Brutus' Killing Floor Servers BrutusKFSG
Brutus' Killing Floor Servers BrutusKFSG
25 January, 2011
ABOUT Brutus' Killing Floor Servers

Brutus's Killing Floor Servers


[About Us]
Brutus.SG was started back in 2010 as a Killing Floor server for our group of friends. Our gaming group has built up over the years and we have gradually started playing other games. We host Singapore servers for Killing Floor and Insurgency.

Check back here for updates on our servers and upcoming events.

Link to the old group page: Link

[Server Status - Killing Floor SEA]
Basic Guide | | Discussion Forum
Server IPs:
[Server Status - Rust SEA]
Reporting Players | Server & Admin Information | Discussion Forum
Server IP:
[Server Status - Starbound]
Server will be down until Starbound is in a more improved state.


[Voice Comms]
We have a Teamspeak server hosted by Pisang.


[SEA Co-op Gamers]
If you are looking for some co-op partners, head over to the SEA Co-op Gamers page and start a discussion! They also regularly hold gaming sessions, events and giveaways!

[Other Stuff]
We also play Minecraft on the Cubicworld survival server. Some of us already play there and we would love to have you join us!

If you would like to know more, you can visit C3W's Facebook page[] or visit the website here[].

Brutus Homepage[]
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Killing Floor Servers are Online | New Group Page
----------Killing Floor----------
I know some of you are still in this group, so this announcement is to notify everyone that our servers are now back online! Please join our new group page here for future updates.

The Killing Floor servers are now back online.

Each server has a maximum of 12 player slots.

Changelog Summary
A lot of stuff has changed, so please view the basic guide to get reacquainted.
Server Basic Guide
  • We now have multiple servers on 3 difficulty levels.
  • Added a new item store that sells cosmetics. Currently there are only a handful of items but will be added soon.
  • Added new currencies, Francs and Yen, for purchasing items in the store.
  • Added two new monsters, Ghost and Tesla Husk.
  • Removed a couple of unpopular weapons. Other more requested weapons will be re-added at a later date.
  • Added a whole bunch of new custom maps.
  • Scrn Balance and Serverperks upgrades for UX improvement.
  • Patriarch AI has been enhanced yet again.
  • Entire perks and custom mutators system has been reworked for multi-server support. Items are now synchronized across all servers.
  • Reworked Squads framework to make it easier for moderators and administrators to add new player squads. More details soon.
  • And a whole bunch of other misc improvements. Join the servers to find out!

Previous Donators
I know some of you still had remaining time left for your Supporter donations when the server went down. Please contact me on Steam so i can compensate by giving you some Yen to spend in the store.

We recently rented a Rust server and we are looking to build a steady playerbase! More details on the Rust server soon. For now, here is the name and the IP address: Multiplay :: SEA |Friendly|PVP|Events|Bans| -

If you would like to help out with the Rust server in any way, please feel free to contact me or IanDao or Nicholas

----------Thank You!----------
Thank you to all the players for your continuous support and patience while we were sorting out our priorities. Without you, Brutus wouldn't be where it was today.

Also a big thanks to ALL the helpers who answered my calls for help and made fixing and adding content for me less of a burden. Please contact me on Steam so i can send some Yen your way to grab some of those items in the store.

All in all, i hope you guys will enjoy the additional features we have added to the servers. There is also a discussion forum that you can visit to voice your suggestions and concerns.

KF Server Status Update, New Starbound Server & Group Page
Brutus.SG Killing Floor Server
Hey guys!

Many people have been asking about the server again recently, so I thought I would give a status update. The server is still being worked on and can be expected in late April 2014. We have a couple of new features we are working on, in addition to rebalancing many things to streamline gameplay and improve performance.

In addition to new features, we are also intending on increasing the number of servers that we have. The maximum player count for a single server will be reduced to 12 from 20. This will allow us to focus more on content rather than fixing horrible performance issues (In part due to the old engine that KF runs on). Because we want to add more servers, we have had to re-code many of our exclusive mods due to the fact that they were only built for use on a single server and not multiple servers. NOTE: Everything is subject to change.

We will be doing internal testing in order to make sure that when the servers come up, nothing goes wrong. In total, we are hoping to be able to support at least 54 total players at any time when the servers come back up in April.

If you would like to join us for testing, you can add me on Steam. Testing will start around Late March/Early April.

New Group Page

We have a new Steam group page because we are now hosting Starbound in addition to Killing Floor. (We need a more neutral name that allows both Starbound and Killing Floor)
We were unable to change the name of this group, so we had to make a new one. You can join the new group page at:

All future announcements and updates will be made in that new group. This group will be left for archive purposes.

Brutus.SG Starbound Server

There has been sufficient interest in Starbound so we now officially have our own Starbound server! More details can be found over at the new group page.
The server is currently in beta so bugs can be expected. We will be doing mods for the server once the game is mature enough. KF is still a priority at this moment.

Server IP:

David 9 Jul, 2020 @ 10:37am 
Wow someone actually posted on this group still :bbtraccoon:
good memories for me too man :hype:
Idol Afranche Char 25 May, 2020 @ 8:56pm 
My childhood server in KF back in 2011 thank you! <3
天安門大屠殺事件 13 Mar, 2017 @ 5:52am 
guys news www.♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ use this code to get 5$ code:ohmmy102
J.YUKI 7 Mar, 2015 @ 1:58am 
iTARi 4 Jul, 2014 @ 8:30am 
Brutus Server is gone !!
Brutus 21 Jun, 2014 @ 10:02am 
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25 January, 2011