Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Expanded States 2.2hf1 [SEE DESCRIPTION]
def name = "Zach"  [开发者] 2016 年 8 月 2 日 下午 10:16
Please post your ideas for further changes here
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Dalnar 2016 年 8 月 2 日 下午 11:51 
I personally love how extensive this mod is. I like how you split Sudetenland. What about separating "Lusatia" from Sachsen ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lusatia

And perhaps a mini province "Kladsko" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C5%82odzko from NiederSchlezien ?
def name = "Zach"  [开发者] 2016 年 8 月 3 日 上午 12:38 
引用自 Dalnar
I personally love how extensive this mod is. I like how you split Sudetenland. What about separating "Lusatia" from Sachsen ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lusatia

And perhaps a mini province "Kladsko" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K%C5%82odzko from NiederSchlezien ?

Extensive because Id been playing around with it for some time now before deciding its at a good point to release.

Lusatia seems rather large and incorporates much of what Ostmark is, but Sachsen could be split. Id rather the states didnt get TOO small though. There are some potential balance and performance issues if there are too many or too small.

Ive already though that Niederschlesien should be split up a bit since its twice the size of oberschlesien. Is this so that Czech can have a nice border? I certainly noticed that notch in the side long ago but hadnt thought of it in this mod.

I must say Id note heard of either of these regions before, so it got me reading and both will be implemented in the next mod update. Switzerland is coming too, and maybe more of Brazil
Dalnar 2016 年 8 月 3 日 上午 12:49 
Well these two provinces were negotiated after WW1 when Czechoslovakia was formed and again after WW2. So from historical standpoint they have their use I guess for different time frames.

The key difference in Lusatia is that it was (is) inhabited by (descendants of) Sorbs (Slavs) not Germans, hence why it makes sense to have it separate for possible claim/core issues.

As for "Kladsko" this would be mainly for Polish/German vs Czechoslovakia disputes over the border.

I had not time to change the map myself, but when you made such excellent mod I could just make a slight variant of my Czechoslovakia mod based on your states/province IDs so people can use it together in compilations and do not worry about compatibility issues.

I also love separate Togo. Czechoslovakia wasïnterested in getting it it after WW1, but it's a llitle pointless in HOIV.

Again, great job with this mod.
def name = "Zach"  [开发者] 2016 年 8 月 3 日 上午 1:24 
引用自 Dalnar

Ive not read nearly as much about WW1, really, especially of the dissolution of Austria-Hungary and of the Ottoman empire, so I hadnt known these things, really.

The Lusatia slavs were mentioned in the article, yes, so its a good cause for division.

Ah, I checked out your mod since your comment, and it looks very good too. Ill add it to the mods I play with if it doesnt mess with the others (and ill likely just modify it to fit if it doesnt, as I did with a Chinese focus tree mod; for personal use only). Czechoslovakia certainly does seem to be a less interesting nation to play as in vanilla, and a difficult one im sure so Im happy theres something like that to play with. Having it compatible with this mod really tells if Ill play it more than once though, past just trying out the tree. I see the Bohemian claims would be a key change between vanilla map and this.

Ah yes, Togoland was one of my first changes, giving Germany claims to it. In a future event at least.. ive not though about how to implement that, since decisions were removed from HOI3 (and other PDS games). It launched the overhaul of west Africa and into the rest of the continent, probably the largest part of this mod (next would be the Caribbean).

On the note of state ids, I cant tell what the two new ones will be, but you can always find out by going through the files easy enough
Flutterzance404 2016 年 8 月 3 日 上午 2:57 
try to fixe chad borders with provinces files, add states for east and west berlin and add more states for libya and Syria, I will like to see some corrections for korean border in cold war.

you can add states in yugoslavia too
def name = "Zach"  [开发者] 2016 年 8 月 3 日 上午 4:21 
引用自 Flutterzance404
try to fixe chad borders with provinces files, add states for east and west berlin and add more states for libya and Syria, I will like to see some corrections for korean border in cold war.

you can add states in yugoslavia too

Chad will be looked into, added to my todo list. Im reluctant to start on editing individual provinces, but it will be done.

East and West Berlin may be a little issue, since which do you say will be united Germanys capital? Ill likely just set it to wherever the parlamentary buildings are located, after research, so expect it soon.

Ive thought of adding more in northern Africa, but havent worked on it yet. All those areas need it, Libya included. Syria with only 4 provinces (well.. 3, plus Lebanon), so I agree. Israel/Palestine might be expanded too due to future issues with that later.

