Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2: Board Game
Sheriff  [개발자] 2014년 10월 1일 오후 12시 13분
New mechanics and Class Abilities
I was thinking how to manage some classes abilities so here are some 'improvements' and new 'area mechanic'. Still needs some work yet it seems to work better. Also active abilities goes to weapons like 'spend 1 movement point and then be able to do something when attacked'

Each Classes has Health Points and Movement points
Spend 1 movement point per tile (no limit for tiles per turn)
Spend 1 movement point per attack (one attack per turn)

Class Special Abilities

Scout – Double Jump
Spend 1 Movement point per 2 tiles (once per turn)

Soldier - Rocket Jump
Spend one Health Point to move 2 extra tiles.

Pyro - Afterburn
Next target's turn target gets 1 damage.

Demoman - ???

Heavy – Sandvich
Spend 1 movement point to restore 1 Health Point
(seems to be not very useful)

Engineer – Buildings
Spend 1 movement point to build 1 building

Medic – Uber
Restore/Overheal 5 Health Points – Target and Medic ignoring all damage until next medic's turn.

Sniper – Blindspot
Sniper rifle does full 3 damage on 7 range; 2 on 4+range; 1 on 1+range.

Spy – Invisibility
Spy figure goes off board. Every turn off board gives 1 movement point with max. additional 5 points.


Zero ground
no attributes

Second Floor
Can be reach through gates or rocket jump and double jump
Grants +2 range

Water level
extinguish mercenaries with fire cards
-1 damage to all attacks from/ to this area
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Saint Alfonso 2014년 10월 2일 오후 1시 24분 
TFQ The Prophet님이 먼저 게시:
Maybe Demoman should be his charge using his sheild. Something like "Move straight forward one space doing __ (high) dammage.
I'd like this, especially because Soldier and Demo share an ability and it would be nice if one of them was changed. (They did in the last version, at least)
Saint Alfonso 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 10월 2일 오후 1시 25분
Saint Alfonso 2014년 10월 2일 오후 1시 27분 
How about a sticky bomb ability for Demoman? Use once to place stickies, and then when someone steps in a 3*3 tile radius of you, then you can detonate them, doing 2 damage. When you move, then the stickies auto-detonate doing no damage.

Also, how would respawn work?
Saint Alfonso 2014년 10월 3일 오후 3시 45분 
How come everyone only has 1 ability now? I liked it better when everyone had 2. (Medic had Uber and Overheal, now the're lumped together into one.)
I purpose medic get's Overheal/Heal (Fully heals target, if target is at full health already then it gives him double health for one turn) and Uber (Invincibility for 1 turn, 3 turn recharge.) and the rest of the classes get their second ability back.
Saint Alfonso 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 10월 3일 오후 3시 48분
Sheriff  [개발자] 2014년 10월 5일 오후 12시 07분 
Sorry for delay!

TFQ The Prophet님이 먼저 게시:
Maybe Demoman should be his charge using his sheild. Something like "Move straight forward one space doing __ (high) dammage.
As long it remove stickies I think it should have lower incoming damage when in use.

BurningBread님이 먼저 게시:
How about a sticky bomb ability for Demoman? Use once to place stickies, and then when someone steps in a 3*3 tile radius of you, then you can detonate them, doing 2 damage. When you move, then the stickies auto-detonate doing no damage.

Also, how would respawn work?
Respawn work like teleport - merc just return to start point just cause if respawn=losing 1 turn then merc removed from game for entire phase which can be long enough

Stepping in is not that good because everyone can see them - so it would required mini-mechanic for stiky-detection. So I think it would work better if instant use but reloading next turn.
Soldier Rockets hit 2x2

BurningBread님이 먼저 게시:
How come everyone only has 1 ability now? I liked it better when everyone had 2. (Medic had Uber and Overheal, now the're lumped together into one.)
I purpose medic get's Overheal/Heal (Fully heals target, if target is at full health already then it gives him double health for one turn) and Uber (Invincibility for 1 turn, 3 turn recharge.) and the rest of the classes get their second ability back.

Well no there still 2 abilities just one is class based and other is weapon based:
Also active abilities goes to weapons like 'spend 1 movement point and then be able to do something when attacked'
Also overheal usually gives 150% health so in board game it just add 1 hp which is 133-200% health
Sheriff  [개발자] 2014년 12월 21일 오전 2시 32분 
Heavy has only one movement point so if he use sandvich he stays immobile this turn. If Heavy would have more movement point so does Scout and then Scout can cross half of map in one turn
Bandit Ferret Ell 2015년 2월 28일 오전 8시 42분 
What about having items in booster packs. So you can do the base loadout that comes with each character, or you can swap out items for different pos. and negatives

Like when you buy the starter pack (Single map, base game materials, and 2-3 starter packs)

Starter packs (should be crates lol) contain the first weapons released for that class, like pyro would be backburner,flare gun, and axtinguisher.

