Left 4 Dead 2
Tactical Radio
 Ця тема закріплена, тому вона, мабуть, важлива
Practical Tips | 實用貼士 | 実用的なヒント | 实用建议 (Read Me First)
For the sake of numerous Britain's English speakers and China's Chinese speakers, I wrote the Tips in the British English and Simplified Chinese languages. To view the screenshot for other translations.(GB) 因为使用英国英语或者中国汉语的玩家较多的关系,所以我用英国英语、简体中文写了这篇建议,屏幕撷图是其他参考翻译。(CN)

==EN-GB== (British English/英式英文/イギリス英語/英国英语)
Tactical Radio is practical custom radial menus with which you can vocalise the specific hidden dialogues in game, especially you and your teammates play through the custom L4D2 maps, it's impossible to complete some troublesome custom PUZZLE maps like Resident Evil Outbreak [www.gamemaps.com] and Silent Hill: Otherside of Life [www.gamemaps.com]. The following text is the suggestion for this add-on use.

Firstly, the menus contain two kinds of dialogues, Warning and Request.

  • Incoming: Inform your teammates in case of spotting target or getting a terrible horde of infected;
  • Tank: Alert your teammates to these formidable opponents such as Tank and Charger;
  • Boomer: Alert your teammates when you spot the horrible infected such as Boomer and Spitter;
  • Smoker: Alert your teammates when you spot the disgusting infected such as Smoker, Hunter and Jockey;
  • Witch: Alert your teammates when you spot the frightening infected Witch;
  • Backup: In case you and your teammates are under attack, inform them of retreat;
  • Stick: Warn your teammates not to wander off or get lost, stay together;
  • WTF: Warn your teammates not to harm you on purpose;
  • Danger: Alert your teammates if your teammates are close to danger, or infected are right behind your teammates' back.

  • Dying: You mutter when you're awful(especially Black&White Screen), your teammates might heal you up;
  • Go Go Go: Hell comes to earth, rescue arrived, we've got to RUN away;
  • Help: In case of incapacity or emergency, call your teammates to help you up or give you support;
  • Cover: Ask for assistance or fire support while you're in dangerous place;
  • Follow: If you know how to get through some complex place, let your teammates follow your step;
  • Light Off: Tell your teammates to turn off torch(US: flashlight), not to annoy Witch or attract more common infected;
  • Well Done: Praise your teammates for something excellent like great shot;
  • Affirmative: You express your approval, especially you get the key items in the puzzle maps;
  • Negative: You express your disapproval, especially you find nothing in an area in puzzle maps.

==ZH-CN== (Simplified Chinese/簡體中文/簡体字中国語/简体中文)


Boomer: 警告你的队友,当你发现恶心的“胖子”或者“口水”;
Smoker: 警告你的队友,当你发现讨厌的“舌头”、“亨特”或者“猴子”;
Witch: 警告你的队友,当你发现可怕的“妹子”;
Backup: 小队遭到攻击,通知全队撤退;
Stick: 全体集合,防止队员走散;
WTF: 提醒你的队友不要故意“黑枪”;
Danger: 告知你的队友,当小队处于危险处境或者有僵尸尾随队员背后。

Dying: 当你的屏幕变成黑白画面时,稍稍抱怨一下,或许会有队友给你疗伤;
Go Go Go: 末日降临,救援已达,火速逃难;
Help: 失去行动能力或者处于紧急状况,向你的队友请求援助;
Cover: 处于险境(疗伤或开路),请求火力支持;
Follow: 你知道如何通过某些路况复杂的地方,请求你的队友跟著你;
Light Off: 告知队友关闭手电筒,尽量不要惊扰到“妹子”或者吸引一般感染者;
Well Done: 赞赏你的队友的惊人表现;
Affirmative: 表达你的肯定观点,或者当你在解谜地图找到相关物品譬如钥匙时,使用这条对话;
Negative: 表达你的否定观点,或者当你在解谜地图某个区域并未发现任何物品时,使用这条对话。
Автор останньої редакції: Richard; 25 серп. 2015 о 21:05
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==EN-GB== In default settings, button "Z" and "X" are used to open the radial menus, a radial menu displays on the central area of your screen whilst you're pressing the "Z" or "X", move your Mouse up and down, left and right, to select the dialogue that you want to vocalise. The add-on is a Radial Menu script, if you find that it doesn't work in game, disable other radial menu script add-on please, if the problem still come up, you have to unsubscribe to it.

==ZH-CN== 预设值,在游戏中按“Z”和“X”按钮打开语音选单,此时选单将出现在屏幕中央的区域,上下左右移动鼠标器来选取你想要的对话。这个附加元件是一个语音选单脚本,若发现游戏中无法正常使用该附加元件,请先停用类似的语音选单脚本附加元件,若仍然无法使用,取消订阅这个附加元件。
Автор останньої редакції: Richard; 20 груд. 2015 о 4:40
Автор останньої редакції: Richard; 16 верес. 2015 о 8:10
Richard  [розробник] 14 верес. 2015 о 21:24 
Цитата допису Richard:
Status: In case of you spotting some hostiles.
2.Enemies Spotted;
3.Have Eyes On Enemies;
4.Have Visual One More;
5.I Got The Visual One;
6.Stay Sharp;
7.Targets Acquired;
8.Targets Spotted;
Автор останньої редакції: Richard; 11 жовт. 2016 о 7:50
Richard  [розробник] 14 верес. 2015 о 22:37 
Backup & Help
Цитата допису Richard:
Status: In case of you being pinned down by the hostiles.
2.Fall Back;
3.Need Assistance;
4.Need Help;
5.Need Support;
6.Taking Fire;
7.We're Pinned Down;
8.We're Under Attack;
Автор останньої редакції: Richard; 11 жовт. 2016 о 7:50
Richard  [розробник] 14 верес. 2015 о 22:43 
Цитата допису Richard:
Status: In case of your teammates being going to run off.
1.Put Yourselves Together;
2.Stay Close;
3.Stick Together;
Автор останньої редакції: Richard; 11 жовт. 2016 о 7:52
Richard  [розробник] 14 верес. 2015 о 22:47 
Цитата допису Richard:
In case of you wanting teammates to cease fire(including friendly fire).
1.Do Not Fire;
2.Hold Your Fire;
3.Watch Your Fire;
Автор останньої редакції: Richard; 11 жовт. 2016 о 7:53
Richard  [розробник] 14 верес. 2015 о 22:54 
Цитата допису Richard:
In case of your teammates being in critical situation.
1.Look Out;
2.Right Behind You;
3.Six O'clock Position;
4.Watch Out;
5.Watch Your Back;
Автор останньої редакції: Richard; 11 жовт. 2016 о 7:53
Is there a way to keep the original one too? (with ready,argh) I think it would be more usefull if the addon would be on c and v and the originals on z x:steamhappy:
Цитата допису OceanicChris9:
Is there a way to keep the original one too? (with ready,argh) I think it would be more usefull if the addon would be on c and v and the originals on z x:steamhappy:
Excuse me, I don't think I can make it happen, which is beyond my ability. :P
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