Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

Council Advisors - UPDATED
FunGaming44  [developer] 20 Jun, 2023 @ 2:30am
Ideas ? Post them here
If you have ideas for this mod then please post them here so I can take a look and see if it's possible.
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Showing 1-15 of 29 comments
Jordan 20 Jun, 2023 @ 6:16am 
Wouldn't mind an option to not show councillor position is empty. Tough to fill all those slots as a smaller kingdom.
FunGaming44  [developer] 20 Jun, 2023 @ 7:47am 
That would have to be done through a messages mod, maybe something I can do in the configurable news feed mod
Jordan 20 Jun, 2023 @ 8:29am 
Could it be something in the settings? Maybe a max number of positions? If its based on a reusable component could you make that array modifiable in game?
Solitude 20 Jun, 2023 @ 11:50am 
Goes without saying that the AI making use of these extra advisors would be ideal.
Emperor Nuclear 20 Jun, 2023 @ 10:15pm 
This idea is going to be a VERY BIG NITPICK and more of a personal preference; I would rather have the advisors arrow be inside the council gui rather than oddly sticking outside. I have a rough picture of what I mean if you want to see it (though I can't post pictures here so maybe discord or fr on steam?)
FunGaming44  [developer] 21 Jun, 2023 @ 1:58am 
It's made that way so that it will not override the default gui in anyway making it more compatible
Clewer 21 Jun, 2023 @ 5:31am 
Npc could not use Council Advisors before and could not benefit buffs. it's been unrealistic and been adding imbalance to the game. I used to use this mod and i don't know is this problem solved. I wanted to give my opinion, I think this is a problem that needs to be fixed.
FunGaming44  [developer] 21 Jun, 2023 @ 6:24am 
You can use the more realistic option but for now the Ai cant use this yet, I plan to make this an option you can turn on or off.
Clewer 21 Jun, 2023 @ 7:58am 
It would be so good for players like me care about realistic roleplay. Cause I like the concept of this mod but I care so much about details like this. I will be waiting thanks.
Last edited by Clewer; 21 Jun, 2023 @ 8:31am
stukulele 27 Jun, 2023 @ 6:46am 
Is it possible to have an option to have just 1 set of additional advisors? I find having 24 slots in total a lot of micromanagement, especially when each has 4-5 options of what they can do.
FunGaming44  [developer] 27 Jun, 2023 @ 7:59am 
You don't have to use them all, just use the amount you want.
Harry the Unlucky 27 Jun, 2023 @ 11:35pm 
Compatibility with councilor experience trait?
sawwhet5975 28 Jun, 2023 @ 2:53am 
Would you be open to feedback on balance? If so, here is some feedback on the various tasks and whether they feel "too strong" or "too weak"


Tutor You - Personally, I think the XP gain from this feels fine. The stat buff feels a bit too strong though, and imo is the most imbalanced component of the mod. I'm finding in general that the stat boost at ~20 points in an attribute translates to around +5 in said attribute. I think this would feel less overwhelming if it was equal to +3 at around that stat level. Is education level granting +1 to the stat per education level? If so, maybe consider tiering it so that lvl 1 and 2 education grants +1, and lvl 3 and 4 grants +2? Or even just a -1 across the board for the benefit from education level would help balance I think. Just +5 from 20 in a stat is strong for extra advisor slots. Especially when you consider that is roughly ~25% of the advisors stat level. The Learn on the Job perk is one of the strongest perks in the game, and grants you access to only 20% of your councilliors stats.

Assist You - Idk, tough to judge. Want to say it feels a bit too weak, and havent felt drawn to use it due to it's low benefit. Its scoring roughly +3 General opinion at a 20 in diplomacy. Maybe could sit more at +4? I know this task is potentially super strong, but just at +3 it feels meh. Maybe I just haven't been in the position to really need it.
Vouch For You - Similar feelings as to Assist You, only this one is pretty niche, and as such think it could do for a small buff. Seeing ~+5 Opinion at 20 diplo. Maybe could go as high as +8? Tough to gauge.
Boast About Your Deeds - Feels fine I think? Seeing about ~0.5 prestige per month at ~20 diplo. Maybe slightly too strong? Idk. It's already easy to stack prestige buffs sky high, so its tough to argue anything about prestige being "too strong".


