Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2 Chaos Mod
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
ChimiChamo  [developer] 8 Aug, 2023 @ 5:48am
All effects and what they do
Here's the updated list of every effect

"How Staggering..." - Staggers the survivors forward
"Say goodbye to a quarter your hp!" - Takes away a quarter of survivor hp
"Here they come!" - Forces a panic event
"Butterfingers!" - Survivors drop their active weapon
"Fire's comin'!" - Molotov fire spawns at the survivor feet
"Hope you didn't have any upgrades!" - Removes all survivor's weapon upgrades
Effect 7 - 50% to be "Monochromia (and imminent death)." which puts the survivors into black and white or fires "Free Space"
"Oh ♥♥♥♥! TANK!" - Spawns a tank
"Headshots only!" - Commons only die from head damage
"SPIT COMIN'!" - Spawns spitter goo at the survivor's feet
"Ammo piles begone!" - Removes ammo piles
"Ew, What am I covered in?" - Covers survivors in boomer bile
"February 1692" - Spawns witches
"Who doesn't love jockeys?" - Increases the jockey limit and spawns jockeys
"Silent Hill 4 Dead" - Creates a very dense and close white fog
"Oops! All ledges!" - Any drop regardless of height will cause a ledge hang
Effect 17 - Will turn every survivor into one random survivor (so all Coach for example). Has different names depending on the survivor chosen
"The Sacrifice" - Has a 33% to kill Bill. If only L4D2 survivors exist, fires "Ew, What am I covered in?"
"Flashbang out!" - Fades the screen from white
"Low Gravity." - Turns survivor gravity to 0.2
"Friction can be ignored." - Disables friction
"Turn around man!" - Turns survivors by 180 degrees
"Shoving is tiring..." - Shove cooldown happens instantly
"Be careful with friendly fire..." - Friendly fire instantly kills
"Weeb" - Gives survivors a katana
"Realism rules." - Enables realism rules
"Restart the map why don't you?" - Has a 25% chance to restart the level, otherwise does nothing
"20 less max hp, because why not?" - Decreases survivor max hp by 20
"Physics props begone!" - Removes most physics props
"Commons have been practising their 100m sprint." - Commons run far quicker
"EARTHQUAKE!" - Shakes the survivors screens
"awp long rush b mid cyka blyat (i dont play csgo)" - Gives survivors all awps
"Free laser sights!" - Gives survivors laser sights
"Louis has come to help!" - Spawns Louis if L4D2 survivors are playing, otherwise fires "Ew, What am I covered in?"
"No more defibs or rescue closets!" - Disables rescues and removes all defibs
"Invisible survivors and specials!" - Turns all survivors and specials invisible
"Grab The Cola!" - Spawns cola bottles in the survivors hands
"guhnomes" - Spawns gnomes above the survivors
"Ellis has something to say." - Makes Ellis speak one of his stories
"Bots are trigger happy now(+ they can friendly fire)" - Bots constantly fire and can hurt teammates
"Where'd the props go?" - Makes props invisible
"Pills here!" - Gives all survivors pills
"Quick burst of adrenaline!" - Adrenaline effect is applied to all survivors
"Where'd the world go?" - Makes brushes and displacements invisible
"heh" - Destroys a streamer's career
"Watch out!" - Spawns cars above the survivors
"You incap? You die." - Getting incapped kills you instantly, regardless of if your black and white
"You get really bad at applying first aid." - First aid kits only heal 10% of your health
"BEEG charger" - Spawns a large charger model in the 3D skybox
"Infinite ammo." - Gives survivors infinite ammo
"Top left" - Squishes the screen into the top left
"Speedrun means everything's really fast right?" - Triples the game speed
"Special assault." - Special limits are increased, and they spawn instantly
"Commons are JACKED." - Common infected one-shot
"Everybody take it slow now..." - Halves game speed
"Who needs first aid kits anyway?" - Removed first-aid kits
"Your health is temporary now!" - Turns all survivor health into temporary health
"Quiet time?" - Prevents survivors from speaking most voice lines
"Free Space" - Does nothing
"Oh man! This is just like Counter Strike!" - Increases recoil on some weapons
"Who needs a flashlight anyway?" - Flashlight doesn't render
"Inverse Controls" - Inverts movement controls
"No fall damage" - Disables fall damage
"Rescue's Here!" - If all survivors are in the finale, the rescue automatically happens, otherwise fires "Oh ♥♥♥♥! TANK!". Doesn't exist in survival mode
"Take a gentle stroll." - Slows survivor movement by 70%
"It's the 4th of July!" - Spawns fireworks at the survivor's feet
"I forgot to download Counter Strike: Source!" - Turns common infected into error models
"Gotta reload!" - Removes all ammo from the active weapon's clip and forces it to reload
"Comedy" - The 69th effect, makes the survivor laugh
Last edited by ChimiChamo; 26 Aug, 2023 @ 5:31am