Source Filmmaker
Enhanced Inkling Boy Model
Missing bone on the alt_boy models
The bone "bip_arm2sub_L" couldn't be found which makes terrible cloth glitches on the left arm.
Fission pls fix this.
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Показані коментарі 16 із 6
Still to this day it isn't fixed... Please Fission... We don't want to deal with an important bone!:steamsad:
Цитата допису Minty Leaf:
Still to this day it isn't fixed... Please Fission... We don't want to deal with an important bone!:steamsad:
It's no use to wait for it. Fission is probably having fun with his newer versions.
Цитата допису BOT BarneyRooster:
Цитата допису Minty Leaf:
Still to this day it isn't fixed... Please Fission... We don't want to deal with an important bone!:steamsad:
It's no use to wait for it. Fission is probably having fun with his newer versions.
Yeah you're right... It's sad
I'm still waiting for the bone to fix sadly
Цитата допису DJWARRIOR906:
I'm still waiting for the bone to fix sadly
They won't fix it, best to just wait for someone to port the Splatoon 3 models or smthn
Цитата допису Coyle:
Цитата допису DJWARRIOR906:
I'm still waiting for the bone to fix sadly
They won't fix it, best to just wait for someone to port the Splatoon 3 models or smthn
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Показані коментарі 16 із 6
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