

Mood Alerts
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Deadmano  [developer] 1 Jan @ 4:17am
Feedback & Suggestions
Feel free to share any feedback or suggestions relating to this mod!
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Looks like a great mod, I typically never used Alert mods because I was always concerned about performance but with this I can set the check interval to be really high. I would suggest increasing the maximum interval check to 1 day (60,000 ticks) though as some alerts really don't checking very often.

Also if possible could you list all the normal game alerts and allow them to be disabled and have their check interval changed. It would help a lot with performance. Below are a few suggested alerts.

Bleeding to Death
- List all Colonists/Slaves/Prisoners/Guests currently bleeding, show the bleed rate, how long they have left and sort them from most critical to least critical.

Ideology Ritual Ready
- Check if rituals scheduled as anytime are off cooldown so they can be used.

Slept in the Heat/Cold
- Check if your colonists got the associated debuff.
Last edited by FrozenSnowFox; 1 Jan @ 1:11pm
Deadmano  [developer] 1 Jan @ 3:18pm 
@FrozenSnowFox: Thank you! I was in the same boat after measuring TPS impact of other alert mods; it was scary to see how in my lategame colony some were eating 30ms calls at a time! That dropped to around ~3ms and less for over 50+ colonists, which is a substantial reduction and of course can be made magnitudes better since you can customise how often the updates happen.

Regarding your suggestions, the scope of this mod was specific to just colonist mood debuffs that can easily be solved due to perhaps a change in the colony or something overlooked. I feel the bleed out rate/ideology stuff falls outside of the scope of this mod, but could be interesting as an alerts overhaul in general!

The tick increase to 60,000 is easy enough to implement, I had just thought 5 in-game hours would be too much but clearly that is not the case! Can you give me some examples of which alerts you'd only check once a day, and why? The design choice was to alert you relatively quickly (as quick as you define in the settings) so you can react to the negative debuffs before it leads to a colonist break.

The heat/cold stuff (and a bunch of others) I have planned for a later release. I just wanted this mod to be on-par functionally with other similar mods, while keeping the performance impact to a minimum and having a few more features.

I'm also looking into dynamic alert integration so that you can basically track any negative mood debuff, be it from the core game, DLC, or even other mods! It'll obviously lack the polish from the core alerts since they are hand-crafted with custom descriptions, settings options, translations, etc. but it should cover those edge-cases nicely.

I also plan to integrate categories for certain alerts so they all nest under one (like the Bedroom unhappiness one) since I know that the clutter can be real at times!

Thanks again for all the feedback, I appreciate it! Keep it coming. :rshout:
Sorry I was a bit tired and in a rush this morning. Based on the name and description it makes sense to only focus on mood based alerts. Although I hope in the future you decide to expand to include other things. You've done a wonderful job so far and you are one of the few people who have performance in mind. There's quite a number of things that would be useful as alerts that aren't specifically for mood.

I personally play with a -10 to mood since I always liked that from the higher difficulty settings. In the early days I'm checking everyone constantly looking for things I can fix so they don't murder each other. It's typically later on that issues tend to go unnoticed as they become hidden behind a burst of good mood until disaster strikes. While it depends how critical the alert itself is the more mundane things I'd probably set to 6, 12, or 24 hours. For me most alerts are less a fix this now and more a, hey this is a problem you missed that you should look into.

Dynamic alert integration would be great. There's bound to be plenty of edge cases with mods and with that you can easily fix them yourself.
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