5 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 4.9 hrs on record (4.2 hrs at review time)
Posted: 12 May, 2017 @ 12:16pm
Updated: 18 May, 2017 @ 12:15pm

So when I first glanced at the game, it looked amazing! It had this whole "Secret of Mana" vibe with a tinge of "Illusian of Gaia" with it's text, it's gameplay semi resembled games like Breath of Fire and Final Fantasy, or even Treasures of the Rudras.

That all caught my eye and it stood out amongst the other RPG maker games out there, so I did a little more research. I checked the official YouTube video to see it's ratings. Good amount of views and good ratings usually mean people generally like the game. I then checked Steam reviews, not for the reviews themself, but for the average amount of time people had put into this game. I didn't want to buy a game that had like 2 hours of gameplay alone, I was looking for something that had more like 20+ hours, especially for an RPG. This game DOES have that apparently, based on the average amount of hours involved.

So, I bought Ara Fell and immediately ran into a problem. The game launched in a window instead of fullscreen which most games do immediately. This is fine, just really odd. The problem I ran into was that my corded Xbox 360 controller wasn't recognized and my keyboard couldn't control any of the keys...

Not a good start for Ara Fell. I tried different USB slots thinking it could be the engine didn't detect USB 3.0 or something, nothing worked. I finally took to the game's steam forum and searched "controller" (which I shouldn't at all have to do, the game should work out of the box!) and found some work around with launching the game with new compatability settings (XP service pack 3).

So I finally launched the game and it worked fine with the controller, I was even able to set the game to fullscreen and stretch it's aspect ratio to fit my monitor; however, after playing a few minutes of the game, I immediately noticed input lag in some areas of the game. I have no idea what's causing this as my PC has updated hardware, enough to play higher-end games like Blizzard's "Overwatch" and Funcom's "Conan Exiles". My guess is the RPG Maker engine isn't optimized for "Windows 10 64-bit, or the code within RPG maker isn't optimized, and thus, the game just lags. It could also be me running the game under that forum poster's suggestion of running the game with Windows XP Service Pack 3 compatability.

+Beautiful music
+Stunning sprite work
+Lush thought-provoking story
+Non-linear exploriation
+Diverse crafting system
+Storydriven Cutscenes
+Rewarding Minigames

-Work arounds are required to use controller and fix lag...
-No diagional movement, can only move Up/Down/Left/Right.
-No battle music, boss music, or fanfare themes.
-Very laggy/almost not useable Crafting System.
-Convoluted, frustrating, and esoteric map system.
-No hotkeys for key features of the game, such as item menu, world map, or crafting menu.
-Cannot Shift+Tab to open steam menu
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PixyFreakingStix 13 May, 2017 @ 8:26am 
Thanks for the offer! We are indeed making a sequel and it is indeed in Unity. lol

We won't be starting on earnest in that for a while yet, but I'll keep you in mind when we do!
Graham 12 May, 2017 @ 3:25pm 
If you guys decide to make a sequel to this game, which I definently think you should, consider using Unity! Take a look at Final Fantasy Record Keeper on how they handled both battle backgrounds and enemy animations. Most of the bosses, if not all the bosses, have rigged/animated planes that are textured(well sprited lol) and are set up on layers.

Here's an example of me fighting a tough boss in FFRK, it shows how the boss is animated.
www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=Z1aiOKUqMqM

I'd be very willing to help do all of that if you all decided to move to Unity or UE4. If you have a sprite artist that could provide the individual parts of the bosses or enemies (wings, hands, body, head, etc) that make up the enemy creature, I could set it completely up in 3ds max so that it's 100% rigged, skinned, and animated. I could then export both the sprite model (planes) and it's animations and set it all up in Unity for your team and you to use in a game-ready state.
PixyFreakingStix 12 May, 2017 @ 2:48pm 
re monster sfx and animations: Me too! Animations for sure. That's another engine issue that we can't really do anything about if we use the default system. SFX we can sort of do, but it's a huge pain in the butt, so ultiamtely we gave up. The base system seems to be based on the SNES and earlier Final Fantasy games, where enemies didn't animate. I can understand now why they did that; it's just so much work animating all the monsters.

Every boss has battle music though, and so do most scripted fights. Most have victory themes too; just not the trash mobs. I actually find battle music interupting the theme you were listening to previously to be really obnoxious, but that's just a matter of personal preference, I think.

The fact that you're getting lag from the crafting menu is interesting... That's another thing I've never heard reported before. I wonder what the issue might be...
Graham 12 May, 2017 @ 2:39pm 
Greetings StegosoftGames, thank you for your swift reply! I have since updated my original review to supply pros and cons. I tried to leave out cons that were simply gripes, first world problems haha. I feel like there should be a deeper level of immersion with the game that is simply lacking, such as monster SFX, as well as monster animations. I did however list that I felt having no battle music or fanfare theme was a con, usually those are core levels of immersion. Battle music, and even boss music, drive home a sense of urgency. That sense of urgency is replaced with a sense of success once you kill it and hear that relieving fanfare victory theme.
PixyFreakingStix 12 May, 2017 @ 2:00pm 
Hey there! Yeah, sorry about the controller thing... it's a weird (and fortunately, pretty rare) bug with RPG Maker 2003 that we can't do anything about. I'm currently talking with someone that's able to modify the engine itself to resolve this, but I have no idea if it'll actually happen... I'm glad you got it working, though.

As for input lag, that's not something I've heard of happening before. Is it actually lag, or is maybe the controller's deadzone too high? That's another thing we want to change with the engine (but can't actually do ourselves); the d-pad should be the default way of moving, not the thumbstick.

I'll dig into the issue and see if I can resolve why there might be lag like that. Sorry for the trouble!