FallenAngel-(-FA-) (-FallenA-)
FallenAngel-(-FA-) (-FallenA-)
17 July, 2012
ABOUT FallenAngel-(-FA-)

Fallen Angels ♥♥♥♥♥

The FallenAngels Servers are created by Rick(FA:O). I am (-FallenA-)'s co-owner.
We currently have a DarkRP server up and running. We are in the need for some new admins considering we are back down to three only. Please feel free to leave a admin application on this page. Please use the following format.

1.About you:
2.Have you ever been an admin?:
2(B).If do what was your rank?:
3.How old are you?:
4.If you were to get the position, what would you do to help out?:
5.What would you do if someone reported a guy SUSPECTED of aimbot?:
6.Who will vouch for you? (If you don't know what vouch means gtfo..):
7.Have you lied on any part of this application?:
8.Have you ever been banned from a server?(Unfair question lulz):
9.If you have been banned list the amount of times you have been:
Server rules:
Server Rules!!!
These rules are strickly enforced!!
1. NO Rdming or cdming!
2. No propkilling, propsurfing, proppushing, propblocking!
3. Your base should have ATLEAST one entry point accesable by raiders!
4. Any sort of admin disrespect is a no no! That will not be tolerated here!
5. Use OOC (Out of charector) wisely, no metagaming.
6. Admins always have the last say. Yes, in everything.
7. No racism will be allowed in here. This includes (♥♥♥♥♥, ♥♥♥♥♥♥, ♥♥♥♥♥, Cracker, White boy, Or any other type of racism.)
8. You must have droped balls to use your mic. Either that or put your voice changer to something lower. A little kids voice is annoyoing as ♥♥♥♥!
9. Please be sure to use very little profanity.
10. If something is happening that you don't like type it to admins not in ooc. !menu>Chat>Asay> (Message)
11. Please do not use porn sprays on our server. Little kids come on these things you know.
12. If you see a pedo bear do not struggle!
13. Do not nlr (New life rule). It clearly states that when you die you forget everything and don't come back for 2 mins.. Do not nlr!
14. Do not mic spam! If someone is mic spamming tell a admin. But not over ooc, do this, !Menu>Chat>Asay>(Message)
15. If a admin does not get to you right away, consider being put on hold and you may hang up (Stop spamming him/her) Any time You want :)
16. If you have any suggestions for our server please contact me on steam (|| Rhino || Baby Rh9o)
18. If you have a problem with our server then leave and don't come back.
19. Do not complain over the mic! Remember, type "!menu" In chat then go to chat, and then go to asay and type your message.
20. If you do not like one of our admins please tell me and i will get to the bottum of it.
22. If you spent your time reading these rules contact me on steam (|| Rhino || Baby Rh9o) And i will give you a special treat as soon as possible. Thanks for reading :) And between you and me, all of the people who didn't read the rules are noobs...

New Gorup
Mephyblef 13 Aug, 2012 @ 4:18pm 
1.About you: Will enforce rules no matter what
2.Have you ever been an admin?: Yes
2(B).If do what was your rank?: Z-Flag (all Admin Commands etc.)
3.How old are you?: 13
4.If you were to get the position, what would you do to help out?: Enforce Rules and Help Construct
5.What would you do if someone reported a guy SUSPECTED of aimbot?: Investigate; Watch player and determine if acuusations are true
6.Who will vouch for you? (If you don't know what vouch means gtfo..): xXUNDEAD KENNYXx
7.Have you lied on any part of this application?: No
8.Have you ever been banned from a server?(Unfair question lulz): Yes
9.If you have been banned list the amount of times you have been: Lost count but less than 7
Cmray 10 Aug, 2012 @ 1:28am 
Addon to application: Corruptedjak will also vouch for me.
Cmray 10 Aug, 2012 @ 1:25am 
1.About you: Im a generally all around chill person but when i need to be difficult on people i can be.
2.Have you ever been an admin?: I have been on a few garry's mod servers that were shut down and i co-owned a minecraft server
2(B).If do what was your rank?: I have been co-owner on a gmod server
3. How old are you?: Im 17
4.If you were to get the position, what would you do to help out?: I would make sure to help people with what they are doing but keep the roleplay aspect with jobs ect.
5.What would you do if someone reported a guy SUSPECTED of aimbot?: I would vanish and follow until it was proven he had aimbot, with aimbot it would be a perma ban.
6.Who will vouch for you?: Undead Kenny
7.Have you lied on any part of this application: I have not lied.
8.Have you ever been banned from a server?: I have been banned from a server but no more than 2 for spamming a few years back.
9.If you have been banned list the amount of times you have been: Twice.
EgN-R|SQUAD|CapoBoy 10 Aug, 2012 @ 12:36am 
1.About you:im a cool person when you get to know me im vert active on all the time
2.Have you ever been an admin?:yes
2(B).If do what was your rank?:Head of Staff/Making sure lower admins are doing there jobs.
3.How old are you?:15
4.If you were to get the position, what would you do to help out?:id help out on the server. if there was any server problems rdm trolling etc.
5.What would you do if someone reported a guy SUSPECTED of aimbot?:i would make sure to spectate him and if he was id perm ban
6.Who will vouch for you? (If you don't know what vouch means gtfo..): Undead Kenny
7.Have you lied on any part of this application?:No
8.Have you ever been banned from a server?(Unfair question lulz):yes
9.If you have been banned list the amount of times you have been:2
Fujimoto 8 Aug, 2012 @ 6:48pm 
1.About you:ii love to help people and have fun but not abuse i think that abusing is a real problem with lots of admins and the community gets tired of that
2.Have you ever been an admin?:yes
2(B).If do what was your rank?:co-owner/admin trainer
3.How old are you?:15 almost 16
4.If you were to get the position, what would you do to help out?:i would help out with any of the server problems rdming trolling ect.
5.What would you do if someone reported a guy SUSPECTED of aimbot?:i would spectate him and look for aimbot
6.Who will vouch for you? (If you don't know what vouch means gtfo..):LukeGonseth and undead kenny
7.Have you lied on any part of this application?:no
8.Have you ever been banned from a server?(Unfair question lulz):yes
9.If you have been banned list the amount of times you have been:3
Cawkmagic 8 Aug, 2012 @ 6:48pm 
1.About you: cool and nice also helpful
2.Have you ever been an admin?: yes
2(B).If do what was your rank?: admin
3.How old are you?: 12
4.If you were to get the position, what would you do to help out?: help the admins deal with trolls and other uneeded things.
5.What would you do if someone reported a guy SUSPECTED of aimbot?: ask any other players if they think hes using any kind of hack..
6.Who will vouch for you? (If you don't know what vouch means gtfo..): Master Assasin kenny
7.Have you lied on any part of this application?: no
8.Have you ever been banned from a server?(Unfair question lulz): yes
9.If you have been banned list the amount of times you have been 1
Group Player of the Week:
Enter chat room
17 July, 2012