Legions of Nagash - DISCONTINUED
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
JvJ  [developer] 9 Aug, 2023 @ 10:20am
WH3 Team
Rhox: gruelling database work, scripts, text, balancing and testing.
JvJ: balance, database work, units, text, models, art.
Urgat: models, textures, frontend video, text, art, ui, lots of testing and endless ideas.
Green Phoenix: units, vfx and animation
Barney: model and texture work for a number of RoR's
BasedMemes: model and texture work for the Burning Dead RoR
Belisarian: spells, vfx, scripts, art, balancing and testing.
All is Dust: units, necro stuff
Dave: extensive ui work
Khamar: unit cards, icons
Valas: TTC compatibility, intensive playtesting
Groove Wizard: laying the groundwork and mct

WH2 Team
Belisarian: spells, vfx, scripts, art, release finalization work, balancing and testing.
Cataph: balance, units, unit cards, text, models and art.
JvJ: balance, grueling database work, units, text, models and art.
Urgat: models, textures, frontend video, text and art.
Groove Wizard: main scripts.
Zazie: models and art.

Additional Helpers
Mixu: Unlocker, Dieter, and faction startpos.
Chaos Robie: Carrion Riders (unit and unit card).
Valas: extensive beta testing and bug sniffing, suffered so you don't have to
Lingling: help with Neferata's model.
Kou: help with some animation issues we had
Barbo: magic man (come on Barbo give us something sweet)
Wolfremio: help with unit flags and Dread Abyssal projectile fix
SCM Team: help getting the port off of the ground
OvN Team: big boy collabs
Ole: asset editor.
Frodo: RPFM.
Phazer: RME.
ViktorianWios, SGTorresJ, Sean Thomas and campkb for several frontend movie props.
Dungeon Master, Matthew39, and Fin for the gorgeous screenshots (the not gorgeous ones are mine).
Therodenne for the Youtube clip.
Github: that colleague you need but you want to strangle.
And, of course, Creative Assembly, for making this incredible game.
Last edited by JvJ; 20 Aug, 2023 @ 1:02pm