Drugoja In The Dreaming DrugoRev
Drugoja In The Dreaming DrugoRev
6 luglio 2021
31 commenti
Drugo⚸a 31 lug 2024, ore 15:26 
Welcome to the group to all new members! :ayos_heart: Hope you enjoy what you find here. Don't forget to also follow the curator when you join. Thank you for your interest in my scribblings and musings :happystar2022:
Drugo⚸a 7 gen 2024, ore 18:55 
Anyway... I want to welcome all the new people who joined the group. Thank you for the support. <3 Hope you had lovely Christmas and New Year holidays :wintersnowman2023: (or New Year and Christmas, in that order, like in this part of he world ;D)
Viire 4 apr 2023, ore 12:33 
....Sounds on brand though. I still remember the old steam greenlight... Thanks for taking the time to inform me! I look forward to whatever you review next!
Drugo⚸a 3 apr 2023, ore 19:10 
Hmm, isn't the GOG version censored, as in h-scenes taken out? If so, then it can be done for Steam too. Besides, Wonderful Everyday (Subarashiki Hibi) somehow made it to Steam and there's no chopping that cleanly, unless you cut the whole game... which is what they did. Only the prologue/first chapter is here, the rest (90%) is behind the free patch :we_ayana: I'm not sure Full Metal Daemon Muramasa is more extreme in content, tbh. But then again, Steam has been known to ban VNs for all sorts of random reasons, and let other pass with no problem. Totally inconsistent.
Viire 2 apr 2023, ore 20:06 
To be completely transparent, it's bad enough that I'm actually not quite brave enough to play it myself! ;~;

I've done a ton of reading about it, but there's still a real shortage of those that have actually played the thing and it's apparently good! I don't think I'm a squeamish person, I love the grotesque, Dead Space being a favorite, and I can read stuff like Berserk. But I dunno if I have the strength for this particular dive into the dark, tragic, and depressing. LOL
Viire 2 apr 2023, ore 20:00 
I think it'd be pretty hard to chop it up for steam to feel comfy enough to release it, Song of Saya is probably much easier to censor than this one... It's the Urobutcher and he's very much in his element with this one.
Drugo⚸a 2 apr 2023, ore 16:56 
Thank you @Viire for joining and for your kind words <3 What dead horse? :pony: Look at it, it's alive and kicking :rexface:

Oh yes, Full Metal Daemon Muramasa, I'd love to play it, too. Thanks for reminding me. I always forget to build up my non-steam backlog :D I see JAST and GOG have it, but it's probably futile to wait for it to come to Steam, eh. :/ Actually, if I remember right, it was denied by Steam, right?
Viire 2 apr 2023, ore 15:41 
At the risk of kicking a dead horse. I really like your reviews, if I can be allowed to potentially add to whatever massive backlog every person has, I'd love to see your take on Full Metal Daemon Muramasa after reading your Song of Saya take. JAST translated it rather recently.
Singularity 16 dic 2022, ore 11:10 
Quick reminder about upcoming winter sale that starts in just 5 days from now... I hope you are ready for major sale of the year. I know I`m never ready but try to sort things out best I can, wishlist, sell items I don`t need, refill wallet funds and sedra... I don`t think there will be some big surprises, probably like previous years, crafting badges, holiday cards and hopefully good discounts.
This will be my anniversary winter sale 10th so far, but nothing has changed really, every year is the same, only difference is prices and discounts.
Happy hunting people, I wish you best of luck :)
Drugo⚸a 8 dic 2022, ore 13:12 
Thank you for the heads up @5♥1♥N
It is quite a nice bundle <3
Singularity 8 dic 2022, ore 11:58 
Fanatical have very interesting bundle right now Anime Bounty Bundle will few interesting VNs
I think worth checking out.
Drugo⚸a 15 dic 2021, ore 11:31 
Heya :lovekami_shion:

Just wanted to say hi to all the people who joined and I haven't greeted properly.
Thanks for joining and welcome :redflower::heartoful:
Drugo⚸a 15 set 2021, ore 15:17 
I did yeah, mostly for the curator.
Thank you for joining and welcome :heartoful:
deadoceans 15 set 2021, ore 15:00 
Glad to see you made a group!
Drugo⚸a 4 set 2021, ore 11:37 
Hello @Saphiran :AI_Aset: Thank you for the kind words :LIS_pixel_heart: And welcome :ZE_4_Leaf_Clover:
Saphiran 4 set 2021, ore 10:46 
Hi all! Special hi to drugoja! Nice group. I see you cover a lot of games I'm interested. Already subscribed to your curator page. Keep up the great work you're doing. :steamthumbsup:
Drugo⚸a 29 ago 2021, ore 14:50 
Thank you <3 And welcome @deadboygirl
doll 29 ago 2021, ore 13:41 
hi ^^ lovely group + profile :cleachaos: :Kopikat:
Његош 13 lug 2021, ore 18:50 
Thank You!!
I'm glad to be here 😀
Drugo⚸a 13 lug 2021, ore 15:03 
Heya Његош :lovekami_shion: Welcome :heartoful:
Његош 13 lug 2021, ore 14:35 
Hello everyone!!!
Drugo⚸a 13 lug 2021, ore 12:24 
Welcome to all the people I haven't greeted :lovekami_shion:
Thanks for joining :heartoful:
Drugo⚸a 12 lug 2021, ore 14:14 
Yes! :lunar2019grinningpig: I'm craving adventures again :oxennona:
Welcome @nerloch
and @Rachel :heartframe:
nerloch 12 lug 2021, ore 13:55 
Howdy everyone, looking forward to more Adventure review goodness :charnel:
Drugo⚸a 12 lug 2021, ore 13:33 
Heya @Quirky Custodian Welcome :LIS_pixel_heart:
That's why I always have the spellchecker on xD
Quirky Custodian 12 lug 2021, ore 13:31 
Greetings all. :k8happy: I had to fix the message, spelling would've killed me.
Drugo⚸a 12 lug 2021, ore 13:30 
:steamhappy: :ss_legendarywine: :steamdance:
Welcome @lovenliberty :ss13heart:
And welcome @𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕒𝕙 :heartoful:

Make yourselves at home :cafe: :parfait:
dreary 12 lug 2021, ore 13:23 
Fifth! :txsmug: :lol: Hi, everyone! :steamhappy:
Drugo⚸a 12 lug 2021, ore 11:34 
Heya @309 Welcome! :steamdance: :LIS_pixel_heart:
⛄️ ~ 🎄 Aniva 🎄 ~ ⛄ 8 lug 2021, ore 6:18 
Thank you! :yetuhappy:
Drugo⚸a 7 lug 2021, ore 16:10 
Kyaa! A first member :steamhappy: Welcome @Aniva :heartframe: to my humble abode :D