Space Engineers

Space Engineers

TXC Automatic Solar Panels
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Xarniia  [developer] 10 Feb, 2017 @ 10:55am
Not or wrong recognized panels
If you think your panel is not or wrong recognized, please post this here!

To help you fast, please include:
  • screenshot of your panel
  • link to a blueprint of your construction
Last edited by Xarniia; 16 Feb, 2017 @ 4:22pm
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Showing 1-13 of 13 comments
Xarniia  [developer] 16 Feb, 2017 @ 4:25pm 
Already answered in the main discussion. T-panels work with two rotors only at the moment. It is planned to support any number of rotors in T-panels later. But it’s on my priority list. :)
CodedCrow 9 Apr, 2017 @ 8:27am 
i made an I panel and its is reconized as an I panel, but it works when i load the game and have a vanilla solar panel on it, but doesnt work i only a moded solar panels on it, even if remove the moded solar panel, rebuild the vanilla and recompile the code. it still wont rotate. considering you have an explanion on how to black list rotors(which tbh i think you should just whitelist rotors), i would assume it would work with any types of solar panels, including modded, but it doesn't
Xarniia  [developer] 10 Apr, 2017 @ 6:32am 
Because of a bug in the game, I had to hardcode the maximum output values of solar panels. This makes modded ones tricky. But I may look if this bug is already fixed, in the next days. If you understand about C# you can change these values in the code section. More general spoken, modded panels and / or rotors must correctly implement their interfaces, else it can’t work.

Why the recompile not recognizes the panel again, I don’t know. Can you tell me the mod you are using, please? Do you use ‘mixed’ panels on your I-panel?

The script is intended to blacklist rotors – it’s one of the key features, because it should work without setup. Most scripts use naming rotors, but that’s exactly what’s not the intention. But if you have a concrete idea how to make this better just tell, maybe I can change this.
CodedCrow 10 Apr, 2017 @ 8:34am 
Well i dont know C# for say but im decent on learning program codes. problem. with the size of your code. i would need to slowly read trough the 10 paragraphs of code just to change one value. an easy way i tough you could make it work (adleast for I panels). is have the rotor rotate at a player decided speed. if the solar panels power production drops, reverse the rotor, simple (reason why i dont do it. is i dont feel like learning 90% of the game's code for something that should be easy but head up being 3 headaches) if that is actually fairly complex then nvm. its just my idea.

recompiling the code would tell me. that it creates a new solar panel, but wouldn't rotate. even if would give the rotor rotation the code would just set it back to zero.

one of them is this:
which tbh every solar panel lover should have, which saddly breaks the game if used with another solar panel mod.
the other is these.

well a way that might simplify it. is lets say i make an I solar panel. i would make it, then go into the costum Data or the Rotor and write (or name i) {I Solar} or something like that. your code would detect, its an I solar panel, and do what it does, which is awesome. With the T you would have the T Rotor Base and T Rotor top. making T panels with multiple solar panels (like that prev guy) easier since. it would treat every T top like a T top.
idk if your new to programming or your expirienced with this. but that is the way i would do it if i had alot of expirience.

Good luck with your program.
Xarniia  [developer] 12 Apr, 2017 @ 5:59am 
Ok, I understand why you like the first mod, but guess it’s not possible to support this without getting a big dependency. It may possible giving the user an option to add modded panels in the option section, but it’s low priority for me and also will not be very user friendly. :(
All this will be easily possible after one can access the maximum power output of the panel type (this is different from what’s written in the panel’s info). But that’s related to the API, so no influence on this. :(

The script sets the rotor’s velocity to zero if at least one panel has a relative output below the threshold. (In the past rotors, etc. could break easier if they were offline, that’s why I change the velocity instead.) Maybe there is still a modded panel, which gives the script a relative power output greater than 1?

This was exactly what the script should not do. There are many scripts with this behaviour, why I wrote this script. It has a different approach to find panels by matching a pattern of rotors and solar panels. But thank you for the feedback. :)
CodedCrow 12 Apr, 2017 @ 6:48am 
aw f***, but wait. you said as long as the moded solar panels produce more then the vanilla solar panels the program will asume the solar panels are on point. so that means, that once the modded produce less power then the maximum power output of a vanilla solar panel. the rotor will turn to orient itself. am i right or wrong?
Xarniia  [developer] 12 Apr, 2017 @ 7:01am 
Yes, guess so, but not tested. On large grid the base output is 120 kW and on small 30 kW. If your panels are below it possibly may work. But in any case I will add it to the description for everybody, that modded panels don’t work well.
NouvelleVoix 29 Apr, 2017 @ 7:38pm 
Just one T panel that won't turn.

Empty world with just the affected station spawned:
Xarniia  [developer] 29 Apr, 2017 @ 7:49pm 
This will make you smile! What can’t turn if safety lock is enabled? ;)
I unchecked the box and it worked as it should.
NouvelleVoix 30 Apr, 2017 @ 12:16am 

When and why would I have done that?
rages quietly

Last edited by NouvelleVoix; 30 Apr, 2017 @ 12:16am
evilknievel850 20 May, 2017 @ 2:20am 
Just noticed the Programmable block will not recognize a panel if it is on the same subgrid. I placed it next to the solar panels on a U-panel, does not work. Moving the blocks to the main station fixes it. I could not find this hint in your documentation, can you confirm this restriction? Not a big deal, but confused me.
Xarniia  [developer] 20 May, 2017 @ 9:13am 
Originally posted by Description:
All types of panels must be attached to the grid the programmable block is running on, which is also shown in the pictures.

It’s a feature and restriction in the end. Imagine you have a base with a fixed solar panel attached with some of the panels from the script. There is no general indication what grid is the panel and what is the base. This basic definition makes ‘thinking’ in panels much easier.
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