and you faggot fuckin no lives literally paly every single day lmao
Mar$ : im on here because I just dodged a League game
scяαɢ 1 Aug, 2020 @ 6:21pm 
DaVinciGamer : Are you a dick and are you gay?
sc : yes
MMR VENDING MACHINE 11 Nov, 2014 @ 12:07am 
classiest move of dossing game when leading by 14 points, mad as fuck
chunk 30 Aug, 2014 @ 8:00pm 
lol its funny that you get your laughs from your ebic "trolls" through steam.
you did make me mad ): mad that i didnt kick you from the game earlier because maybe we could have won
scяαɢ 19 Jul, 2014 @ 12:46am 
Aragorn II Elessar = sk8erdude

Arwen Und�miel : invite please
Aragorn II Elessar : scrag is like 50 and posts pictures of fake korean girls pretending its him
scяαg∴: nah uguys are bad no nneed
Aragorn II Elessar : i should fly down to florida just to bitch slap your sorry face
scяαg∴: `ur anger feeds me so continue typing
Aragorn II Elessar : ill meet you in miami just for the chance to knock those teeth out`
Aragorn II Elessar : i cant believe you spent over 2000 hours in this game you perform like a pile of shit
Aragorn II Elessar : i'd bitch slap the fuck out of you for being so goddamn stupid looking
scяαg∴: ROFL
scяαɢ 19 Jul, 2014 @ 12:28am

Lyrit : Seriously, 2 hunters and sometimes 2 smokers is actually a normal spawn set
Lyrit : Learn the fucking game
Lyrit : You have 2k hours and don't know that?
scяαg∴: ROFL

Enter chat room
19 January, 2011