

EK Mods for 1.x.x.x
Commisar Jon Fuklaw  [developer] 28 Mar, 2023 @ 8:35pm
List of all Known Issues and their Status →→→ Bug Reports Go Here ←←←
Known issues - Current status:
  • EK Utility Armors - Fixed and rebalanced
  • EK Armory Armors - Fixed and rebalanced
  • EK Armory Weapons and Ammunition - Fixed and rebalanced.
  • EK Armory Dart Gun - Fixed and Rebalanced.
  • EK Armory Grenades - Thrown, 40mm, and shotgun variants all fixed.
  • EK Armory Flamethrower - Fixed.
  • EK Utility Grappling Hook - Entirely borked. High chance of never working again.
  • EK Armory Halfshells - Fixed
  • EK Armory Materials - Never reproduced; apparently "fixed" by removing extraneous tags.
  • EK Utility Crates - Workaround: Disabled GUI element for all crates. Iron, Steel, and Stabilozine are scuffed for a variety of reasons.
  • EK Utility Artifact Crate: Confirmed issue with Nasonov and Faraday artifacts causing sprite to pulse. May be related to ancient artifact overrides. Unknown.
  • EK Dockyard Assemblies (ramming prow, fixed thrusters, etc) - A BT patch is required to fix. Marked as hazardous via localization files - English only.
  • EK Dockyard Structures and Walls: Fixed.
  • Various Sprite Lighting Issues - Fixed.
  • SSL Ammunition tag issues: Fixed.
Last edited by Commisar Jon Fuklaw; 2 Apr, 2023 @ 2:44am
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Showing 1-15 of 308 comments
TheSimpleDude42 29 Mar, 2023 @ 9:55am 
When buying items from the mod(ex autocannon ammo) laser diodes will be spawned along with the requested items.
Mod tested with various other mod initially such dynamic europa, Barotrauma die hard, Barotrauma but after removing everything leaving only Lua,Performance fix and Cs for Barotrauma the diode spawning still happens so is not a incompatibility.

Also some autocannon ammo is delivered empty for some reason.
Commisar Jon Fuklaw  [developer] 29 Mar, 2023 @ 11:14am 
Could not replicate issues.
Provide exact repro steps.
Last edited by Commisar Jon Fuklaw; 29 Mar, 2023 @ 11:14am
obsidianz 29 Mar, 2023 @ 11:58am 
Hello, there was such a problem, when trying to check the performance of some modules, it turned out:
That gun chargers do not accept any ammunition.
And part of the ammunition such as autocannon shells is not on the list at all. (As it turned out, they are present in both tabs, but you can load the autocannon only from the weapon tab personal small arms)
The coil gun could not be loaded from any angle.
Projectiles for the mining laser were also not found.

Some kind of problem with the fact that ammunition is present in two tabs at once.

I tried to remove all mods altogether and run only EC, and with a full list of other mods.
The error does not go away, the ammunition refuses to be loaded into the loadder.
Commisar Jon Fuklaw  [developer] 29 Mar, 2023 @ 12:24pm 
Could not reproduce loading issue with any coilgun or autocannon loader.
Provide exact repro steps.
obsidianz 29 Mar, 2023 @ 12:35pm 
I have LUA Barotrauma activated.
I go to the submarine editor.
I choose a project.
I put on a coilgun.
Coilgun Loader
I point out the connection between them.
I open the bootloader menu and try to place the necessary ammunition into it with my hands.
a characteristic sound sounds, nothing happens, the ammunition does not fit into the loader slot.
And for some reason, there are no such problems with an autocannon and a light machine gun.

maybe try uninstalling the game and try a clean install?

moreover, the two of us already received a similar error on different computers.
Last edited by obsidianz; 29 Mar, 2023 @ 12:51pm
Commisar Jon Fuklaw  [developer] 29 Mar, 2023 @ 12:44pm 
Following the repro steps (minus bootloader, since there is none without that mod) yields a functional coilgun loader.

