Space Engineers

Space Engineers

[Archive] Rdav's EZ- Turret AI
im living this script its a huge help and vital to my battleship, but when i set up the turret on my ship or any platform the guns wont aim, ok so i changed the rotor limits but aparently after 3 years i still cant figure them out, when i set the lower limit to unlimited( cuz i want the turret to rotate freely in 360) the whole things spins out of conrtol and throws me and the grid its attached to a kilomter away,

twin arm turret, as soon as the lower limit gets close enough to unlimited so it can actually aim at its target the whole thing goes into overload and CLANGs itself into the next verse.
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
Avelius 25 Apr, 2018 @ 7:58am 
Having the same issue just on a small grid mech build of mine. Turret spins out of control or seems reversed the first time. I'm using modded rotors and thought that was the issue, but it wasn't. I've tried it for hours now and I'm about to freak out about that buggy script.
Last edited by Avelius; 25 Apr, 2018 @ 9:58am
RedLordSeth 8 Apr, 2019 @ 10:24am 
@ Avelius
Could it be that the torqe or breking torqe is to high or to low? Ther is no exact limit, you must test it out.
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