After that, you can have map crates, which contain 3 maps and 3 regular crates.

Regular crates should be buyable in single and then larger shipments. They contain 3 random weapons for any class, but are more randomized.

You might have different series of crates, each having their own drop ratio of certain weapons
Unusual weapons could be super rare and hats being rare and reskins being uncommon.

You have 1 uncommon per pack, but it has as a low chance of being a hat, or very low chance of getting a unusual wep, and an insanely rare chance of getting a unusual hat

EDIT: Making text look less like a wall
Bandit Ferret Ell 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2015년 2월 28일 오전 8시 43분
Sheriff  [개발자] 2015년 2월 28일 오전 8시 48분 
Nice Idea about crates. Yet Hats at moment not implemented lol
Acolox 2015년 4월 16일 오전 10시 07분 
What about health packs?
Sheriff  [개발자] 2015년 4월 16일 오전 10시 15분 
It could be1 hp - small, 2hp - medium, 3 hp - large; but map probably is not big enough for so many objects
Missyyy~ <3 2015년 5월 6일 오후 2시 29분 
yea sure
Saint Alfonso 2015년 7월 8일 오후 3시 16분 
England님이 먼저 게시:
What about having items in booster packs. So you can do the base loadout that comes with each character, or you can swap out items for different pos. and negatives

Like when you buy the starter pack (Single map, base game materials, and 2-3 starter packs)

Starter packs (should be crates lol) contain the first weapons released for that class, like pyro would be backburner,flare gun, and axtinguisher.

After that, you can have map crates, which contain 3 maps and 3 regular crates.

Regular crates should be buyable in single and then larger shipments. They contain 3 random weapons for any class, but are more randomized.

You might have different series of crates, each having their own drop ratio of certain weapons
Unusual weapons could be super rare and hats being rare and reskins being uncommon.

You have 1 uncommon per pack, but it has as a low chance of being a hat, or very low chance of getting a unusual wep, and an insanely rare chance of getting a unusual hat

EDIT: Making text look less like a wall

I like this idea. You could have 1 primary, secondary and melee weapon (But Melees and most Secondaries only provide passive effects.) Here's some ideas:



Black Box
-1 Range (Because no clips or ammo)
+2 Health on kill

Direct Hit

No Area of Effect attack
+1 Damage

Cow Mangler 5000

May charge attack for 1 movement point, increasing damage by 1 and lighting enemy on fire.
-2 Damage to Buildings


Buff Banner

After getting a kill, +1 Damage for the next three turns.
-1 Health (Needs changing)


No health cost for Rocket Jumping
-1 Damage


Disiplinary Action

If you start near at least 1 ally, then you and all ajacent allies get +1 Movement
-1 Health

The Equaliser

+1 Damage and Speed for every 1 missing health
Medics need twice as many movement points to heal you

Market Gardener

If you rocket jumped that turn, +1 Damage.
If you didn't rocket jump that turn, -1 Damage.




After you get a kill, you heal +2 health and get +2 damage for the next turn
-1 Damage


+2 Damage
Airblast only knocks opponent back 1 tile and costs 1 more movement point.


You may use 1 ability for no movement point cost every 3 turns. +1 Movement point.
-1 Damage
-1 Range


Flare Gun

May use 1 movement point to get +2 Range and +2 Damage
-1 Damage

Reserve Shooter

When you airblast someone, they take 1 damage
-1 Range


May use 1 movement point to get +2 Range and deal 2*2 Area of Effect damage
-1 Health



Afterburn deals +1 Damage, and attacks against an afterburned player do +2.
-1 Damage


+1 Movement Point
Heal 1 Health on kill
-1 Health

Back Scratcher

+1 Health from health kits
+1 Damage
Medics take 2 movement points to heal you

It's been a while since I've worked on this, but I think this would be fairly balanced and add some more variety. Should I abandon it or do the other 7 classes too?
Sheriff  [개발자] 2015년 7월 8일 오후 4시 29분 
Nice! Seems about right. Buff Banner needs some debuff - like 1 or 2 kills to buff 1 or 2 turns.
Not sure if it is needed to rework health system - with "-1 health" stats classes seems to be extra fragile.
Saint Alfonso 2015년 7월 9일 오후 7시 15분 
Sheriff님이 먼저 게시:
Nice! Seems about right. Buff Banner needs some debuff - like 1 or 2 kills to buff 1 or 2 turns.
Not sure if it is needed to rework health system - with "-1 health" stats classes seems to be extra fragile.

