Cohort RoK RP/PVP Server COHROK
Cohort RoK RP/PVP Server COHROK
4 May, 2015
United States 
ABOUT Cohort RoK RP/PVP Server

Reign of Kings RP/PVP Server

*General Rules*
This is a light RP server, so players are expected to do their best to remain in character.

No Racism or Sexism of any kind this may result in a perm-a-ban.

No Exploiting or Hacking of any kind it may result in a perm-a-ban. Includes:Body stacking,
Wall/Door glitching, or using projectiles as stairs.

All players must act mature. No whining, crying, flaming, or trolling.

Have fun!
*Rules of Engagement*

When it comes to killing players, KOS'n without warning is not allowed. Players are expected to announce their presence via chat or voice. (Make it fun and incorporate RP into the game, do not grief and kill the same player over and over again.)

KOS'n is in fact allowed during the night cycle. Once it becomes completely dark, players are subject to attack at any time outside of their bases.

Camping the freshspawns on the beaches is NOT allowed at ANYTIME.

You may NOT raid the base of an offline guild. (Exception: If they previously initiated conflict then logged to try and get out of the situation, regardless of winning or losing.)

In order to take over another guild's claimed land or base (this includes the use of siege weapons), the attacking guild must publicly declare war on the defending guild while they are logged on and present.

Players who choose to log out in the open(sleepers), may be killed without warning.

Players must do their best to incorporate RP elements into their conflicts with other players or guilds.

The Kingdom/Throne is up for grabs at anytime, regardless of player status. Meaning if you choose to take over the throne, you are subject to attack at any time logged in or not.

*Buildings and Structures*

All structures must be built in a realistic fashion, equipped with doors and proper supports.(No floating structures, or base with larger over hangs that do not have supports)

Building is allowed all along the King's Bridge, but not inside or around the throne room.

Crest must be placed within a structure on the land it claims. Meaning no glitching the crest through the ground or rocks, or at the bottom of a mountain.

Public buildings such as arenas or taverns built by the server may not be conquered or attacked by any faction.

If you have any questions, comments or suggestions feel free to contact the admins within the server!

Facebook Site[]
Shinra 29 May, 2015 @ 4:54pm 
Hey guys new server is back up. Might be change in rules and things coming soon as we may be adding mods. Search Omega for new server
Shlink 13 May, 2015 @ 5:56pm 
Thank you for reviewing our case and allowing us back on this fun server!
Shlink 11 May, 2015 @ 2:18pm 
I was hanging out by the king Sir Gregor Mountain Clegane, witnessing a public beheading when the attack happened. When instructed I began heading back towards my base. On my way I received a message that I was banned.
I'd like to know if there's any chance of me and my friends playing on this server again. We really enjoyed the community, and had nothing to do with any hackers.
pseudocoder 11 May, 2015 @ 9:14am 
I was online when the apparent hacking attack happened last night. My crest and all chests, stations, and furniture were removed and I was disconnected. Placed blocks were not affected. Server chat was confusing afterwards but it was apparent a lot of other people had the same thing happen to them.

Have these problems been fixed at all or what is the current state of the server? Could we get a follow up from an admin please?
Rice Cooker 11 May, 2015 @ 4:27am 
Can I ask why I was banned?
Eonsoldier 10 May, 2015 @ 9:53pm 
Hi, Aeghadir/ Rukarski Thunderblood here. You recently banned my friend Shlink after the server had an apparent hacker attack. When I said he was innocent you banned me too and then randomly banned my other friend Shank. Just wanted to let you know that we've been playing on the server for the past few days and were not responsible for this.
Enter chat room
4 May, 2015
United States