You Have Just Been Caught By Us! Caught!
You Have Just Been Caught By Us! Caught!
24 January, 2009
ABOUT You Have Just Been Caught By Us!

anti-haxing since '08

Hello! We are a clean, anti hacking, haxing and spamming group. We try to inform people of new things, whether its a dlc a game or a new form of hacking. F.Y.I. we are always glad for you to join our group especially if you catch someone doing something silly, stupid, outreageous, funny, assinine, or plain wrong. We even accept N.P.C.'s who have done something stupid (e.g. D.R. Mossman holding an electro knife like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥! ), We just have added a WATCH OUT FOR PLAYERS, please add a player to watch out for on our website.

Hey You! U've been caught!

Friends! this is a horrible hacker problem! They are getting smarter and better! they are now inviting us as friends which enables then to hack us!!!!! You are warned my friends! WATCH OUT!!!
i cannot stress this more! DO NOT ACCEPT FRIEND OR CHAT INVITES FROM PEOPLE YOU DO NOT KNOW!!!!!Heres is a victim:
Player/ Yay man: This is a public serves announcement if you get invited to a chat or a friend invite from this person please do not except he will hack you if you sent what to get hacked don't reply yes instead ignore the invite!! here's the nickname "^Pb | Mystery" here is his page:

plus: shaunno94 isa trying to fish for account passwords and user names. He will send a message and pretend to be concerned about something and link you to a page that will look identicle to a Steam page. The URL at the top is a fake and not used by Valve or steam, so if you enter your user name and password your account will be hijacked.

This Time:

okay, i've seen a lot of dumbass stuff that's happened on tf2, but this one just may be the dumbest! we were playing goldrush on the defending team and we were doing amasing! the blu team didn't even capture the first point and we had a minute till time ran out! Some retarded medic on our team decided to uber an enemy spy disguised as a pyro and helped him sap all the sentrys and buildings we had built! damn griefer!

Last Time:

Yesterday, i experienced the lamest and most epic TF2 arena lumberyard match. The game went on & on. Eventually, there were 4 players left on red, and 1 player left on blu. To make matters even more lame was that the blu player was afk! The task is easy,kill a non-moving target right? What was the problem? There was a blu sentry. 1 by 1, the red team was being slauterd by a single sentry gun. It was even fully upgraded!!! I can understand that it was a bit more complicated without a spy. But they had a damn medic!! Anyhow, red lost. Sentry FTW!!!

Go to this website if you want to post something.
All the previous stories are there and archived
And let me know if you want me to change our website in the comments. The other is a series on youtube of funny things that happened on L4D. Go watch it! d:D

You Have Just Been Caught![]
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tf2 hidden page w/ link
Wrench and guitar: engie weapons revealed!
Brownie Points 5 Jun, 2011 @ 12:42pm 
yes, yes we are
KangarooPriest 10 May, 2011 @ 7:22am 
Hey, is anybody still alive in here?
Radau 26 Sep, 2010 @ 8:54am 
........................................................Get out Bizz............
Gostchili 10 Mar, 2010 @ 9:34pm 
Gostchili 10 Mar, 2010 @ 7:15pm 
Brownie Points 8 Mar, 2010 @ 4:56pm 
ok no problem, we're always glad to help and we intend to keep helping in the future in the fight against phishers, hackers and spammers on steam.
Enter chat room
24 January, 2009