Cataph's Kraka Drak: The Norse Dwarfs
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Cataph  [utvecklare] 17 sep, 2016 @ 18:03
Screenshots and campaign stories
Post here your epic sagas and even less-epic tales of valiant defeats, cause ♥♥♥♥♥ just happens sometimes.
And screenshots, cause pics or it didn't happen, whatever it was.
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jmoney740 17 sep, 2016 @ 18:48 
So things started pretty well, got my 3 starting cities up and running, made some elite units, so I thought to myself... Hmmmm.... time to kill us some Norscans! Went to war with the Varg, because lets be honest, thats a horrible name. Razed the Varg settlements surrounding my province and I was getting a little cocky. So in comes the Varg mega force....

Not wanting to lose my troops to attrition I march back to my homeland. Varg resettles all the provinces I just destroyed. Minus the two next to Choas Wastelands because I was blocking their way to get there. At this point I have recruited more elite units along with Ogri and a couple of his Elite brethren. This time the Varg were going down for good. I begin my conquest the same way as last time. Attacking from sea along the coastal cities like any good Norscan dwarf would. I cleared the coastal towns and knew it was time to move inland. Knowing it would be a long treachourous march I prepared my homeland to defend itself by bulking up the garrisons in my cities. Its a good thing I did....

As i'm nearing Varg's defeat I get the most grave of messages. Archaon the Everchosen and his massive hordes of choas have come to cleanse the world of its meagre races. Im in the heart of Norscan territory. There is no way I will make it back home with my main army in time. I recruit a Runesmith and a new General to make a homeland defense force. Unfortunetly the mining expeditions and trade routes have been drained from the current war and I can only muster a small force for defense.

I continue the assault against Varg to try and destroy them and at least give me a buffer from the Skaelig. Then the assault comes. Archaon attacks with all his forces. Both of my minor cities fall. Only Kraka Drak remains. I finish off the Varg and make a sprint with my main army back home. I arrive just in time. As we enter the gates of Kraka Drak Archaon beseiges the Hold. This is it. The final battle of our people. After a long and harsh seige we emerge victorious. We sally forth from our hold to obliterate the rest of the Choas Hordes. We've won. Most of our Darwi kin lost their lives. Saving the north from a threat that the rest of the world will never know. Our people can finally live in peace... Though... The realms of men, we hear, have mountains of gold... Perhaps, we should relieve the of it...
olecsandr 18 sep, 2016 @ 4:25 
Ursprungligen skrivet av jmoney740:
So things started pretty well, got my 3 starting cities up and running, made some elite units, so I thought to myself... Hmmmm.... time to kill us some Norscans! Went to war with the Varg, because lets be honest, thats a horrible name. Razed the Varg settlements surrounding my province and I was getting a little cocky. So in comes the Varg mega force....

Not wanting to lose my troops to attrition I march back to my homeland. Varg resettles all the provinces I just destroyed. Minus the two next to Choas Wastelands because I was blocking their way to get there. At this point I have recruited more elite units along with Ogri and a couple of his Elite brethren. This time the Varg were going down for good. I begin my conquest the same way as last time. Attacking from sea along the coastal cities like any good Norscan dwarf would. I cleared the coastal towns and knew it was time to move inland. Knowing it would be a long treachourous march I prepared my homeland to defend itself by bulking up the garrisons in my cities. Its a good thing I did....

As i'm nearing Varg's defeat I get the most grave of messages. Archaon the Everchosen and his massive hordes of choas have come to cleanse the world of its meagre races. Im in the heart of Norscan territory. There is no way I will make it back home with my main army in time. I recruit a Runesmith and a new General to make a homeland defense force. Unfortunetly the mining expeditions and trade routes have been drained from the current war and I can only muster a small force for defense.

I continue the assault against Varg to try and destroy them and at least give me a buffer from the Skaelig. Then the assault comes. Archaon attacks with all his forces. Both of my minor cities fall. Only Kraka Drak remains. I finish off the Varg and make a sprint with my main army back home. I arrive just in time. As we enter the gates of Kraka Drak Archaon beseiges the Hold. This is it. The final battle of our people. After a long and harsh seige we emerge victorious. We sally forth from our hold to obliterate the rest of the Choas Hordes. We've won. Most of our Darwi kin lost their lives. Saving the north from a threat that the rest of the world will never know. Our people can finally live in peace... Though... The realms of men, we hear, have mountains of gold... Perhaps, we should relieve the of it...

great story))
Marduk1813 18 sep, 2016 @ 16:41 
Haha, excellent. Wish you would have some pics to share!
Cataph  [utvecklare] 19 sep, 2016 @ 5:17 
Progression of my second test campaign.

The King and the Lord of Ravnvake lead their throngs westwards to 'pacify' the norscan chaos worshippers once and for all, in a terrible war of snow and blood and blood again, made of ambushes and raids and a few pitched battles in which the now-veterans of Kraka Drak chop down wave after wave of savages with minimal losses. The auxiliary horsemen howl their satisfaction in chasing down the kintraitors and colonies of Dwarfs and allied Norscans are founded along the path of the throngs. Only one Skaeling stronghold remains.

Eastwards, the first waves preceding the Everchosen reach Sjoktraken. Not a big deal, and the local forces can handle them without much effort. Later, however, the apocalypse approaches. Reinforcements come from the entire region to bolster the border. Finally, a huge host led by Archaon the Everchosen and a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch clash with the defending Dwarfs multiple times. However mighty one can be, it is impossible to be truly prepared to the onslaught of Chaos Giants, trolls and hulking Chosen.
Eventually, the Norse Dwarfs prevail...
... on a mound of corpses of fellow defenders.

The survivors were celebrating and rebuilding the town when out of nowhere a huge Brayherd jumps on them. A few hundred dwarfs butchered when their wounds from the previous struggle hadn't stop bleeding yet.

Lights out on Sjoktraken. Trembling with rage, new hosts are levied from both Norscans and Dawi. The beasts are chased and finally cut down in the mountains, the heroes of Sjoktraken avenged.

(I'd be damned if I let those wretched sons of a goat gloat over an easy win just like that. I would have chased them to Barak Varr if necessary)
Senast ändrad av Cataph; 19 sep, 2016 @ 5:19
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