Korea is rather a small nation on this map, so dividing up further can be difficult, with up to 3 game provinces per real province in historical united korea and in modern divided korea. Fixing the issue with the 39th parallel (or 38th, ive forgotten) can only happen with province editing, in which case I may have to redraw the entire peninsulas provinces.

Yugoslavia: Not too sure what more to add or change.. Bosnia could be divided up into its Serbian regions too, but those are rather spread out and varied. Serbia itself has few provinces to divide up further. Croatian regions could be divided further, since Dalmatia stretches a long way down the coast.

Ill look into em and theyre all added to my TODO list. Thanks for your feedback
最后由 def name = "Zach" 编辑于; 2016 年 8 月 3 日 上午 4:53
1 Even 2016 年 8 月 3 日 下午 2:03 
Wouldn't it make sense to make Berlin a seperate state for accurate West Germany? Perhaps ditto Paris or Istanbul or other major cities to allow for similar situations.
def name = "Zach"  [开发者] 2016 年 8 月 3 日 下午 6:36 
引用自 VoteTrickyDick
Wouldn't it make sense to make Berlin a seperate state for accurate West Germany? Perhaps ditto Paris or Istanbul or other major cities to allow for similar situations.

Yes, separate major cities makes good sense, generally, but I havent gotten around to it yet. See UK Referendum on exit from the EU, where some London peoples called for an independant city-state....

Ive also considered separating Istanbul state from the Asia Minor region, then you can have a clean border of whos on what side of the straits.

Thanks for the feedback. Berlin will already be divided into two, and each side will be its own state, Paris and London will be separated, but otherwise Ill need some feedback. Youll also note how these massive cities do spread onto more than one province in real life.. So we'll see
Sultsu98 2016 年 8 月 8 日 上午 3:55 
For more accurate Finland you should change Turku to Varsinais-Suomi. Very potential mod, keep it up :)
DevilIris 2016 年 8 月 8 日 上午 5:06 
make the real states for mexico and central america. Mexico states :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/States_of_Mexico
donlad 2016 年 8 月 8 日 下午 7:53 
have you considered adding cores for more releaseable nations? such as more former yugoslavian countries, post soviet states, or former colonies.
最后由 donlad 编辑于; 2016 年 8 月 8 日 下午 8:03
def name = "Zach"  [开发者] 2016 年 8 月 8 日 下午 10:09 
@Sulander4, got it, gonna update

@Devillris, Mexico does have a lot of small states.. Id rather do larger regions but many countries dont have these traditionally. South America definitely needs a big boost, and Mexico will have a rework at some point but unlikely to be every Mexican state.

@donlad, Yes, but Ive just not gotten around to it yet. I do plan on adding all the African nations and especially the south Slavic nations. Theyll get cores to be releasable. I think Croatia gets a core on Istria either in ver1 or ver2 of this mod? I split the Italian city of Trieste off from Istria for that reason
Obstination 2016 年 8 月 9 日 上午 7:50 
I would add three provinces, so you could as Germany regain the territories lost after the Versailles Treaty. These would be northern Schleswig in Denmark, in Poland, additionally to Posen and Danzig, the part of upper Silesia ceded to Poland in 1920 and Eupen-Malmedy, wich is part of Belgium. I would also split up South Tirol into the German speaking part and into the southern Italian spaeking part called Trentino. And maybe add a province called Ödenburg wich also had a German majority, but was ceded to Hungary.
最后由 Obstination 编辑于; 2017 年 1 月 2 日 上午 5:07
tcurran 2016 年 8 月 9 日 下午 7:20 
Seperate West Virginia from Virginia and split New England in three with Conneicut & Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire and Vermont.
最后由 tcurran 编辑于; 2016 年 8 月 9 日 下午 7:20
FoxholeFoggy 2016 年 8 月 11 日 上午 4:37 
With the current set up, the city of Grodno (now in Belarus) is a part of the state of Bialystok. While the Soviet Union did take the Bialystok area in 1939, it was returned to Poland following the war but the city of Grodno remained a part of Belarus in the USSR. This makes it impossible to accurately recreate the postwar Soviet-Polish border. I would suggest making Grodno a part of the neighboring state of Nowogordek for the sake of historical accuracy.

Also in the state of Bialystok is Suwalki. While Bialystok went to the Soviet Union, the area of Suwalki went to Germany following the joint invasion in 1939. This is minor but also makes it impossible to recreate the border. Splitting this however would create a single province state which is awkward.
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