StarTech - Stardust Technologies
Armor/Weaponry FAQ
I don't know everything about the equippable tech in the mod but I've seen a lot of people asking the same questions about this stuff so I figured I'd make this post to answer them. I can't promise that I will be able to answer every question but boy jee howdy I'll try.

Q: Where do I put the elytra module?

A: In order to equip any elytra you need a nano-field resonator (Pulse gear). Once made, equip it on your chest armor slot and click the head armor slot to open the config for the nano-field resonator. Near the center there will be a small connector that is labled "I/O port - elytra", drag and drop your elytra here to equip it. Once equipped, press F to activate it (assuming you have a power source).

Q: I equipped the elytra module but it isn't doing anything?

A: In order to use the nano-field resonator you will need a power source. In order to do this you will need to make a pulse cell. There are a few ways you can do this but I recommend making and equipping a Pulse Augpack (Pulse gear) to your back. you can open the menu to configure the pack by either selecting "configurator" in the quickbar menu and then clicking on the augpack, or if you have the nano-field resonator equipped you can click on your feet armor slot and then click on the augpack. Once open you should see a place to put a pulse cell. As for charging the pulse cell, you should probably already know how to do that...

Q: What do I put in the "empty socket" slots for the nano-field resonator?

A: As far as I know the only thing that you can insert into those slots that does something are resonite crystals, which only increase your characters energy capacity by 15%. (if you know of other things you can add that do something please let me know!)

Q: What is AP? where do I get it?

A: It's essentially xp, which you get for killing things.

Q: When I spend AP on my pulse gear weaponry it just eats the AP and resets, what is going on?

A: From what I have read in the comments this is not mod conflict related, it's an issue with this mod itself (hopefully it's fixed soon).

Q: What goes into the "empty socket" slots for the weaponry that comes with the mod?

A: At the moment I have no clue, I've tried almost everything "crystal-y". If you figure this out let me know.

If you have a question or something to add/correct me on do not hesitate to comment about it.
Автор останньої редакції: Rib; 29 листоп. 2021 о 19:17
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Показані коментарі 115 із 17
how do I activate the elytra's flight once the resonator has power? I have the admin flight equipped, if that info helps any.
Цитата допису The Dark Maw of Loch:
how do I activate the elytra's flight once the resonator has power? I have the admin flight equipped, if that info helps any.

If you have the module installed in your nano-field resonator you should be able to activate it with F
Resonite Crystals ok useful
Is there a way to spawn in AP with commands?
Haven't found anything that can be equipped in weapons, but both Machine Plating and Infused Alloy Plating can be installed into the Nanofield Resonator. +25 armor for the former; +50 armor, +5% damage, +15% decreased cooling starting time for the latter. Which makes it... *really* scary good.

Edit: Does anyone have any clue about the IO Port: Sphere?
Автор останньої редакції: Astra; 23 жовт. 2022 о 16:22
Цитата допису SAMOSEK:
Haven't found anything that can be equipped in weapons, but both Machine Plating and Infused Alloy Plating can be installed into the Nanofield Resonator. +25 armor for the former; +50 armor, +5% damage, +15% decreased cooling starting time for the latter. Which makes it... *really* scary good.

Edit: Does anyone have any clue about the IO Port: Sphere?

I think IO Port:Sphere would be for future sphere tech that this mod doesn't have just yet. Also how would I go about getting more AP? Does it scale with planet difficulty?
Цитата допису Hyperdino:
Also how would I go about getting more AP? Does it scale with planet difficulty?

Confused the buhjeezus out of me too. Just go kill monsters. A *lot* of monsters. It's relatively slow. AFAIK there's no other way. I don't know if it scales with planet difficulty, but I'd tentatively assume so.
Цитата допису SAMOSEK:
Цитата допису Hyperdino:
Also how would I go about getting more AP? Does it scale with planet difficulty?

Confused the buhjeezus out of me too. Just go kill monsters. A *lot* of monsters. It's relatively slow. AFAIK there's no other way. I don't know if it scales with planet difficulty, but I'd tentatively assume so.

