The Phoenix Court (High Elf Politics)
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Alshua  [developer] 4 Nov, 2024 @ 11:03pm
FAQ, or: "I can't see the buttons!"
What to do if you can't see the UI
One of the most common issues users run into is the Phoenix Court UI button (and possibly the Grandeur resource button) disappearing. This specific issue is unlikely to be a problem with the Phoenix Court mod itself (though we might mess up eventually!).

If you cannot see the UI, you almost always have a script break. You may also be playing a campaign that is not supported by Phoenix Court (for example, RoC or Old World).

A script break means that one of your other mods has a LUA script that is broken. The script stops at the error and cannot continue. Phoenix Court's UI relies on script, and so it disappears when this happens. Since the missing UI is noticed immediately by the user, many users conclude that Phoenix Court was the first problem with their otherwise perfect campaign... when the reality is, the Phoenix Court UI disappearing is just the first symptom of a worse problem: your scripts are now broken.

Generally speaking, you should not continue a campaign with a script break. Uninstalling Phoenix Court would only hide the issue. If you wish to try to salvage the campaign, try to load a save game where you can still see the Phoenix Court UI. From that point, you might be able to continue safely, if one of the following things happens:

  • The script break randomly does not occur this time, because something changes in the campaign and the mod with a script break in it manages to avoid running into the bug
  • The problem mod gets updated and the bug is fixed
  • You remove the problem mod (not all mods can be removed from an ongoing campaign, but many can)

If you find your Phoenix Court UI disappearing, consider it a canary in a coal mine. Try to find which other mod you are using has a script break in it. "Bisecting" (cutting in half) your mod list, starting a campaign, and checking if the problem is still there is the most common method of diagnosis. This may be difficult, though, if the script break does not occur immediately! Reading the comments section of some other, complex mods you are using might reveal insights.

Unfortunately, even such talented and kindly modders as Rhox and myself cannot fix a bug that is not in our mod. By all means, if the UI disappears, try to rule out a problem with Phoenix Court itself by starting a new campaign with NO other mods installed, and seeing if the UI is there or not. There's a first time for everything; maybe Rhox and I made a script break of our own. If Phoenix Court is broken on its own, you would be doing us a big favor by providing a script log. If Phoenix Court works on its own, it's time to do some snooping around your mod list.

If reading this made you hate script breaks, consider enabling Context Viewer in Warhammer 3 (Settings > [Gears Icon] > "Enable context viewer" checkbox). It does not work in multiplayer. In single player, Context Viewer will (usually) display a large red X in the upper right corner if a script break is encountered.
Last edited by Alshua; 5 Nov, 2024 @ 5:13am