Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

Jarls of India Redux
Idea for a conversion to Odhinist rework
Ok so for the conversion to Odhinist with it being a syncretism of Hinduism and Norse paganism I feel like there should be some flavor should you want to go down a different path so instead of Odhinism appearing right away you would have an event chain that if you're indo-norse, unreformed germanic pagan, not zealous, and a King or higher you would get an event with your king getting concerned about how your faith is a religious minority so you could either dismiss it or start a conversion of vladimir the great style multiple choice event chain where your options are Nestorian, Jewish, Sunni or Shia Islam, Zoroastrian, Manchaean, Buddhism, Jainism, Zunism of all things or to consult the hindu bhramins with this final option unlocking Odhinism and all that entails, while with Buddhism you could either become normal buddhist or question why buddhists had been converting to other faiths as of recent and after the monk can't give a good answer you can either throw out the idea of converting to buddhism or decide that the current schools of buddhism are too weak and thus make your own which would have the ability to declare holy wars on hindus and sinners if the one declaring them doesn't have sinful traits themselves, as well as raid with an asterisk as you have to give a portion of the loot to buddhist temples lest you get a piety and opinion malus.
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Valarian of Naples  [developer] 17 Mar @ 12:32pm 
Swapping between two pagan religions might be a bit redundant, so if I were to include the option to convert to Zunism it would probably be limited to these to conditions: the year is before 869, or Zunism exists on the map.

For zealous, mystic, theology-focused or (possibly) lunatic characters, they could also get an option where they go to meditate in the forests and either Huginn and Muninn or Odin come and speak to them and reveal the secrets of the Odhinist religion.

The new school of buddhism will either be represented by a specific trait, or could be an actual Buddhist heresy. I'm currently leaning towards the former so that players could easily swap to the more peaceful branches for the other bonuses.

As for converting to Islam, Ibadism would be a great additional option. The event path would lead to you contacting Ibadi clerics through Omani merchants, who then send for a cleric in Muscat to come and help convert your realm to Ibadism.

For Christianity, you could have two possible conversion paths: Nestorian through the Saint Thomas Christians, or Miaphysite through contacting the Ethiopians.
Last edited by Valarian of Naples; 17 Mar @ 12:32pm
yeah, thanks for the input
Valarian of Naples  [developer] 17 Mar @ 2:42pm 
Thanks for the suggestions!
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