Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Together

Michael The Fox for DST
Officer Hopps  [developer] 17 Dec, 2014 @ 2:49pm
Submit New Idea's for Michael
Michael is still a every early mod. He just has some basic functions and isn't really different from the basic Don't Starve characters. I do have some plans from him but I also would love to hear your guy's idea's, I might even take those idea's to use Michael.
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Showing 1-15 of 18 comments
@IRL Grim Reaper You've already pointed out that you think his head is fine in your first comment, I don't think you need to quote his whole post to say it again.

As for my opinion on it, his head isn't too much bigger than other characters (physically) but his proportions really put me off, specifically his side view in relation to his regular face. Another thing about it that puts me off slightly is the two different colorations. IE: Ingame he's a much lighter shade than all of the images show him as. This isn't as off putting as his side view, but its still something that bugs me. Here are some comparisons to show you what I'm talking about:

None of that has to do with his mechanics, but an art overhaul on him would really work wonders I think. As for my suggestions before, I was pretty tired so I was throwing out some ridiculous stuff, I'm going to revise it, remove that comment, and place a new suggestion here that will address less drastic changes to how he plays.


He runs fast, which means he can get from point A to point B incredibly fast without needing to use cobblestone, roads, or the walking cane. While this is incredibly useful, it leaves him vulnerable to excessive sanity loss when you don't prepare in advance. The main problem right now is that the mod author suggests picking flowers for a garland, but the passive regeneration from that isn't very good at all, specifically in the rain or when other players on the server are dead.

What I'd suggest, is giving him a personality trait. What does he like that's currently in the game. Does he like butterflys, bees, light sources, or beefaloo? Perhaps by standing near another player can give him a small sanity boost (maybe enough to counter sanity loss in the dark?)

His Speed gives him a very large advantage when fighting, he needs to do less damage than other characters (Like Wolfgang's weaker forms). My suggestion is to make his damage .75 of what characters normally hit.

At the time of me writing this, his Health is 150, his Hunger is 150, and his Sanity is 50. I think this should be changed to 125, 175, 50 to go in-line with his nature.

-Removed- The rabbit recruit idea was dumb.

-His speed is incredibly useful, but flowers aren't going to cut it for this guy. He needs something else that can increase his sanity. (Even if its just a small passive effect.)
-His speed makes it so he can kite incredibly easily and scavenge far far away early game. If his damage was put down to .75 the regular character damage this could balance his speed out. (Not completely, but enough to matter.)
-His base stats don't seem to go along with his nature (at least not completely). 125 Health, 175 Hunger, and 50 sanity seems to align better with his nature.
-Like others have said, his voice seems loud, or at the very least it isn't very pleasant to hear.
-I don't really like the way he looks in-game. His artwork looks adorable but in-game his proportions and color seem very wrong. I don't particularly like the black hairlines either, but thats just a personal thing. Like I said, the main thing that bothers me is that his proportions seem wrong. His side view is vastly different than his frontal view, and it puts me off a bit.

I'm not trying to be a jerk with any of this, so if I come across as an ass I apologize. These are honestly thing I think would make the character better. I'm being really picky about the visual stuff on your character but across the screenshots to the game he doesn't really look the same, and it makes him feel weird to me. It would be amazing if you could somehow make his in game appearance more like his character page appearance.

