Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

Sweet, Sweet Halloween

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Items (4)
Marked Incompatible ]  Zombanana
Created by Kwishy
"I always recall Mr Bain as being a smart guy. For instance, I first met him as he was casually wandering around the unsolved files, solving each cases in a single blink. This always amazed me. It was sad to think that it was on the behalf of my fortune. A...
Marked Incompatible ]  Rekt-o-Lantern sticker
Created by Kwishy
"Slaughter. That's the word used by most people to describe the battlefield in which my feet rest. I never had any pity for my opponents. Death is not something that scares me. Not a single bit. It hasn't always been easy being a Pumpkin, though. Back in t...
Marked Incompatible ]  Pumpkin-chan sticker
Created by Kwishy
"You don't want to know Pumpkin-chan's backstory. But I'll tell you anyway. Have you heard of the dreadful story of Mr Pumpkle? Of course you didn't. "Tldr", they said. "But if I'm actually reading this, it means I do care", they said. They all say things....
Marked Incompatible ]  Mr Bawns | sticker
Created by Kwishy
"For a mummy, Mr Bawns was never considered seriously. Honestly, who would think a mummy that is just a sack of bones with strips of paper on it is scary? ...Well yes, a lot of people. But that's not my point. Truth is, when Djet-Rekt was still a Pharaoh, ...