The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Amanri and legacy of Sheogorath
Andromediax666  [developer] 15 Sep, 2015 @ 1:09pm
English:list of spells and perks

Givrépeire: novice level. Comparative Base: Familiar.
Spriggan: apprentice level. Comparative basis: Atronach fire.
Smilodon: apprentice level. Comparative basis: Atronach fire.
Troll: Level adept. Comparative basis: Atronach ice.
Harfreuse: fan level. Comparative basis: Atronach ice.
Sam Suphit (my bro) follower level. Comparative basis: Atronach ice.
Warlike Falmer: Expert Level. Comparative basis: Atronach lightning.
Reaper: Expert Level. Comparative basis: Atronach lightning.
Invoking the robber: Expert Level. Summons a chest. Book in 1035.
Master Amanri: Master Level. Master uses Amanri for 60 seconds. Book in 2083.
Call of Cthulhu: Master Level. Uses two rangers for 60 seconds. Book in 2200.

Psijique Protection (alteration)

Psijique oak: novice level. Comparative basis: Oak Corps.
Stone Psijique: apprentice level. Comparative basis: stone Corps.
Iron Psijique: fan level. Comparative basis: Iron Corps.
Psijique Ebonite: Expert Level. Comparative basis: Ebonite Body.
Psijique Dragon: Master Level. Breastplate Dragon comparative basis.

Plume (alteration)

Sparrow Pen: novice level. The size of the inventory Increases by 30 for 1 minute, 77 mana, 66 in book.
Feather Blackbird apprentice level. The size of the inventory Increases by 60 for 2 minutes, mana 145, 143 in book.
Raven Feather: Level adept. The size of the inventory Increases by 90 for 2 minutes, mana 200, 511 in book.
Eagle Feather: Expert Level. The size of the inventory Increases by 135 for 2 minutes, mana 255, in Book 975.
Phoenix feather: Master Level. The size of the inventory Increases by 250 for 2 minutes, 628 mana, book in 2083.

Idle time (alteration)

Ephemeral: apprentice level. Time slows for 4 seconds Mana 145, 143 in book.
Extended: Level adept. Slows time for 8 seconds, mana 200, 511 in book.
Persistent: Expert Level. Slows time for 12 seconds, mana 255, in Book 975.

Spells reinforcement

Follower of destruction: Destruction, adept level. Destruction spells are 50% More Powerful for 60 seconds, mana 133, 517 in book.
Master of Destruction: Destruction, Master level. Destruction spells are More Powerful 100% for 60 seconds, mana 568, in Book 1350.
Follower of one-handed weapon: Destruction, adept level. The one-handed weapons deal 50% more damage for 60 seconds, mana 133, 517 in book. Warning does not work for daggers.
Master one-handed weapon: Destruction, Master level. The one-handed weapons deal 100% more damage for 60 seconds, mana 568, in Book 1350. Warning does not work for daggers.
Adept of two-handed weapon: Destruction, adept level. The two-handed weapons deal 50% more damage for 60 seconds, mana 133, 517 in book.
Master two-handed weapon: Destruction, Master level. The two-handed weapons deal 100% more damage for 60 seconds, mana 568 book in 1350.
Adept of enchantment: Alteration adept level. The enchantment of objects is Increased by 32% for 60 seconds, mana 133, 517 in book.
Master of Enchantment: Alteration, Master level. The enchantment of objects is Increased by 64% for 60 seconds, mana 568, in Book 1350.
Adept of Alchemy: Alteration adept level. Concoct potions That You are 32% Higher for 60 seconds, mana 133, 517 in book.
Master of Alchemy: Alteration, Master level. Concoct potions That You are 64% Higher for 60 seconds, mana 568 book in 1350.
Follower of the bargain: Illusion, adept level. You get prices 30% interest for 30 seconds, mana 133, 517 in book.
Master of haggling: Illusion, master level. You get prices 50% interest for 30 seconds, mana 568, in Book 1350.
Follower of crocheting: Illusion, adept level. The picking is Facilitated by 50% for 30 seconds, mana 133, 517 in book.
Master of crocheting: Illusion, master level. The picking is Facilitated by 100% for 30 seconds, mana 568, in Book 1350.
Follower of pickpocketing: Illusion, adept level. The pickpocketing is Facilitated by 50% for 60 seconds, mana 133, 517 in book.
Master of pickpocketing: Illusion, master level. The pickpocketing is Facilitated by 100% for 60 seconds, mana 568, in Book 1350.
Follower of Healing: Healing adept level. Healing spells are 50% More Powerful for 60 seconds, mana 133, 517 in book.
Master of Healing: Healing, Master level. Healing spells are More Powerful 100% for 60 seconds, mana 568, in Book 1350.
Adept Health: Healing adept level. Health Increased by 100 points and regenerates 100% faster for 60 seconds, mana 133, 517 in book.
Master of Health: Healing, Master level. Health Increased by 200 points and regenerates 150% faster for 60 seconds, mana 568, in Book 1350.
Adept Magic: Healing adept level. The magic Increases by 100 points and regenerates 100% faster for 60 seconds, mana 133, 517 in book.
Master of Magic: Healing, Master level. The magic Increases by 200 points and regenerates 150% faster for 60 seconds, mana 568, in Book 1350.

Improved Master spells

Same principle: -25% mana, spell 50% More Powerful purpose Delivers 50% more expensive. And thesis spells loading time is 0.5 seconds (3 seconds Against the so vanilla There Is No picture). Mage killers no follow-have to behave Themselves.

Cryonics: Destruction. Improved blizzard.
Calcination: Destruction. Improved firestorm.
Disintegration: Destruction. Improved lightning storm. Warning, this spell Does not help pour augmenter the skill level of Destruction.
Atypical Carnage Illusion. Improved discord.
Royal Peace: Illusion. Improved harmony.
Terror of Tamriel: Illusion. Improved hysteria.
Collective sleep: Alteration. Improved overall paralysis.


Taunt: Level adept. Removes target's clothing for 30 seconds, mana 209, 495 in book.
Miniaturization: Expert Level. Shrinks the size of half the target for 60 seconds, mana 334, 937 in book.
Sheogorath Madness: Expert Level. Unpredictable effect. Mana 334, 937 in book.


Heavy transmutation adept level. Transforms a Dwemer in orichalcum ingot gold ingot orichalcum Ebonite year if the pitcher is _him_ door. Mana 200 and 511 in book. The level of impairment Increases skill only if transformation.
Heart transplant: fan level. Turn a human heart and an empty soul gem in a masterful heart of Daedra. Mana 200 and 511 in book. The level of impairment Increases skill only if transformation.
Psijique Strength: Level follower. Your Opponents are a little too sticky? Send them into the background! Rod equivalent of Dah Fus. Mana 200 and 511 in book.
Divine Works: Level follower. Walking on water for 30 seconds. Mana 200 and 511 in book.