Joe Danger 2: The Movie

Joe Danger 2: The Movie

31 ratings
How to make levels in Movie Maker!
By Hello Games
Get a kickstart to your new career as a Joe Danger level designer! This guide to Movie Maker mode will introduce you to how it works, and provide tips and tricks on creating the most testing and fun levels from the very people who made the game!
In Joe Danger 2’s Movie Maker editing mode you can make levels that you can play and share with others using Steam Workshop! Hit a button and you’ll flip between playing and editing, so you can easily playtest as you go along. Joe Danger's developer, Hello Games, used this very editor to make the levels that ship with the game, so you have the same power at your fingertips!

Simply pick an environment and a vehicle, and you can start making the most devious, crazy and fun levels you can think of! This guide will help kickstart your Joe Danger level editing career!
Getting started
Select Movie Maker from the main menu. In Joe Danger 2: The Movie there are special tutorial levels to get you started, but feel free to jump straight into an empty level to learn through playing around!

Simply select an environment and the vehicle Joe will be riding, generate a name that you like for it, and you’ll find Joe set up and ready to drive. This is the level running live. Hit the Y button if you're using a gamepad, or Enter if you're using mouse/keyboard, to jump into Edit mode!

NB If you’re playing with a gamepad and use A to select Movie Maker mode, you’ll disable mouse/keyboard control. If you'd prefer to use mouse/keyboard, press Enter and you’ll use Movie Maker mode that way instead.
Making a level
Once you enter edit mode, you’ll notice the camera move to view the level from the side. If you’re using a mouse/keyboard, you can move around the level by holding the right mouse button and dragging. With gamepad, use left stick.

To place an object hit X on gamepad, or click on the spanner icon to bring up the object selection screen. Select with A/mouse button. With gamepad, you can use the left and right triggers and bumpers to orientate many objects so they look the way you want them. Use the right stick to shift between lanes, and click in on the right stick to zoom the view in and out.

With mouse/keyboard, click the icons around the object to adjust its orientation, and use your mouse wheel to switch between lanes.

The key to making a good level is deciding what kind of gameplay you want it to offer!

Want to make a mad dash? Put a Coin Dash object in with some boost pads, and some lane switchers to make players have to dodge and weave their way through the course.

A precision run filled with danger? Use bounce pads to send players flying, and make them land on narrow hovering ledges. Liberally sprinkle with buzzsaws and spikes to bring tears to their eyes.

A boss challenge? Put a marauding attack helicopter in and give players a chance to dodge its rockets by hiding behind barriers as they race.

A hunt for stars? Hide stars under objects and high above, so players have to explore the level fully to win.

Or you can mix and match! The beauty of Movie Maker is that you can build anything you want with a varied selection of tools. Experiment, then play it, tweak and play it again to make sure it’s fun (and finishable).

The game automatically puts an finish line in a little way after the last objects you’ve placed, so you don’t need to worry about making sure that’s there, and if you want you can move the start line back to make more space. Each level is actually made up of up to eight scenes, each with a limit of the number of objects you can put into them. The game automatically places them next to each other chronologically when you play the level.
Tips and tricks
  • ‘Soft move’ (left stick + right move / shift + middle mouse) is essential to making a good level and is fantastic for precision placement or decoration.
  • After making a level a great way to give it an edge is to put some time into decorating it using props such as barrels, cones or buses. This will make your level beautiful or even funny and can help the player know where to go. For example, when placing a lane switch, fill the opposite lane with something like a trapped robot to give a reason why Joe had to swerve!
  • Use ministars and other collectibles to lead the player through your level. If you want them to boost off of a ramp, lead the player down to a target or if you want them to get a bit too close to that shark tank for comfort, collectibles are the answer.
  • If you run out of space for props in a scene, don’t forget you can put them into the next scene. The game will automatically stitch them together!
  • When selecting props in order to move or delete them, it can sometimes be hard to get the one you want. Use left stick or middle mouse to scroll through objects and grab the one you want more easily.
  • Take note of how high Joe’s bike can jump, and how far he can jump. Put items just out of reach, unless you’re boosting, to add extra challenge. To start you off, Joe’s double jump is just high enough to get him over a hurdle with a bomb under it…
  • Using square blocks as platforms to create an extra height plane adds an exciting dimension to levels.
  • Ever play the career and think, “Hmmm, what if that target was on the side of that bus surrounded by spikes…?” Make it so!
  • Play your level over and over to make it perfect.

One of our favourite levels has to be Attack of the Cones. It contains loads of cruel ideas for how to make a challenge – examine it to see how flexible the Joe Danger toolset is! Here's a video (watch from 1:23).

Most importantly, though, HAVE FUN!
cubert 24 Jan, 2014 @ 6:37am 
SaMRoSs 1 Sep, 2013 @ 5:32am 
MGoro 8 Jul, 2013 @ 11:15am 
Mgtotoro 27 Jun, 2013 @ 9:40am 
do you know how to stop lag on joe danger?