*Also, as a note, when I see something I like I generally get overly-excited when contributing to it, so a lot of this might be excessive.
Last edited by Stupid Dumb Lizard; 21 Dec, 2014 @ 2:52pm
Tio Patacas 18 Dec, 2014 @ 6:19am 
Seems like a great idea.
Originally posted by The White Pony:
To go with the character's personality you could drop his damage to .75 the normal rate (because he isn't a fighter.) This could be offset by making his hunger degrade at .75 the normal rate as well, giving him more time to scavenge without having to fight enemies.
That could be very useful for him. His base sanity is already low, not to mention that fighting monster reduce your sanity even more... He needs time to find food, such as berries or carrots.
Farms are also a great idea.
Originally posted by The White Pony:
As for his sanity level, it could be fine where its at, but in order for him to survive with ghosts haunting the map he might need to have a benefit to his terror. What I'm thinking is low-level night vision whenever he's below 20 sanity. Not a lot of vision, but perhaps a Willow's Lighter level so he can run while in the dark. To add to this a minor level of cold resistance (such as Wilson's Beard) could help him survive the first few winters.
I think that is a good idea, especially for the cold resistance. Michael is more of your survive-but-avoid-monsters guy. If you could work a bit more on his survivalist side, then Michael wouldn't be so unrewarding to play.
Originally posted by Tio Patacas:
...then Michael wouldn't be so unrewarding to play.
Yes, his playstyle is kind of... erm... exhausting to play (my humble opinion). No offense, please. It's a great mod, I'm trying to help. Maybe I just got the whole idea wrong and he is supposed to keep moving and scavenging what little food he can (I try to play him as farmer or such, I'm not much of a scavenger). But you gotta give him some buffs, man.
Last edited by Tio Patacas; 18 Dec, 2014 @ 6:24am
Toybox 18 Dec, 2014 @ 6:54pm 
This looks neat. I might try this out shortly. From what I have read though, it sounds like he might need some buffs to help him out a bit. The idea of having more insulation in the winter is a good idea. Off the top of my head, here's a couple of others:

Being a passive carnivore seems like it would have it's own strife, to play this out a bit more, I would say he should get .25 more nourishment from eating meat but gets no bonus to sanity fro meat based foods that give sanity bonuses. On the opposite end, vegitarian foods give their normal hunger amount but give a .25 bonus to sanity modifiers. (foods that give 0 sanity still give 0 sanity).

Give him an item (or innate ability of possible) that acts as an indestructible shovel, allowing him to dig things up as a natural ability (since foxes tend to dig holes).

Paranoia: When he breaches the insanity mark, all other creatures on the screen have a very faint red highlight, allowing him to know where things are (and avoid them) even in near or complete darkness.
Jazz Master 18 Dec, 2014 @ 11:12pm 
honestly I have gotton the furthest in the game without dying with this character I think he doesnt really need changes exept for his sanity he loses a lot its hard to survive with all the shadow creatures trying to kill you, so raise his sanity, or decrease how fast it lowers, etc.
Jazz Master 18 Dec, 2014 @ 11:14pm 
Originally posted by The White Pony:
Ok first of all, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but his head seems WAY too large in regards to every other characters head size (especially when looking at him from the side). His head is like 2x as large as any other character's head.

To go with the character's personality you could drop his damage to .75 the normal rate (because he isn't a fighter.) This could be offset by making his hunger degrade at .75 the normal rate as well, giving him more time to scavenge without having to fight enemies. As for his sanity level, it could be fine where its at, but in order for him to survive with ghosts haunting the map he might need to have a benefit to his terror. What I'm thinking is low-level night vision whenever he's below 20 sanity. Not a lot of vision, but perhaps a Willow's Lighter level so he can run while in the dark. To add to this a minor level of cold resistance (such as Wilson's Beard) could help him survive the first few winters.
I think his head is fine I actually like it that way and for the winter resistance thing I think thats a great idea because he is a fox after all it just makes sense.
Toybox 19 Dec, 2014 @ 10:22am 
A friend and I played yesterday and my friend used this character (I was using another workshop character) and we played two games. The first one we made it a bit into winter. Some responses I got about the character from my friend said that he actually found the character to be an excellent combatant due to his speed. He was able to hunt creatures other characters simply are not fast enough to catch, such as rabbits and the Gobbler. However, his sanity was a constant struggle and once winter hit he started to panic because he was basically relying on flowers to keep him sane and finding them in the winter is very difficult. He ended up starving to death due to having to sleep constantly just to stay sane, which eventually overwhelmed his ability to get food.

