Drekutars Casual Rpg DCrpg
Drekutars Casual Rpg DCrpg
15 Ιουλίου 2015
ΠΕΡΙ Drekutars Casual Rpg


Hi guys, Im Drek, I love to play tabletop RPG games, but the complication of creating and beginning a character can be so time consuming and stale. So I created a simple but well balanced RPG game centered around casual play, and fun character design.

In my game, you can be ANYTHING you want to be. No limitations. You decide your own spells and abilites and gear, I simply balance your character for you or veteran player may also assist in balancing. To make a character only takes about 15 minutes or so, so DO NOT be intimidated.

Click Here For Stream[www.twitch.tv]
I May Be On My Other Profile Click Here[www.twitch.tv]
Need another player ASAP, Weekly game on Roll20, Pathfinder
Valkyrie Sky 3.5 starting Saturday June 25th!
The Valkyrie Standoff Galaxy
The active galaxy is Valkyrie Standoff - a galaxy where valkyries and humans coexist but not without heavy tensions between them. Humanity is in a golden age of indutry, consuming a planet's resources and filling the air with polution, then using their terraforming and atmospheric processing technology to make it habitable again. By contrast, valkyries are some of the most highly efficient creatures to ever exist, and go to great lengths to live low impact lives and preserve the ecosystem. It's a productive and sometimes violent life in the galaxy. All's normal until a mysterious new type of matter emerges - Dark Glass - and a gold rush to obtain the powerful new substance occurs. However, the pursuit of dark glass further exposes the cultural differences between valkyries and humans, and tensions rise further. Will this lead to a flashpoint resulting in another interstellar war? Or will the tension be dispelled and will humans and valkyries find a way to live in harmony?

Or will an omnipotent caffeinated entity consume all?

Explore new planets and systems while discovering new species. Collect and experiement on them as a scientist, or fight them and collect trophies as a beast hunter. Receive missions and run errands for important figures and gain rewards and social influence with them. Fly through superspace and hunt down pirates, or rob haulers blind!

Mechanics Overview
Valkyrie Sky's improvements has been focusing on making things more complex while making them less complicated. Depth has been increased, but it's easier to get a grip of things.

The stamina system is basically a bar on top of your health bar that prevents your party from taking damage until it's depleted. It represents your tactical advantage and mobility. As you receive attacks, it dwindles down, and your enemy closes in on you. Once its gone, your actual health is vulnerable.

Everyone takes their turns at the same time! Turns have been sped up considerably. Math has been simplified and it's all just a lot easier! There is no actual character movement in combat - all of that is abstracted through the various ways you can interact with stamina.

Stats, Masteries, and Knowledges
The stats of your suit and vehicle are fully independent of your character and this helps prevent runaway stats and metas. This also helps make it so that intillectual types can still have an extremely strong presence as a combatant. Suits are basically exoskeletons or small mechs and are as interchangable as a breastplate (though significantly more capable). All players also get a vehicle - car, motorcycle, ship, whatever! They all come with their minor perk depending on what they are, and they can all mount weapons and use deployables!

Masteries represent your personal characteristics, both intellectual and phsyical. They are very general attributes that are used for majority of non-combat interactions. Masteries are enhanced with experience, a product of everything memorable that you do.

A player's Knowledges are very specific skills that a character has and can range from geographical to martial, social to scientific, or more. Knowledges are learned from people or events. They are a product of your chatacter's education.

The skill check system emphasizes fairness and simplicity, but still has quite a bit of depth and a controlled luck factor. The process uses your general masteries and multiplies it with your specific knowledges to create a very believable and accurate skill check system.

Materials and Cards
Valkyrie Sky has does not have a standard currency. All trades and what not are done through bartering and at the center of that are materials. Materals are a standardized generic set of things that are the building blocks for everything in the galaxy. Every item is a product of basic materials refined into advanced ones then manufactured into the item.

And then there's cards! Mysterious little chips that can have a small or dramatic affect when placed in your equipment. But do so carefully, as while cards may be plentiful, it's quite difficult to remove them from your equipment. And equipment is definitely not plentiful! Cards boost attributes, grant abilities, and unlock things for the player!

The passage of time is not free. The party is constantly subejct to events, cards that have written on them a mundane or exciting event. These events include things such as a vehicle malfuntion, a pirate attack, finding hidden resources, or an interaction with a curious beast. Events dramatically shape storytelling and influence how the overal campaign will procede.


I can't wait to see you all in game!


46 σχόλια
ThorlolKing 24 Νοε 2017, 11:19 
Is this group dead? :(
Psycho Romeo 16 Ιουλ 2016, 14:07 
Valkyrie Sky group has been made! This will be a group just for managing Valkyrie Sky events and news. Anyone can join here: http://steamproxy.net/groups/ValkyrieSky
Psycho Romeo 14 Ιουν 2016, 16:04 
Valkyrie Sky: Valkyrie Standoff kicking off June 25th. See announcement.
Psycho Romeo 17 Μαρ 2016, 15:57 
New Valkyrie Sky announcement!
Malakath Grimm 29 Φεβ 2016, 4:06 
Already got it but thanks for the heads up
Παίκτης της εβδομάδας:
15 Ιουλίου 2015