I think that we should increase most classe's speed by 1 point, and maybe scout's by 2. We should also double all classe's health, which would make balancing items MUCH easier.

I found it was way easier to make pros then cons, and so I ended up using -1 health alot. It'll probaly keep being used until more mechanics are added, so increasing health would make it more viable.

Buff banner could use a shorter duration. But if it took 2 kills to use, then it would be very situationol (It's automatically activated, so you already only use it against groups.) It could last just 2 turns maybe?

Since you seemed to like the first ones, I'll make Scout and Heavy now.



Soda Popper:

After getting a kill, you get to use Double Jump twice that turn.
2 movement points required for the second attack every turn.


Hitting a target that is right next to you decreases their movement points by 2, if they are 1 tile away it decreases them by 1.
-1 Damage when attacking a target 3 or more tiles away


+2 Range
+1 Damage at long range
-1 Health
-1 Damage at close range


Bonk! Atomic Punch!

Every 5 turns or once every life, may activate Bonk! for 2 turns, preventing you from taking or dealing damage.
-1 Damage

Mad Milk

Every 5 turns or once every life, may coat enemies in Mad Milk. You throw the mad milk anywhere withing 3 tiles. It does it's effect in a 3*3 AOE. If hit directly, then it lasts for 2 turns, but if hit inderectly only one. When you shoot an enemy covered in mad milk, heal 1 health.
-1 Health

Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol

+1 Health
+1 Movement
-1 Damage



+1 Movement
When using Double Jump, +2 Movement but you lose 1 health.
-1 Damage.


Once every 4 turns and once per life, may cause someone in a 4*4 area to not be able to do anything for that turn.
-1 Health

Boston Basher

Roll a dice when attacking an enemy. If it is an even number, you deal +1 damage, but if odd, normal damage and you lose 1 health.



Brass Beast:

+1 Damage
-1 Movement Point (Maybe it should be changed to -1 Range.)


Shooting someone causes them to lose 1 movement point
-1 Damage

Huo-Long Heater

Lights enemies within 2 tiles on fire
-1 Movement


Shotgun (Since you start with Sandwich.)

+1 Damage
Instead of healing, you have the ability to trade -2 damage for +2 range and +1 Movement.
-1 Health

Davalokahs Bar

+1 Health
Heals only 1 life (Defualt Sandwich should heal 4.)

Buffalo Steak Sandwich

When you eat it, for the next 2 turns you get +2 Damage and +2 Speed, but can only attack adjacent enemies.


Killing Gloves of Boxing

When you kill an enemy within 2 tiles, +3 Damage on your next turn
-1 Damage

Fists of Steel

+2 Health
-2 Damage

Gloves of Running Urgently

+1 Movement
-1 Health

How the "Active" secondaries work (Bonk! and the Milk) is that you treat them as a sepreate Active ability. You use it, losing 1 movement and granting the effect. The main difference is the cooldown. The Shotgun is similar, with a few differences. You can only switch one time per turn, at the beggining, it takes 1 movement point to do so. It lasts until you switch back.

Any more reworks needed? If this is good then I'll do Demoman and Engineer next.
Sheriff  [개발자] 2015년 7월 10일 오전 11시 19분 
Boston basher introduces dies so it is needed to use it more or don't use at all - kinda strange have dies only for one weapon. I think it hit/not hit should relay on opponent's counter ability rather then luck in form of dies.
Another big question is math about pros and cons: you are right about that with bigger numbers it is easier to balance but also it harder for players to pay attention to details - too many numbers. In original TF2 it is no problem since computer does all math. Yet the board game gives this problem to player.
Not sure if doubling health is good but here are recalculated numbers
_________ TF2____Old___New
Scout_____125_____1_____ 2
Soldier____200____ 2 _____ 4
Demo_____175_____2 _____3
Heavy____ 300_____3 _____5
Engineer___125 ____1_____ 2

Five as maximum number I think is quite good: still space for '-1hp' yet no to much to calculate
Weapons' stat numbers seems can stay as they are.

Sheriff 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2015년 7월 10일 오전 11시 22분
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