I can confirm: Planet difficulty/tier AND enemy kind seem to play a role, probably based on enemy HP: A Gleap on the starter world gives me around 370ish AP (don't remember the exact number), and I just shot a small flying enemy on a tier VI Strange Sea (FU) planet for 2805 AP and a sky whale on the same world for 48k (!) AP. Note that you do need to be the one to fire the killing shot - even if you did all the damage, if you, say, places shellguard turrets in the area before you downloaded this mod, they WILL steal the kill from you.

Now I wonder how other killshots - say, from drones spawned by weapon abilities or the automated "turret" on your backpack from certain Knightfall EPPs count
Цитата допису SAMOSEK:
Цитата допису Hyperdino:
Also how would I go about getting more AP? Does it scale with planet difficulty?

Confused the buhjeezus out of me too. Just go kill monsters. A *lot* of monsters. It's relatively slow. AFAIK there's no other way. I don't know if it scales with planet difficulty, but I'd tentatively assume so.
Further testing has revealed so far:

Tier/difficulty and enemy kind play a significant role. Non-humanoid enemies give CONSIDERABLY more AP than humanoid ones, at the same tier. Not just the big ones, but even small critters like bats will give more than an equivalent-threat miniknog scientist or bandit. NOTE: this means things that are implemented as monsters in the game. Some enemies that SEEM to not be NPCs are NPCs with specific costumes (the human-size robot drones in some shellguard missions come to mind, as do precursor drones in FU), while some humanoid-looking ones are creatures (Apex zombies, the whirligig cultists in the baron mission).


I wish I'd discovered this earlier - it seems that AP earned degrades signficantly the better your nanofield is. Testing shows it's only bonuses from the nanofield itself that degrade how much AP you get per kill, bonuses from EPPs (like the Battle Pack I was using) and augments do not. This means it is more economical for farming AP to farm in large batches BEFORE you spend. Obviously you will need to be strong enough to kill signifcant amounts of enemies before...

For farming AP, I recommend combat-heavy, short missions. The Baron's Keep mission, particularly the FU version, throws a lot of enemies at you at tier 6. Various Shellguard missions are absolutely crawling with large-size enemies, and can be replayed as much as you want. There are also some planet types that tend to be positively swarming with monsters - Ruinous planets in Arcana, FU's Nightmare Atropus tend to be full of critters. That being said, Missions are likely the better choice.

Killshots by a worn turret backpack (tested with a Mightframe Strafer) DO count as your kills for the purposes of AP. There's probably still some odds and ends to test, but I hope this helps someone.
This whole thread was excessively helpful in light of the complete lack of documentation. Thank you all!
" Once open you should see a place to put a pulse cell. As for charging the pulse cell, you should probably already know how to do that..."

Nah this stuff isnt documented, i found out the following from reddit threads. I have not found a source anywhere else. The lack of documentation for this mod makes it really hard to enjoy.

1 . make the combustable furnace and put some coal in it
2. make an autosmelter and put aegisite, ferozium, violium or solarium star (maybe others?) in it to get resonant crystal fragments (put them back in the smelter to get the actual crystal you need for the next step, its a 5:1 ratio)
3. go to the mods crafting station (tinkering table, made in the inventors table), go to "Power generation and storage" and make the Resonite Transmitter.
4. place the transmitter, wire connect it to the combustable generator you made in step 1, and you should see its charge going up.

Lowkey the mod needs docs to make it great, but its clearly abandoned which is sad. The armor is kinda trash cuz theres no way to get environment immunities with it that ive found :/
Цитата допису Estus F1ask:
Lowkey the mod needs docs to make it great, but its clearly abandoned which is sad. The armor is kinda trash cuz theres no way to get environment immunities with it that ive found :/

The configurator (Accessed by clicking the feet slot while the nano-field is equipped) Can be used on the Pulse Augpack to insert an EPP and an augment. (and to disable the light effect, if you wanted that)

That doesn't fix the other problems, but it at least should make it useable :steamthumbsup:
Pro tip for farming AP
Dreadwing (Evil penguin dude) gives ~15k AP every time you kill him and you can replay the mission constantly
How do you charge the spear/shotgun?
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