

WM Smarter food selection
nasa 26 Mar, 2017 @ 5:44am
Error-spamming bug (previously stuttering bug)

SFS updated, and now my game keeps stuttering and throwing and spamming these errors. Is it safe to remove SFS? Do you need any more info?
Last edited by nasa; 28 Mar, 2017 @ 8:37am
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
Derpino  [developer] 26 Mar, 2017 @ 5:56am 
Can I get your mod list and a compatibility report please ?
To print the report, go to mod settings and use the option "with def names".
Then copy from the log with the "copy" button on the top-left.
It is safe to remove SFS unless you have any of those "cannibal" nutrient paste meals somewhere.
nasa 26 Mar, 2017 @ 6:35am 
Thank you for your swift response! Here's the report: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yit2s6tfjhauo35/Compatibility%20Report%20-%20SFS%20-%2026-03-2017.txt?dl=0

As for the mod-list, would screenshots suffice? I've got a couple dozen mods installed, so it'd be a hassle (unless I'm an idiot and completely missing a simple solution) to get it in text-form.
Merri 26 Mar, 2017 @ 6:44am 
I also had a stuttering issue today (also a crash). Didn't look at the error log, but tried disabling the two most recently updated mods, which were sfs and organized research tab. disabling sfs did nothing, but when I disabled the other one, the stuttering stopped. Maybe try that?
nasa 26 Mar, 2017 @ 6:45am 
I'll try that, but that shouldn't cause SFS to throw errors like these, should it?
Derpino  [developer] 26 Mar, 2017 @ 6:49am 
under windows you should can a modlist in
YOUUSERDIRECTORY\AppData\LocalLow\Ludeon Studios\RimWorld by Ludeon Studios\Config\modsconfig.xml

Are you spamed with the exact same message ? is it always Apparel_ScoutCloak that is related or does it appear only once per type of item ? (it should !).

That's a weird thing I got here, I think I'll just make a 4th hotfix and silence this message as it is probably harmless.
Derpino  [developer] 26 Mar, 2017 @ 6:56am 
Also can you tell me if that "Apparel_ScoutCloak" thing is in someone's inventory, or just laying somewhere ?
nasa 26 Mar, 2017 @ 6:56am 
Modlist: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wma89hspejf4275/ModsConfig.xml?dl=0
For mac users it's Library/Application Support/Rimworld/ModListBackup/ModsConfig.xml (just for other users looking through this thread for the mod list on a Mac, just in case)

I'm spammed with the same message but referring to different items each time, a couple dozen at a time.
Derpino  [developer] 26 Mar, 2017 @ 7:05am 
I would like to see those names. I would need
Library/Application Support/Rimworld/output_log.txt

also when is Stuttering happening ? is it random or when you got this yellow message ?
Do you have grass eating pets with unrestricted area ?
nasa 26 Mar, 2017 @ 7:31am 
From what I've seen on the Organized Research Tab Mod-comments, it's that mod that causes the stuttering. It disabling it seems to have fixed the issue. Do you still want to fix the weirdness with the error spamming, or do you want to leave it at this?

Also, for Mac it's not in /Application Support/Rimworld/output_log.txt, it actually (according to https://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=21565.0 this post) behaves like the Linux binaries, whatever that means, so I had to set up a path to output the logs myself, but that doesn't seem to give you/us/me what we want. Nevertheless, here's the log itself: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gtb1is9bhyodldk/output_log.txt?dl=0 and here's a screenshot of the in-game log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r54hjbbvnazrya8/Schermafbeelding%202017-03-26%20om%2016.30.35.png?dl=0
Derpino  [developer] 26 Mar, 2017 @ 7:38am 
So it seems that all the names are things you have on someone's inventory or gear, right ?
I had a quick look at my code, I think I've found the issue already ! But I need to make it occur myself to make sure.
Would you mind to have a try at this quick fix ?
Last edited by Derpino; 26 Mar, 2017 @ 7:43am
nasa 26 Mar, 2017 @ 7:50am 
No, actually, I don't think any of my colonists have this gear on them, for I usually forbid these things (melee weapons, explosive weapons, I use none of these, and some items I recognise because they're in my stockpile). I'll double-check and make sure, though, and I'll also check if there are any visitors with this equipped.

Post-double-check: you actually were right, this is in the inventory of a single trader, not one of my colonists. I had just sold them, if I remember correctly. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help to resolve this bug.
Derpino  [developer] 26 Mar, 2017 @ 7:58am 
Next time this bug is happening, please switch from the current to this standalone version, and see if this keeps happening.

nasa 26 Mar, 2017 @ 8:10am 
I will, thank you! Is this me/mac-specific, and/or will it be included in the next 'major' version? Just curious :)
Derpino  [developer] 26 Mar, 2017 @ 8:17am 
I don't think it's mac specific, it didn't happen to me while I was playing normally but when looking at the source, it makes sense that this happens.
It will rather be hotfix very soon. I'm affraid a lot of people are bothered by this bug and you are among the minority who reports issues.
Jigain 27 Mar, 2017 @ 10:07pm 
I ran into the same bug today, but in my case it was with Medicine and Silver, both of which I'm pretty sure are core items. :P

Stutter every 1 second (approximately), even while paused, eventually ending in a crash to desktop.

Hopefully your hotfix will cover my version of the bug as well, but let me know if you need anything from me to facilitate or speed up the process.

Le edit (that's French for edit): I might add that I was playing just fine yesterday evening. Haven't subscribed to any new mods since, so it just kind of... bugged overnight, I guess.

Le edit secundus: Never mind. I think the medicine and silver query for unidentified food is still a valid concern, but it seems unrelated to the stuttering and crash - in my case at least. Organized Research Tab pushed an update overnight and a lot of people are reporting stuttering and stack overflow crashes since. The dev for that mod just rolled back, so hopefully that'll make the game playable again.
Last edited by Jigain; 27 Mar, 2017 @ 10:15pm
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