City rp admins gfdgdgdhrtt
City rp admins gfdgdgdhrtt
20 February, 2017
ABOUT City rp admins

No information given.
butterdog3398 29 Jul, 2017 @ 8:20pm 
Steam name:Twin

Steam64 id:

Why do you think you should be admin? I Can Help Other People Get A Shop Up In No Time

Why do you want to be admin? So I Can Help

Why do u think you should be pick for staff rather then all the other people who want too? That i'm a fast person to do stuff

Say Billy kos bob tell us how would you deal with it. Tell Him To Not Do it again

If a admin that out ranks you heavily abuses what steps would u take to solve the problem and what would you do.

Say there was a mass kos on the server what steps would you take the solve the problem.

Explain what these terms means; No Kos, NO RDM, No VDM. kill on site randon deathmatch vehicle deathmatch
Goober 12 Jun, 2017 @ 3:19pm 
i want to apply to be staff and a swat officer plz
CBG_Lewis 12 Jun, 2017 @ 10:38am 
Steam 64 id:76561198112447777
Why do u think u should be a admin? I have owned 2 servers preveously, Got rid of them both,and they were both 24/24, i Play this game atleast 4 hours a weekday, and 6 a weekend
Why do u want to be admin?I hate being KOS'ed by people and i want to stop that, i wanna make being KOS'ed happen as less as possible and try to catch the KOS'er
Why should u be picked for staff rather than other players:I have experience in 4 different servers as being admin/owner including a rp server called CityRP(Name might of changed, Havent been on in a while as its owner shut it down for ages) and i have 103 active friends and they would all be willing to come on a great rp server like Freedom RP.
Say billy Kos Bob tell us how u would deal with it:I would Warn billy saying if u Kos u will get
CBG_Lewis 12 Jun, 2017 @ 10:38am 
kicked and i would take away all loot he got from it and give it to bob, Before doing the punishment i would ask any wittnesses if he got kosed after hearingfrom both sides seperately.
If a admin that out ranks you heavily abuses what steps would u take to solve the issue?Step 1= Tell him not to do that and point out to him that he is abusing and thenmessage the owner/Higher ranking admin that he was abusing. If he repeats i will do a report suggesting that admin should speak to him/her.
If there was a mass KOS on the server what would u take to solve the issue?I would ask everyone who got kossed there story and then report the guy to a higher ranking admin and ban him for 24 hours and what ever the admin thinks will happen to him next E.G. a week ban
No Kos=No kill on sight No Rdm=Random Death match No Vdm=No Validated Death match

MY age is 14
Server is used to owned were called Dont die and Just Survive One of the servers im still admin on is BigBock
Trollage 10 Jun, 2017 @ 9:21pm 
also im 13
Trollage 10 Jun, 2017 @ 9:21pm 
my application anthony donald j trump tonybito i have a MIC i love preziles i know commands like the back of my hand i have been co owner on a server but the server is sutdown
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20 February, 2017