Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

Trash Compactor Gamemode
VictimofScience  [开发者] 2015 年 8 月 12 日 下午 1:55
Info for Server Owners
If you're a server owner read this

Configuration File is located in the trashcompactor/config.lua
There you can change permananet settings

Note Dedicated server owners cannot have the GMA file in their addons or it will revert settings to default

For your dedicated server I would recommend extracting the GMA file from the workshop because it will probably have the latest updates. If you want the extracted file try this It may not be the latest update. If its not message me and ill update it.

Chainging the flavortext of a player requires you to edit shared.lua under the setup teams section.

For Temporary Settings (Will revert to config on server shutdown/changelevel)
Chat Commands

!togglephysgun (Will set if the trashman will spawn with the Physgun)
!togglefreeze (Will toggle the trashman being able to freeze props)

Console Commands (CVar)
tc_queue 1 (Will turn on the Trashman Queue. If not 1 the queue it will revert to random selections)
tc_maxfreeze 10 (Will change the max amount of props the Trashman can freeze to 10)
tc_maxpropdistance 800 (The max distance the trashman can hold a prop with his physgun)
tc_afktimer 20 (Sets the afk timer in seconds for the Trashman to 20)
tc_roundtime 5 (Sets the round time in minutes)

Admins can also right click on players in the scoreboard for more information
(Force choose Trashman, kill, ect)

On 4/3/17 It was pointed out that there was a 'backdoor' in this gamemode that made me an admin. While that is half true, It is not completly. It did NOT give me access to anything server related. It biggest thing it gave me access to was a kick command, which I have never used. It did NOT change admin groups in any way.

The reason it was in there in the first place is I had a dedicated TC server when I started out and I didnt have an admin control panel, so I coded one into the game. Somewhere I must have messed up which build I was uploading (my server or the public one).

What this code did:
Gave me (only me) the ability to open the context menu (right click a name in the scoreboard) and gave access to:
Noclip (This was for making sure the map wasnt messing up during testing)
Remove player from Queue

What it DID NOT do:
Change admin groups
Add myself or anyone else to any group
Ban players
Install backdoor scripts
Change any server settings or convars

I have removed any parts that gives me access to these commands.

I apologize to everyone. Sorry :(
I accept any reprocussions for my mistake.

Hope you all still enjoy the gamemode.

最后由 VictimofScience 编辑于; 2018 年 5 月 13 日 上午 11:26
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VictimofScience  [开发者] 2017 年 11 月 15 日 下午 4:33 
Is this for a dedicated server or for a local server?
Sandball 2019 年 8 月 19 日 下午 9:22 
i made it gamemode language korean version, can i upload a workshop?
lowkeystupidasf 2021 年 3 月 25 日 上午 5:09 
So uh where is trashcompactor/config.lua? I can't find it anywhere
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