

Video Player for Diplomacy Screens [3.10]
 Dieses Thema wurde angeheftet; es ist wahrscheinlich wichtig
generate and use videos
Required tools: ffmpeg, ImageMagick, gcc, additionally bc on Linux

1: Navigate to the /generate folder.
1.1: I actually recommend making a copy of it somewhere else and using that, to prevent the workshop synchronization from messing with it.
2: Put a video you want to be converted there. Make sure to remove any whitespaces from the name, replace them with underscores instead. It must be in the mp4 format.
3: Open a shell in that folder.
4: Execute the command "./ video_name" (Linux) or "generate.bat video_name" (Windows), with video_name replaced by the name of the file you put there. Do not include the .mp4 as part of the name.
5: Copy the /generate/gfx (NOT the root gfx) folder to your own mod.

To play a video, add the following code to an event:

diplomatic = yes picture_event_data = { portrait = video_name }

You can check whether this mod is installed after the start of the game like this:

if = { limit = { has_global_flag = mcr_video_player_enabled } // code goes here }
This allows for video playback to be an optional feature of any mod.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von 主​​​Miͥภgͣcͫℝ♚; 14. Okt. 2023 um 7:29