Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

Zeds jumping on and falling from handrail
There is a problem on map with zeds navigation
Here you can see stalker on handrail. Zeds which come from bottom keep jumping on and falling from this handrail. Looks weird
It happens not only in this place but in similar places too
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Hi, you can experience this issue on most of the official maps, too (if the feature handrails).
So I would guess it's not a KF-Museum only issue, but rather a issue with the Zed-AI overall.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Laura; 2016. júl. 19., 15:42
I didn't see SO much jumping on official... and I think it can be fixed by manually blocking some navigation links
I have to admit, that I am not much in mapping but this sounds like a proper solution to me.
Just hoping that [TW]Fever joins the discussion to solve this problem.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Laura; 2016. júl. 20., 6:04
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