Darkest Dungeon®

Darkest Dungeon®

The Phantasma Class Mod
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
neogulyi  [developer] 2 Feb @ 7:09pm
Bug Report
Please post here, comment, or really anywhere if you run into the mod not working properly!
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
EinEis 28 Feb @ 12:19pm 
Hi there, small notice,

Quake expends Blazing prot% but doesn't state this happening in its tooltip. Evidently it's shown during combat as it clears the buff but even more noticable when using Quake + Earth Amulet letting you access the once per combat heal.
EinEis 29 Feb @ 12:22pm 
Originally posted by neogulyi:

I think it's mentioned in Earth Amulet

yeah sry, nvm then.
This is urgent. Crystalized Lycoris doesn't work properly. Unless it has something to do with second actions or mods but idk
Ah so is crit multiplier then. In the description appears simply as crit
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