STEAM グループ
Anarchist Inc. αnαrchíєѕ
STEAM グループ
Anarchist Inc. αnαrchíєѕ
Anarchist Inc. について

This is official steam group of Anarchies.

Welcome to Anarchist Inc.

All fans request to join and contact any clan member to get accepted in the clan.

Disclaimer: This group doesn't own any trade bots, anyone pretending to be one is trying to scam you!

Source of the current group avatar can be found on the forums!

Group rules:
- Forum/chat language: English, Hinglish or Hindi.
- No spam.
- No harassment.
- No flaming.
- No erp in chat.
- Advertising other groups is considered spam and will be deleted.
- Respect the mods! Mods always have a reason to warn/kick/ban you.
- Joke around, but don't be stupid and a ♥♥♥♥.
- Don't break the steam guidelines and regulations.
- Don't post links to sites that violate international rules of what's acceptable.
- You can talk about anything, as long as it's not violating the rules above.
- Trading through the chat is allowed, but do not spam trade offers.

Repeatedly breaking any of these rules will lead to a warning, then a kick and finally a ban.

Official Youtube channel
Gyk : YouTube Content Creator for Anarchies
LRF : YouTube Content Creator for Anarchies
4 years!
Happy New Year.
6 件のコメント
Ajay0107 2019年9月13日 9時14分 
HEeeellLLoooOOoOo :D
-Cris7iano- 2017年9月3日 15時57分 
Stop trolling and start playing! Our MGs are becoming GN2s! XD
K10 2017年8月18日 16時08分 
Welcome to the Kingdom.
Chibi 2017年3月16日 7時57分 
hello xD
JUGNU CHALI JHALANDHAR 2017年3月8日 13時08分 
thanks :D
LuckyRF 2017年3月7日 10時29分 
I Added Futureistc to our clan Welcome to our clan Mr.Futuristic :D