Notice of Copyright Infringement

Valve respects the intellectual property rights of others, and we ask that everyone using our internet sites and services do the same. Anyone who believes that their work has been reproduced in one of our internet sites or services in a way that constitutes copyright infringement may notify Valve's copyright agent using the form below.

Submitting a claim of copyright infringement is a serious legal matter. Before you proceed, you might consider contacting the individual directly to address the complaint. It might be a simple misunderstanding and possible to address without involving proper legal process.

Be aware that under Section 512(f) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, any person who knowingly materially misrepresents that material or activity is infringing may be liable for damages.

Please also note that the information provided in this legal notice may be shared with third-parties or made public.

* All fields are required
1. Identify Content
Provide a URL on Valve’s systems where the content that you say is infringing can be found:*
Please list any additional URLs with your description in the box below.
Please describe the specific content on Valve’s systems you say is infringing:*
Identify the copyrighted work that you claim is being infringed:*
Please include any relevant information such as urls, dates, account names involved, and where the original content can be found. If you have access to the original work, it would be helpful to add a note to that page identifying the owner. It can make the process much quicker by simply adding a note to the bottom of the original content page such as “Copyright 201X [Owner’s Name.] This item is not authorized for posting on Steam, except under the Steam account named ______”
2. Your Contact Information
The contents of your complaint, including your name and email address, may be provided to the person that posted the allegedly infringing content you are reporting.
Full Legal Name*
Address 1*
Address 2
Postal Code*
Email Address*
3. Authorization & Signature
By checking the following boxes and submitting this claim, I state UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY that:

Type your full name into this box, acting as your digital signature

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