So I have to agree that his sanity is a BIT low. You may want to raise it to 75 or give him some eaiser to obtain way of gaining sanity back, such as making his sanity regen .50 times faster when he's near light sources but maybe drain .50 times faster in the dark? He needs some way of getting sanity back when flower picking is not an option.

Also, as a side note: His head is rather big. I was playing the blue fox with hammer from the workshop and his head was twice as big as hers. Not a huge problem (no pun intended) but it did still seem a bit odd.
Jazz Master 19 Dec, 2014 @ 12:01pm 
Originally posted by Toybox:
A friend and I played yesterday and my friend used this character (I was using another workshop character) and we played two games. The first one we made it a bit into winter. Some responses I got about the character from my friend said that he actually found the character to be an excellent combatant due to his speed. He was able to hunt creatures other characters simply are not fast enough to catch, such as rabbits and the Gobbler. However, his sanity was a constant struggle and once winter hit he started to panic because he was basically relying on flowers to keep him sane and finding them in the winter is very difficult. He ended up starving to death due to having to sleep constantly just to stay sane, which eventually overwhelmed his ability to get food.

So I have to agree that his sanity is a BIT low. You may want to raise it to 75 or give him some eaiser to obtain way of gaining sanity back, such as making his sanity regen .50 times faster when he's near light sources but maybe drain .50 times faster in the dark? He needs some way of getting sanity back when flower picking is not an option.

Also, as a side note: His head is rather big. I was playing the blue fox with hammer from the workshop and his head was twice as big as hers. Not a huge problem (no pun intended) but it did still seem a bit odd.
Toybox knows whats up but seriously I think his head is fine
Wefkoi (Fro) 21 Dec, 2014 @ 4:02am 
"He's a lover not a fighter."

During my gameplay, I haven't noticed any difference between the fighting skill of Michael and the most of other characters. Relating to the part of the character description stating him as a lover and not a fighter, I initially expected him to be somewhat weakened on his fighting side like Wendy.
It would make sense to me if Michael's fighting power would be turned down to lower than the standard. If it is, I can't notice that in-game. It would also be more suitable for his lore.
Calico Griffin 21 Dec, 2014 @ 1:15pm 
And i think... Micheal is just well balanced. Istead of adding/removing all this things Pony mentioned... Just leave him as he is. Simple - always the best! I would just think of better description for him. If u want to make BIG changes - think about new char - maybe Micheal's bro? ;) Silver Fox? You know the black/white colored. Almost same, but new opportunity to use ur imagination :D
Lele 22 Dec, 2014 @ 1:12pm 
I love the idea of him getting a small sanity raise from standing near other players or friendly animals (Beefalo, bunnies, butterflies,)
Rinaku 22 Dec, 2014 @ 1:31pm 
First I would like to say that the little foxy is adorables!

Secondly perhaps a minor ability with a cooldown of sorts that allows for him to catch birds or other small game without needing the various traps?
Officer Hopps  [developer] 22 Dec, 2014 @ 4:53pm 
Originally posted by Bufo:
I love the idea of him getting a small sanity raise from standing near other players or friendly animals (Beefalo, bunnies, butterflies,)

A friend of mine actually suggested the part of a sanity boost while near other players and I think that's a great idea
✚ Anajamois 26 Dec, 2014 @ 4:46am 
Sanity boost from players? A minor bonus, but good enough to keep him out of a constant state of terror monster.

I also highly like the idea of boosting his speed when below a certain very low sanity level. Allows you a last-stand attempt at escaping the clutches of madness.
Koafy 31 Dec, 2014 @ 10:12pm 
Please, that voice is REALLY high pitched, hurts my ear's and my friend's ears. Because of this, I can't play with my friends as this char. Seriously PLEASE change the voice! (Like, maybe less high pitched?)
I keep seeing comments on you should make him have more sanity but i dont acctually like that idea because i use the low insanity to my advantage so if you do plan to raise his sanity could you make were you chose your sanity like from 50 to 100 from the configure setting thing from when you enable and disable mods so people who want to raise his sanity can raise and if people want to keep it the same they can keep it the same.
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