Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Expanded States 2.2hf1 [SEE DESCRIPTION]
def name = "Zach"  [pengembang] 2 Agu 2016 @ 10:16pm
Please post your bugs or issues here, and make sure its not a mod conflict if you can.. This mod changes the map, and it changes events and needs to override focus trees too, so anything that does those too will probably conflict.
Terakhir diedit oleh def name = "Zach"; 10 Sep 2016 @ 9:46am
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Menampilkan 1-15 dari 77 komentar
Having an issue with the Demilitarization of the Rhineland as germany, that very very small province (I can't remember it's name) can't be demilitarized as it's not "the Rhineland"
CCMatt 5 Agu 2016 @ 8:18pm 
Started a game as Greece, stuck in "edit" mode for armies. Since Greece doesn't start with any armies there is nothing to edit. Clicking somewhere or changing windows doesn't solve the issue.

EDIT: After alt-tabbing back in the problem went away. Not sure why.
Terakhir diedit oleh CCMatt; 5 Agu 2016 @ 8:19pm
def name = "Zach"  [pengembang] 6 Agu 2016 @ 12:37am 
@Tsar Magnus, Um.. well I just tested it and the Saarland state does get remilitarised if France and Britain dont try for war.. Ill look into the events again (since there are so many references to it), but perhaps youre using a mod that changes the events or focuses around it? I have edited the vanilla events and focuses that surround any states that are changed (see Polands border movements, Vichy Frances colonies or Indochinese concession)

@ccmatt, Im not sure how thats happened, really. Seems like a vanilla bug if it fixes itself. This mod hasnt changed Greece at all yet
def name = "Zach"  [pengembang] 6 Agu 2016 @ 12:38am 
@Tsar Magnus, Um.. well I just tested it and the Saarland state does get remilitarised if France and Britain dont try for war.. Ill look into the events again (since there are so many references to it), but perhaps youre using a mod that changes the events or focuses around it? I have edited the vanilla events and focuses that surround any states that are changed (see Polands border movements, Vichy Frances colonies or Indochinese concession)

@ccmatt, Im not sure how thats happened, really. Seems like a vanilla bug if it fixes itself. This mod hasnt changed Greece at all yet
Ikandi 6 Agu 2016 @ 6:39am 
I love your mod. I play as Germany. I have found two issues. First: Southern Schleswig does not seem to have any supply ablity. I max Infrastructure and Ship yards and it is still 0/0. Second: Stettin is land bound. No access to the sea anymore.
Terakhir diedit oleh Ikandi; 6 Agu 2016 @ 6:40am
If it helps I'm using the 'Aufrüstung: Four Year Plan' mod but that doesn't change the remilitarised the rhine land focus, is there a way to edit whether or not it's a militarised zone or not I know there is a consol command to edit certain things.
Nevermind, Alt-Tabbing my game fixed the issue or I guess enough time went by to allow for it to register, Sorry for false bug report <3
AgentBoin 8 Agu 2016 @ 7:26am 
I also have that saar state bugg with remillitarization, but beyond that I also have another issue, prussia is split up in 2 states but Germany doesn't cotnrols the southern one, and if I click on it I get no state UI, very weird.
def name = "Zach"  [pengembang] 8 Agu 2016 @ 10:15pm 
@Tulineen, Ill look into both those issues.. Sorry about that

@Tsar Magnus, Ive not tried that mod, but if it overrides the Germany event file, or the Germany focus file OR any of the other event/national focus files that this mod uses (browse the zip if you want), then issues are going to happen. With that said, Ive had a number of people mention the remilitarisation issue and Ill definitely look into it thoroughly for the next update.

@bengast, Remil will be looked into for next update, as will southern east prussia. I have noticed during development that if I forget to assign a state to a country, then it wont have the nations color overlay, but the state UI in the corner still comes up.. just without a owner. Bit odd there, but I still shall browse the files for the issue
Game crashes everytime I unpause the game (just with this mod).
sparhawk 9 Agu 2016 @ 6:04am 
Started a new game as USA 1939. Each time I select the fleet in San Francisco, (Northern California, a new state) the game crashes
Always crash if I didnt use this mod
sRazor96 20 Agu 2016 @ 7:37am 
Neumark and Ostpommern states do not have airfields even after fully upgrading them.
CrabMonarchy 27 Agu 2016 @ 11:21pm 
None of the new provinces added by the mod have airfields show up on the map even after construction, so far as I can tell.
def name = "Zach"  [pengembang] 5 Sep 2016 @ 10:29pm 
Regarding crashing, not sure how, except perhaps the USA one, which Ill look into. Might be an OOB issue.

Regarding airfields, yes thats an issue but should be fixed for next update. A couple states Ive not found yet might still have it, but in first version, Im pretty sure its all the states. Avoid airfields, rocket sites and naval bases in new states
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