Dota 2
Neutral Camp Spawn Boxes
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
devilesk  [developer] 29 Oct, 2015 @ 3:10pm
Requesting help with language translations
If you know another language I'd like your help with translating the overlay menu text. Here's the english localization data:

"addon" { "section_header_tower_ranges" "Tower Ranges" "day_range" "Day" "night_range" "Night" "true_sight_range" "True Sight" "attack_range" "Attack" "section_header_neutrals" "Neutrals" "spawn_box" "Spawn Box" "detect_neutrals" "Detect Neutrals" "section_header_ward_vision" "Ward Vision" "sentry" "Sentry" "observer" "Observer" "section_header_hero" "Hero" "xp_range" "XP Range" "fog_of_war" "Fog of War" "btn_minimize" "Overlays" }

The text that should be translated is in the right column. Reply here with a translation and the language it's in and I'll add it to the custom game. Thanks!
Last edited by devilesk; 29 Oct, 2015 @ 3:10pm
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
Douxy 29 Oct, 2015 @ 4:08pm 
Because your app help me a lot i hope i can help you

FRANCE traduction (language : French)
"addon" { "section_header_tower_ranges" "Portée des tours" "day_range" "Jour" "night_range" "Nuit" "true_sight_range" "True Sight" "attack_range" "Attaque" "section_header_neutrals" "Creeps neutres" "spawn_box" "Zone de spawn" "detect_neutrals" "Détection par couleur" "section_header_ward_vision" "Vision des wards" "sentry" "Sentry" "observer" "Observer" "section_header_hero" "Héros" "xp_range" "Portée d'EXP" "fog_of_war" "Brouillard de guerre" "btn_minimize" "Interface" }
Important : sevaral words haven't got an official traduction or the english word is used to say the same thing (like True sight, sentry, observer) so i let them because all french players can undestand that without traduction and traduction about these words can be awful for the comprehension.
Last edited by Douxy; 29 Oct, 2015 @ 4:56pm
DesTiny 30 Oct, 2015 @ 3:36pm 
little translation so i'll just help out.This map is really helpful.
Simplified Chinese translation(language:SChinese)

"addon" { "section_header_tower_ranges" "防御塔" "day_range" "白天视野" "night_range" "夜晚视野" "true_sight_range" "真视范围" "attack_range" "攻击距离" "section_header_neutrals" "野怪" "spawn_box" "刷新范围" "detect_neutrals" "检测野怪" "section_header_ward_vision" "真假眼视野" "sentry" "真眼" "observer" "假眼" "section_header_hero" "英雄" "xp_range" "经验获得范围" "fog_of_war" "战争迷雾" "btn_minimize" "选择界面" }
Last edited by DesTiny; 30 Oct, 2015 @ 3:39pm
translation to Spanish:

translation to Spanish:

"addon" { "section_header_tower_ranges" "Rango de las Torres" "day_range" "Día" "night_range" "Noche" "true_sight_range" "Visión Verdadera" "attack_range" "Atacar" "section_header_neutrals" "Neutrales" "spawn_box" "Spawn Box" "detect_neutrals" "Detectar Neutrales" "section_header_ward_vision" "Visión de Wards" "sentry" "Sentry" "observer" "Observer" "section_header_hero" "Héroe" "xp_range" "Rango de EXP" "fog_of_war" "Niebla de Guerra" "btn_minimize" "Overlays" }

some things can't really be translated :/
Last edited by PEPSIMAN(ペプシマン); 4 Nov, 2015 @ 2:17pm
熊猫同志 5 Nov, 2015 @ 2:09am 
Simply Translate to Polish

"section_header_tower_ranges" "Odległość ostrzału Wież Strażniczych"
"day_range" "Dzień"
"night_range" "Noc"
"true_sight_range" "Wizja True Sight"
"attack_range" "Zasięg Ataku"

"section_header_neutrals" "Neutralne Creepy"
"spawn_box" "Spawn Box"
"detect_neutrals" "Detetar Neturalnych Creepów"

"section_header_ward_vision" "Wizja Warda"
"sentry" "Działko"
"observer" "Obserwator"

"section_header_hero" "Bohater"
"xp_range" "Zasięg XP"
"fog_of_war" "Mgła Wojny"

"btn_minimize" "Interfejs"
Yunsi 9 Nov, 2015 @ 2:05am 
German translation.

"addon" { "section_header_tower_ranges" "Turmreichweite" "day_range" "Tag" "night_range" "Nacht" "true_sight_range" "True Sight" "attack_range" "Angriff" "section_header_neutrals" "Neutrale Einheiten" "spawn_box" "Spawn Box" "detect_neutrals" "Neutrale Einheiten aufspüren" "section_header_ward_vision" "Ward Vision" "sentry" "Sentry" "observer" "Observer" "section_header_hero" "Held" "xp_range" "XP Reichweite" "fog_of_war" "Nebel des Krieges" "btn_minimize" "Overlays" }

Roughly translated. I would leave some words untranslated since they sound just super awkward in German.
Last edited by Yunsi; 9 Nov, 2015 @ 2:14am
c1q3 12 Nov, 2015 @ 1:39pm 
translation to Russian

"section_header_tower_ranges" "Дистанции башни"
"day_range" "Дневная"
"night_range" "Ночная"
"true_sight_range" "Обнаружение невидимых"
"attack_range" "Дистанция выстрела"

"section_header_neutrals" "Нейтралы"
"spawn_box" "Зоны спавнов"
"detect_neutrals" "Занятость спавнов"

"section_header_ward_vision" "Границы вардов"
"sentry" "Сентри"
"observer" "Обсервер"

"section_header_hero" "Герой"
"xp_range" "Дистанция опыта"
"fog_of_war" "Туман"

"btn_minimize" "Меню"
Last edited by c1q3; 12 Nov, 2015 @ 2:04pm
Reki 24 Nov, 2015 @ 9:34am 
Here's for Romanian

"addon" { "section_header_tower_ranges" "Raza turnurilor" "day_range" "Zi" "night_range" "Noapte" "true_sight_range" "True Sight" "attack_range" "Raza de atac" "section_header_neutrals" "Neutrali" "spawn_box" "Spawn Box" "detect_neutrals" "Detecta neutralii" "section_header_ward_vision" "Viziunea Ward-ului" "sentry" "Sentry" "observer" "Observer" "section_header_hero" "Erou" "xp_range" "Raza XP" "fog_of_war" "Fog of War" "btn_minimize" "Interfata" }

I don't think there's a translation for True Sight ot Spawn Box. But they'll figure it out.
You should modify "attack_Range" "Attack" from the example above because someone will just type Attack in their launguage like I did :P
Last edited by Reki; 24 Nov, 2015 @ 9:38am
play for fun 19 Sep, 2016 @ 11:13pm 
Originally posted by devilesk:
If you know another language I'd like your help with translating the overlay menu text. Here's the english localization data:

"addon" { "section_header_tower_ranges" "Tower Ranges" "day_range" "Day" "night_range" "Night" "true_sight_range" "True Sight" "attack_range" "Attack" "section_header_neutrals" "Neutrals" "spawn_box" "Spawn Box" "detect_neutrals" "Detect Neutrals" "section_header_ward_vision" "Ward Vision" "sentry" "Sentry" "observer" "Observer" "section_header_hero" "Hero" "xp_range" "XP Range" "fog_of_war" "Fog of War" "btn_minimize" "Overlays" }

The text that should be translated is in the right column. Reply here with a translation and the language it's in and I'll add it to the custom game. Thanks!
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