Given that the previous report that couldn't be repro'd also involved LUA for Barotrauma, I suspect that to be the cause of the issues reported. I will update the compatibility section until the issue is proven to be from another source.
laser diodes keep spawning random in the sub, i am losing my mind
Commisar Jon Fuklaw  [developer] 29 Mar, 2023 @ 1:04pm 
Can not replicate issue.
Provide exact repro steps.
Until successful repro for the "laser diode issue" is provided, it will now be chalked up as a compatibility issue with LUA for Barotrauma and similar mods.
Segfault0x40; 29 Mar, 2023 @ 1:22pm 
Greetings Mr Commisar, I am grateful that you are taking care of these mods for the new version, and I am very interested in using it. However; since the mods have been merged, all the content is naturally included.

I am a big fan of certain things in EK Utility such as the arc welder and drill, and a few misc tweaks, but a lot of the other features and most of the other packs are (for my playstyle) somewhat cancer and overpowered. I agree with your decision to bundle them into one (as a developer I find it insane that these related mods are in different packs originally, the nightmares to bundle and make a release for each etc...).

I would not call this a bug per se, but a suggestion which would massively decrease bloat and complaints, and enable more fine tuned bug reproduction overall.

My suggestion is to add a lua config menu in the same style as Performance Fix and Lua Audio Overhaul which allows the user to select which content packs are loaded, or if they are dependencies, whether the loaded content is actually added into the game.

I have heard this is definitely possible, and if you would like, I would be happy to generate scripts based on the file tree concerning which menu items include which trees to be loaded - I am experienced with Perl but not Barotrauma in specific, so as long as I have the strings of a template needed to specify what files are to be loaded, I would gladly write an extensible script that can be used in the future as well, including config files and arguments and the like so in the future changes shouldn't be needed.

If it is of interest I also have some experience with Lua although as mentioned not specifically Barotrauma, so if there are any things you would like processed/analysed/generated I would be happy to oblige - I see this as the spiritual successor to EK considering the original was (IMO) very innovative in some ways, but broke the balance and was a little inconsistent.

TL;DR I suggest a menu to select which resources are available in game, and am happy to contribute code if you would like. I am also more than happy to playtest and provide feedback regarding consist functionality and other things in general.

Best of vibes to you for adopting this project, I think it has amazing potential

HMU if you're interested, let's get coding ;)
Commisar Jon Fuklaw  [developer] 29 Mar, 2023 @ 1:45pm 
Response sent.
Welcome aboard.
Rafflesia 29 Mar, 2023 @ 9:19pm 
Fabricator from EK (example, fabricator adaptive) gets deleted from subs if you are using this version instead of the legacy version, the wire from the junction box still shows that the wire is connected with something but it's just blank, also unable to link fabricator with any storage locker/cabinet.
Commisar Jon Fuklaw  [developer] 29 Mar, 2023 @ 9:49pm 
It's mentioned in the compatibility section. I'll expand it, since it seems to affect more than sprinklers. May be all of the placeable objects.
Unfortunately, I think it's the result of updating the file references as some of the sprites changed when switching over to the new reference system. There's nothing to do about it but place the objects back into the sub editor.
TungstenLION 30 Mar, 2023 @ 3:44am 
bots won't use arc welder and will throw batteries out of it, but will use metallic foam sprayer just fine.
How to recreate:
1) give bot only arc welder
2) damage hull
bot will drop arc welder/its battery and refuse to elaborate

3) give bot metallic foam sprayer
4) damage hull
5) bot repairs it

seems like when bot tries to use arc welder he drops it or its items.

another thing i discovered, that when you add tag weldingfuel to a battery in sub editor arc welder works just fine.

maybe add something like high voltage battery for arc welders, that can be recharged where other batteries can be recharged. or reinforced battery with titanium/titanium alloy.
Shepard 30 Mar, 2023 @ 6:00am 
Error in the fabrication for "Diesel Biofuel". Could not find ingredient "barotrauma.FabricationRecipe+RequiredItemByIdentifier (aluminum)"
Shepard 30 Mar, 2023 @ 6:01am 
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