

Better Vanilla Sub Experience
Deinonycorvus  [developer] 7 Jun, 2023 @ 12:31pm
List of submarine modifications:
AEGIR MK3: The real OG, now with the entire interior refurbished. Cosy inside for all kinds of role-play scenarios, it came with The Nibbler, a general shuttle drone for quick travel, useful for picking up respawn shuttles or traveling to a point of interest or tight areas. A full array of weapons ensures the submarine can keep up on its own.

AEGIR MKgenesis: If the OG isn't OG enough, it is THE first submarine ever made, recreated. Don't upset the reactor, or else. At least it is the cheapest thing to feature a railgun (the next thing that has one is the Humpback, costing 14500 mk).

AZIMUTH: A new coat of paint, tons of hull trimming, now including the poor-man legacy medical fabricator, and a new dash mode that depletes the battery to dash forward. The submarine of choice if you want a really fast peace campaign, extended the captain room glass to the top for better viewing angle.

BARSUK: has 16.75% hull trim and a lot more responsive controls. The actual interior size is slightly smaller than the original, so managing it should be a bit easier. Came with an EX variant with a full fabrication suite and a hyper laser, a beam of death that eats throw power.

BERILIA: Much easier to maintain despite being larger with two new sets of ladders, one to ballast and another one that goes from the top deck to the bottom airlock. Got a "sleeping room" crew quarter to handle nine crewmates resting and a big stowage room on the bottom airlock access, as well as a new plantation room, and the clown room turned into a prison with control outside of it instead of a random locked room. Came with a T variant with 180 cargo storage spaces. Btw, according to the hull size, this thing is still smaller than the original despite the entire front being extended.

DUGONG: Just lots of hull optimization. Came with a T variant with 104 cargo slots.

DUGONG: It came with a rusty deconstructor and lots of hull optimization. Came with an EX variant with 3 deconstructors, both fabicators, a double large turret hardpoint, and a third ballast, allowing the DUGONG-EX to be the fastest submarine in terms of sinking.

HERJA: A bit of coloration on the walls—the main exit ladder extends to the reactor room—came with a legacy medical fabricator. The left-most coilgun becomes a twin coilgun.

HUMPBACK: I accidentally turned it into a pancake; the front ballast door is open by default; the ladder between the main entrance and the main deck is now one unifying ladder.

KASTRULL: The two coilguns become twin coilguns; a new flak cannon is on the bottom left; the interior walls are redone so the middle ballast is a lot bigger than the original while basically looking the same. The captain's cockpit window is replaced with a moonpool since that era was almost destroyed, and instead of flooding and monsters, it is just monsters. A new emergency room for the captain in case of an invasion and requires a safer environment to control the submarine, or just having two captains controlling to maximize the speed.

NEHALENNIA: Jack of all trades, master of none. A good way to get jobs done fast, Attack-Transport Hybird is surprisingly resource-demanding. Came with a T variant with 48 cargo storage compartments.

ORCA: aggressive hull optimization to allow a big mobility improvement; ballast has overflow tunnels to allow water to freely flow through each other. The security now has instant-breakthrough drywall to allow better rotation in the sub.

ORCA2: The command room ladder is extended to the armor room to allow much better rotation on the front side of the submarine; ballast level lights actually work; the wall between engineering and the bottom airlock is replaced with drywall in case of bad flooding (the engineering room is famous for being flooded 24/7).

OUTDRA: Outpost, Outpost2, and Outpost3 glued together, decent speed (but on the slow side for scouts), decent weaponry, and a flood removal system that requires few power but is very slow.

R29: With a vending machine in the crew quarter and a legacy medical fabrication facility in engineering, the flak cannon became a double flak cannon to give it a chance to fight back.

REMORA: new coat of paint, expanded crew quarter for better sheligents, back double coilgun becoming a double double coilgun, and a new pulse laser. The reactor room is isolated to allow the fire alarm to work properly.

TYPHON: Got a few extra-deep charge loaders dry-walled between the armory, gunnery, and crew quarters rooms for better rotation. Came with a vending machine on the bottom. Btw, the uberpendragon Typhon originally had a broken O2 generator that only generated 400 o2 and would suffice with as few as 2 people in the same room.

Typhon 2: The Command Room ladder extended to the armory, came with a flak cannon (with a very limited angle, so its usefulness is questionable), and the bottom airlock can be opened without a shuttle docked.

Vellamos, the abyss killer, came with three double-large turrets and good speed. Double-Platted.

Winterhalter: The two large turrets on the front become double-large turrets. Double-Platted, an extra engine on the bottom research vessel (someone forget to remove that engine when welding the shuttle into the winterhalter).

WRECKTAKER: A restored wreck A special delivery submarine designed to take furniture and tow damaged submarines out of the depths of Europa The forward compartment has an open moonpool airlock to facilitate disposing junk into the abyss. How ironic that the towtruck of the Europa was also the very first submarine to end up being a wreck. Good cargo capacity, an okay weaponry array, every weapon the game offers, a docking hook that can automatically dock submarines, and a moon-pool airlock on the right cardidges to allow ease of trash disposal (and a HMG firing port).

Sub Naming:
-E = Enhanced submarines
-T = Transport upgraded
-SHUTTLE = Shuttles

Original Creator(s):
WreckTaker & Outdra: y3eTDəᴉuouλcoɹʌnƨ, based on Wreck1, Outpost+Outpost2+Outpost3(The Barotramua team)
R-29: Rav2n
Typhon: uberpendragon
The legacy design of Vellamo / Nehalennia / Aegir MK3 & The Nibbler / Aegir MKgenesis / The Blind Carp: Regails (The Nibbler uses Waffies's reupload)
The Blind Carp is modified from The Nibbler with the extremely scarce amount of information.
Aegir MKgenesis is modified from Aegir MK3 in this video: (Before the game was even called Barotramua)
Every other subs: The Barotramua team

A special add-on for Meaningful Upgrade Fork:
Last edited by Deinonycorvus; 30 May @ 10:51pm