Project Zomboid

Project Zomboid

Big Size Spice : Bigger Salt & Pepper
NineLiang 25. okt. 2023 kl. 7:58
Traditional Chinese translate need help
I translate both of "Big Salt" and "Big Dried Fruit" mods.

I add a Traditional Chinese fold named "CH", a folder in "Translate" fold.

But it's not work in the game, in game it's still display english, need help plz.
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NineLiang 25. okt. 2023 kl. 8:00 
"Big Salt"

ItemName_CH = {
ItemName_Base.BigSalt = "包裝鹽",
ItemName_Base.BigPepper = "包裝胡椒",
ItemName_Base.BigSalt2 = "袋裝鹽",
ItemName_Base.BigPepper2 = "袋裝胡椒",
ItemName_Base.BigJarLid = "盒裝罐蓋",
ItemName_Base.BigSoysauce = "桶裝醬油",
ItemName_Base.BigSugar = "包裝糖",
ItemName_Base.BigSugar2 = "袋裝糖",
ItemName_Base.BigSugarBrown = "包裝紅糖",
ItemName_Base.BigSugarBrown2 = "袋裝紅糖",
ItemName_Base.BigYeast = "包裝酵母",

ItemName_Base.Big_BoxofVinegars = "箱裝醋",
ItemName_Base.Big_BoxofRiceVinegars = "箱裝米醋",
ItemName_Base.Big_BoxofOilOlives = "箱裝橄欖油",
ItemName_Base.Big_BoxofVegetableoils = "箱裝植物油",



Recipe_s_CH = {

Recipe_Unpack Pack of Yeast = "打開包裝酵母",
Recipe_Unpack Box of Lids = "打開盒裝罐蓋",
Recipe_Unpack Box of Vinegars = "打開箱裝醋",
Recipe_Unpack Box of Rice Vinegars = "打開箱裝米醋",
Recipe_Unpack Box of Olive Oils = "打開箱裝橄欖油",
Recipe_Unpack Box of Vegetable Oils = "打開箱裝植物油",

Sidst redigeret af NineLiang; 27. okt. 2023 kl. 7:15
NineLiang 25. okt. 2023 kl. 8:01 
"Big Dried Fruit"

ItemName_CH = {
/************************ Preserved Foods ************************/

ItemName_Base.DriedFoodMagazine = "生存藝術:果乾的美學",
ItemName_Base.Pemmican = "肉糜餅",
ItemName_Base.Dration = "緊急口糧",
ItemName_Base.Boxofcrackers = "農家鹽餅乾",
ItemName_Base.Boxofcrackers2 = "農家全麥餅乾",

/************************ Dried_ Fruit ************************/

ItemName_Base.Sliced_Apple = "切片的蘋果",
ItemName_Base.Dried_Apple = "蘋果乾",
ItemName_Base.Sliced_Banana = "切片的香蕉",
ItemName_Base.Dried_Banana = "香蕉乾",
ItemName_Base.Sliced_Cherry = "切片的櫻桃",
ItemName_Base.Dried_Cherry = "櫻桃乾",
ItemName_Base.Sliced_Grapefruit = "切片的柚子",
ItemName_Base.Dried_Grapefruit = "柚子乾",
ItemName_Base.Sliced_Grapes = "切片的葡萄",
ItemName_Base.Dried_Grapes = "葡萄乾",
ItemName_Base.Sliced_Lemon = "切片的檸檬",
ItemName_Base.Dried_Lemon = "檸檬乾",
ItemName_Base.Sliced_Lime = "切片的萊姆",
ItemName_Base.Dried_Lime = "萊姆乾",
ItemName_Base.Sliced_Mango = "切片的芒果",
ItemName_Base.Dried_Mango = "芒果乾",
ItemName_Base.Sliced_Orange = "切片的橘子",
ItemName_Base.Dried_Orange = "橘子乾",
ItemName_Base.Sliced_Peach = "切片的桃子",
ItemName_Base.Dried_Peach = "桃子乾",
ItemName_Base.Sliced_Pineapple = "切片的鳳梨",
ItemName_Base.Dried_Pineapple = "鳳梨乾",
ItemName_Base.Sliced_Strawberries = "切片的草莓",
ItemName_Base.Dried_Strawberries = "草莓乾",
ItemName_Base.Sliced_Watermelon = "切片的西瓜片",
ItemName_Base.Dried_Watermelon = "西瓜乾",
ItemName_Base.Sliced_Pear = "切片的梨子",
ItemName_Base.Dried_Pear = "梨子乾",
ItemName_Base.Dried_Blackberry = "黑莓乾",
ItemName_Base.Dried_Blueberry = "藍莓乾",



Recipe_s_CH = {

Recipe_Make Pemmican = "製作肉糜餅",
Recipe_Chop WaterMelonSlice for Drying = "將西瓜切片",



Tooltip_CH = {

Tooltip_Dried_Fruit = "可以馬上吃,但曬乾3-4天後就可變果乾.",
Tooltip_Big_Dration = "緊急口糧,幫助你生存至少2天.",
Tooltip_Dried_Mag = "學習如何製作果乾和肉糜餅.",

Sidst redigeret af NineLiang; 27. okt. 2023 kl. 7:15
BLUmountain  [udvikler] 26. okt. 2023 kl. 20:11 
It might be unicode problem. what is your translation files unicode? For example KO(korean) is UTF-16 BE and CH is UTF - 8.
NineLiang 27. okt. 2023 kl. 6:46 
YESSSSSSSSS, it's because files unicode, I turn to UTF - 8 and it's work, thank you so much!

Oprindeligt skrevet af BLUmountain:
It might be unicode problem. what is your translation files unicode? For example KO(korean) is UTF-16 BE and CH is UTF - 8.
Sidst redigeret af NineLiang; 27. okt. 2023 kl. 7:07
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