Awaken Server AWKNRBN
Awaken Server AWKNRBN
30 April, 2016
ABOUT Awaken Server

New Steam Group - Awaken-Reborn Gaming

Ark: World of Beowulf [18+] Roleplay
For Group Access Friend: BrianaDawson

Our Mod Collection Required For Access - Subscribe to All

Mod Collection

Welcome to A:WoB.

We are a RP experience based in the Golden Age of Vikings in the legendary mythology of Norse Scandanavia and the Epic Poem Saga of Beowulf.

World of Beowulf is a 100% Primitive Experience server and in the process of writing our own mod suite that recreates the 8th century viking life experience with all the magic, superstition and mythology of that period.

We are an 18+ roleplay experience. The 18+ is to let you know that the there are mature topics, slavery, physical abuse and possibly worse. If you feel this may be upsetting and psychologically impacting on your emotions in a negative way, you should not join this server.

We seek to create an heavy roleplay environment that brings the participant a feeling of realism as they wish it to be defined. To this end we use the following settings:

- A realistic Night & Day cycle of 8x faster than real time of 24 hours
- Reduced hunger and water intake.
- Harvesting is increased.
- Spoil time has been increased.
- Jerky and eggs lasts days in a preserving bin.
- Taming of animals is faster than normal, what would take 12 hours on Midgard (Official / Vanilla) takes 2 hours on Eardgeard.
- Your personal growth has been both hastened and elongated with a greater number scale. You will feel as though you are living. If you watch your experience bar like a hawk, you will feel as though you are dying.
- Breeders be pleased that your eggs will hatch quickly.
- War Wagons, Sailors and Pirates - Platforms and rafts can hold a greater amount of structures making for formidable means of imposing your will upon those nearby and afar and equally formidable in defending you from such ne'er-do-wells.

Here your life and 'experience' is about the trip, the journey, the final destination is just another stop because there are rewards even after that.

If you absolutely require #numbers# by which to make your decision, then you are not ready to live an experience on Eardgeard, you will do well elsewhere and find other lands far the fairer than these.

And if you really really really really really really need to know, of course you can find out in our Voice / Text channel using Discord App.

ARK: World of Beowulf @ Discord:

ARK: World of Beowulf:Secrets of Scions: steam://connect/
ARK: World of Beowulf:Creative+Survival YoYo: steam://connect/

Awaken-Reborn Community Website[]
Awaken-Reborn Ark-Servers[]
Awaken-Reborn Community Discord[]
Here is an 18+ RP scorched earth server if interested
Ark: World of Beowulf [18+] Roleplay
For Group Access Friend: BrianaDawson

Our Mod Collection Required For Access - Subscribe to All

Mod Collection

Welcome to A:WoB.

We are a RP experience based in the Golden Age of Vikings in the legendary mythology of Norse Scandanavia and the Epic Poem Saga of Beowulf.

World of Beowulf is a 100% Primitive Experience server and in the process of writing our own mod suite that recreates the 8th century viking life experience with all the magic, superstition and mythology of that period.

We are an 18+ roleplay experience. The 18+ is to let you know that the there are mature topics, slavery, physical abuse and possibly worse. If you feel this may be upsetting and psychologically impacting on your emotions in a negative way, you should not join this server.

We seek to create an heavy roleplay environment that brings the participant a feeling of realism as they wish it to be defined. To this end we use the following settings:

- A realistic Night & Day cycle of 8x faster than real time of 24 hours
- Reduced hunger and water intake.
- Harvesting is increased.
- Spoil time has been increased.
- Jerky and eggs lasts days in a preserving bin.
- Taming of animals is faster than normal, what would take 12 hours on Midgard (Official / Vanilla) takes 2 hours on Eardgeard.
- Your personal growth has been both hastened and elongated with a greater number scale. You will feel as though you are living. If you watch your experience bar like a hawk, you will feel as though you are dying.
- Breeders be pleased that your eggs will hatch quickly.
- War Wagons, Sailors and Pirates - Platforms and rafts can hold a greater amount of structures making for formidable means of imposing your will upon those nearby and afar and equally formidable in defending you from such ne'er-do-wells.

Here your life and 'experience' is about the trip, the journey, the final destination is just another stop because there are rewards even after that.

If you absolutely require #numbers# by which to make your decision, then you are not ready to live an experience on Eardgeard, you will do well elsewhere and find other lands far the fairer than these.

And if you really really really really really really need to know, of course you can find out in our Voice / Text channel using Discord App.

ARK: World of Beowulf @ Discord:

ARK: World of Beowulf:Secrets of Scions: steam://connect/
ARK: World of Beowulf:Creative+Survival YoYo: steam://connect/

Server News, Map & Mod Changes. Revive the servers, we need your help!
Reminders and Changes
New mods on both servers and the center has been wiped and changed to the island map. We need all of your help join us in the other group, on discord and in the forums

Prizes For July
  1. 20$ steam Card
  2. Perfect Tame Dino of your choice & Ascendant Blueprint & 3 Dino Paints
  3. 250 Website Points

The points shop is a place you can spend the points you earn through community activity, being active in the forums, voting and showing up to events, we will be adding in a referral program so you can get points that was aswell.

How to get points:
  • forum automation
  • voting for the servers
  • showing up to events
  • Referral program
  • Player of the Week

VOTING POINTS are added every friday, we tally the votes up on each site and add them to your account

The referral system will be ongoing, the way it works is you refer people to the server and they join, you prove they joined and you get rewards so keep track of your recruits.

To Redeem points you need to sign up here ---->

3 Referrals = 100 Points + 3 Dino Paints

6 Referrals = 150 Points + Level 100 Argentavis & Level 100 Frog

9 Referrals = 200 Points + Level 100 Rex OR Quetzal + Ascendant Blueprint

You need to keep track of the people you recruit,

Player of the Week

Every week a new player will be chosen for the player of the week reward.

How to get player of the week is easy, all it requires is community participation and activity.
Joining Discord, the Website or even just being kind to others can help you win. Voting for the server always helps us and you guys so we all have new people to play with and a healthy community. All of this can be found on the website listed below.

the reward for being this is 50 points that can be used at the points shop here --->

Awaken Server reviews
"Survival Games"
Here are a few recent reviews by Awaken Server
SoloGodSPARTAN 17 Dec, 2016 @ 3:19pm 
Hey guys, me and a friend just started up a center server. Have XP and resource harvest at insane levels right now and taming at 2x. After awhile will set XP to 4x and Harvest to 2.5x. If anyone would be interested, please PM me. If we can get a community going, would love to get an island and SE server up and running also!
inyourface 29 Jul, 2016 @ 2:47pm 
Valhalla Server is out of date and I cannot join while being raided
Meatphone 28 Jul, 2016 @ 8:37pm 
Hey N9ne, trying to join the server, but can't query. Please get back to me!
xxSTAN13xx 15 Jul, 2016 @ 6:53pm 
When will the centre be fixed please its the weekend alot of us are getting anxious
N9neBlade 21 Jun, 2016 @ 8:21pm 
N9neBlade 19 Jun, 2016 @ 8:02pm 
VIEW ALL (523)
Group Player of the Week:
Enter chat room
30 April, 2016