Assist You - Feels fine
Overseer Peasants - Feels too strong. Seeing a lot of disparity in how strong the task is at ~20 martial. Anywhere between 0.6-1.1 per month. I think at 20 martial i'd like to see it at about 0.6. Its a very strong task, but at the same time I like it because it allows me to use my martial for something other than just sitting there on "increase control" 90% of the time. Just when you stack multiple martial advisors with ~0.8 control per advisor, it starts to feel excessive. Maybe this falls into the "just limit yourself on using it if you don't like it" category.
Train Troops - Feels fine. Seeing about +5% to all stats at ~20 martial. Probably good as is.

Assist You - Feels kind of strong, just would like to see +~15% development at 20 stewardship, but presently seeing ~20%. But at the same time grants diminishing returns due to the dumb closet "existing development" debuff on the increase development council task. Think this falls into the "limit yourself if you don't like it category". Maybe fine? Tough to gauge.Nice competition for the Develop Capital task.
Develop Capital - I have no comment on this. I like the task, demense limit and ticking development are both very strong buffs in general though. Think its good as is, and people just shouldn't use it if they feel that it's too much.
Manage Ledgers - Very strong, or at least relative to the Collect Taxes Council task (which I personally think is underpowered). See this advisor task granting around ~9% income increase at ~20 stewardship, which is nearly equal to its council task counterpart. Idk. The similar strength makes it feel off. Perhaps this should sit more around +6% tax income at ~20 steward? Its a little underwhelming at that point, but maybe you could offset the nerf by adding a +Vassal tax contribution equal to the demense tax % increase. The steward tasks in general are just really good, and have a lot of competition with one another.


Assist You - Feels fine. Tough to gauge.
Instill Fear - The natural dread buff feels fine, but i think that the dread gain and decay rate could use a buff. Just at ~-4% to dread decay/gain rate at ~20 intrigue is pretty negligible. I think you could honestly double this stat, maybe more.
Help with Subtlety - The additional personal scheme is definitely the draw of this position, but ~+6 to personal scheme power at ~20 intrigue feels pretty negligible. Fine as is, could maybe even argue for an increase. I'm not sure that personal scheme power is that impactful of a stat in general.


Assist You - Feels fine
Maintain Your Diet - Probably okay? Seeing about +/-5 stress at ~20 Learning. 5% isn't huge and is about equal to 1 friend from the confidants perk. Perhaps could use a tiny buff? What if each fame stress related trait (like drunkard, flagellant, confider) present on the advisor granted an additional +1%? So that they're kind of teaching you how to better deal with stress.
Praise Your Virtues - Feels too weak. Going to tackle this ones modifiers piece by piece. The level of devotion impact modifier is where the change is really needed though.
Level of Devotion Impact: About +4% at ~20 learning. Considering that the devotion impact modifiers range between +3-15 opinion, 4% is basically nothing. Not even sure it would grant you +1 opinion at that max. You could probably safely scale this to roughly ~25-35% impact increase at that level. I mean, the radiant perk grants +100% level of devotion impact.
Piety Increase: Piety is approaching the same level of arbitrary as prestige due to the new pilgrimage mechanics. Seeing about +6% piety at ~20 learning. Considering that the Zealous Trait, and High Almoner position both grant +20% piety at max each, you could probably argue a buff to this. Could probably safely go to the 8-10% range at 20 Learning. However, could also argue for it staying low due to the other modifiers accompanying the task.
Same Faith Opinion: Seeing about +3 opinion at ~20 learning. Considering that this task grants 2 other buffs, this is probably fine as is. Any tweaks to it should probably come through the devotion impact modifier.

I hope that this is helpful. Apologies if this sounds critical at all, it's not intended to be. I just really want to see this mod flourish.
sawwhet5975 28 Jun, 2023 @ 3:07am 
Some other food for thought, maybe it would be cool if the strength of advisors was tiered by level? As in Empire tier advisors grant stronger buffs than kingdom advisors, and kingdom stronger than base advisors. It just would be fun to see the "increased stature" create tangible benefits.

I have no idea what I'd expect that tiering of modifiers to look like though. Maybe giving each tier its own tweakable "Advisor skill multiplier" instead of one multiplier that applies to all tiers equally? Would help give players some agency in how they want such a mechanic to work.
FunGaming44  [developer] 28 Jun, 2023 @ 4:53am 
Originally posted by Harry the Unlucky:
Compatibility with councilor experience trait?

It is already compatible with that mod all normal counselors gain experience I use it myself, only thing is that the advisors do not gain experience but in this case its a good thing.
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