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7 January, 2020
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collab rules

1. Make whatever theme you want, but be wary with custom content. We dont want to end up with a 500 mb .bsp. Please make sure to make a good looking stage
2. Make any difficulty you want, easy, medium or hard but dont make your stage TOO hard
3. Make interesting gameplay, not linear strafe maps (as example - bhop_lego2). Dont make your bhop platforms the size of china
4. Use "militia_hdr" as skybox
5. Since its better to have a map flow dont make kz/LJ in your stage
6. Use bhop triggers for your gameplay. Mpbhops or singlehops (unless its a climb part)
7. Make your stage possible for legit scroll
8. Dont add surf in your gameplay (it just isnt necessary)
9. Give your entities unique names that nobody else will think of using. This also include brush entities such as triggers and any other func_ used in your map that isnt func_detail

Since the map has HDR you need to compile with HDR ticked on in the compile window. Turn HDR on under advanced video options if you dont have it on already. I made some HDR configurations and a light_environment in a vmf that i want you to copy and paste into your level. This makes you able to test your stage with the right HDR and light saturation that it gets when it gets into the final map (this is just so you can see how your map design looks with the skybox and HDR settings. We will be deleting them when you submit your stage). There is 4 entities in the vmf. Just copy them and add them into your level but DONT change their position to each other. JUST copy paste them into your vmf without doing anymore to them. They are made with the right colors and settings already. The skybox we are using is militia_hdr, so set the skybox in your map properties to ''militia_hdr'' if you want to make a stage with skybox.

Mind that you dont NEED to make something with a skybox. Just copy paste the env_tonemap_controller and logic_auto if you dont want to have a skybox for your stage. Then you wont need the light_environment and info_target. Make your stage approximately 1 min long on a casual auto run (30 sec on perfect auto route) BUT mind that your stage has to be possible for scroll. When making difficulty, have scroll settings in your mind. Please keep your stage at max 10% brushes, brushsides, planes and models.

The stages will be sorted by difficulty (from easy to hard). When you are done with your level send the .vmf to tera and he will sew the map together when all mappers are done. Mind that if your stage isnt optimized properly, we might reoptimize it or ask you to do it.

We will also be adding soundscapes to all levels with music/ambient, so dont worry about finding songs and adding env_soundscape's. Mind that you shouldnt use entities that reflects in a whole map either. This includes things such as env_fog_controller, env_wind, env_sun (etc) since these type of entities will be showing and effecting other peoples stages.
blend 10 Jan, 2020 @ 10:05am 
The hammer limit is now set to 10% per stage. If you make 2 stages its 20%.
blend 8 Jan, 2020 @ 6:22am 
I might change some of the rules regarding brushlimit during the time we collect mappers to participate. The more mappers the smaller percent for each stage. Its currently set to max 15% which equals 90% for 6 stages.
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7 January, 2020